NCI - National Citizens Inquiry
ALL 325 Testimonies

"You may choose to look the other way
but you can never say again
that you did not know."
~ William Wilberforce

Hearing 1 - Truro, Nova Scotia
March 16 to 18, 2023

Truro Day 1 - March 16

Click here to watch the RECAP of Days 1, 2 & 3 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 1
Ches Crosbie 0:42:33 - 0:52:10
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Commission Administrator (lawyer)
Opening remarks and introduction to Commissioners
Dr. Chris Milburn 0:52:30 - 1:35:59
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Emergency Room Physician
Exhibit: TR-20a -Milburn-CTV News Article-2021-06-16
Exhibit: TR-20b -Milburn-Saltwire Article-2021-06-29
Exhibit: TR-20c -Milburn-InfoAM Issue Panel 06-10-21
Ramifications of Covid versus Covid policies. Dr. Chris Milburn is the former Chief of Surgery and oversaw 13 hospitals in Nova Scotia. Dr. Milburn describes what he saw during COVID-19. Public Health Policy was shocking, the justification was "because we decided".
Dr. Peter McCullough 1:36:55 - 2:02:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Renowned Cardiologist, Physician
mRNA vaccine safety concerns
Dr. Patrick Phillips 2:31:40 - 3:26:18
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Physician
Exhibit: TR-0001-Phillips-CV
Exhibit: TR-0001a-Phillips-AEFI Rpt
Exhibit: TR-0002-Braden-CV
Dr. Patrick Phillips has been disciplined many times by the CPSO (College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario) for providing medical exemptions or prescribing ivermectin to patients.
Cathy Careen 3:32:10 - 3:52:25
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Educator
Job loss even with medical exemption.
Shelly Hipson 4:42:47 - 5:37:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Documents obtained through Freedom of Information Act. Shelly Hipson did freelance data research of Nova Scotia covid policies and statistics.
Dr. Stephen Bate 5:39:02 - 6:01:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Retired Dentist
Statistical analysis of data and analysis of Pfizer and Canada covid policies.
Vonnie Allen 6:01:55 - 6:32:05
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Head of Maternity Nursing
Discrimination and job loss due to vaccine mandates.
Susan Leigh-Anne Coolen 6:56:17 - 7:11:05
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Vaccine injury - suffered a stroke from adverse effects after the covid vaccine.
Chet Chisholm 7:12:04 - 7:33:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Paramedic
Exhibit: TR-0004a-Chisholm-10 yr Cert
Job loss and Vaccine Injury. He describes what it was like doing his job during covid and the adverse effects he witnessed. His PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) worsened, but with counseling, Chet is slowly recovering.
Artur Anselm 7:33:56 - 7:46:35
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - CN Rail employee
Exhibit: TR-23 -Anselm-Cardiologist Ltr-2022-02-11
Exhibit: TR-23a -Anselm-CN Rail Vaccine Mandate Deadline-2021-09-08
Exhibit: TR-23b -Anselm-CN Rail Vaccine Mandate Ext-2021-10-14
Vaccine Injury. Artur Anselm is a 26-year-old new father and CN Rail worker. He was diagnosed with pericarditis and myocarditis after his first covid vaccination.
Kassandra Murray 7:48:07 - 8:22:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Teacher
Quit job due to discrimination on her mask exemption and effects on children.
Click here to watch Day 1.

Truro Day 2 - March 17

Click here to watch the RECAP of Days 1, 2 & 3 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 2
Ches Crosbie (sound starts at 19:00) 18:30 - 32:02
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Commission Administrator (lawyer)
Opening Remarks
Darrell Shelley 0:32:20 - 0:55:52
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Business owner and entrepreneur
Loss of business income due to lockdown mandates. Darrell was unable to see his mother before she passed away because of Newfoundland's restrictive covid policies.
Terry LaChappelle 0:57:06 - 1:17:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Military
Lost position in military due to vaccine mandates.
Peter Van Caulart 1:19:46 - 1:46:12
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Business Owner
Exhibit: TR-0009a-Caulart-Students in Water Lab
Exhibit: TR-0009b-Caulart-Adele Van Caulart
Exhibit: TR-0009-Caulart- Image with Students
Exhibit: TR-0009c-Caulart-Last time Adele seen Alive by Peter
Exhibit: TR-0009d-Caulart-Mask Labeling
Exhibit: TR-0009e-Caulart-C-19 Record
Exhibit: TR-0009f-Caulart-Gavin_s C-19 Record
Emotional testimony of a son separated from elderly mother. Loss of income due to lockdown mandates. Peter Van Caulart is an ex-pilot and business owner who trained in Water Treatment and Wastewater Treatment and Management. The training included physical, chemical, and biological sciences before the exam for licensing. He describes his ordeal with the lockdowns and his mother's sudden passing.
Amie Johnson 1:47:05 - 2:10:31
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Dental Hygienist
Amie Johnson was fired after 22 years at the same job. She describes the harassment, humiliation, discrimination, and segregation her family went through in her small town of Chester, Nova Scotia.
Kathy Howland 2:10:59 - 2:29:26
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Education Assistant
Vaccine Injury. Less than 24 hours after receiving her 2nd dose of the Pfizer covid vaccine, she experienced severe ringing in her ears. She was diagnosed with tinnitus and hearing loss. No vaccine adverse effects report was filed by any doctor.
Alison Petten 2:57:14 - 3:23:02
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Nurse Educator
Exhibit: TR-24 -Petten-Code of Ethics
Exhibit: TR-24a -Petten-Nursing College Communication
Alison Petten is a nursing instructor with over 40 years of experience. She discusses the subjects of informed consent, data collection, and intramuscular vaccine injection, along with nursing standards and codes of ethics in Nova Scotia.
Elizabeth Cummings 3:23:45 - 3:40:50
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - electrician
Exhibit: TR-25 -Cummings-Appt Confirmation_ COVID-19 Vac-Pfizer
Vaccine Injury. Elizabeth Cummings developed nerve damage on the left side of her body less than 24 hours after receiving her 2nd dose of the Pfizer vaccine. Within days, she suffered her first case of shingles. Elizabeth talks about the correspondence with the Health Canada Agency in her search for answers.
Dr. Joseph Fraiman 4:36:55 (sound starts at 4:38:19) - 5:47:25
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness- Emergency Room Physician
Exhibit: TR-0011-Fraiman-PPTCovid19HarmBenefitAnalysis
Adverse events analysis. Dr. Fraiman is head of an emergency department in the state of Louisiana. His vast experience in the healthcare field includes emergency preparedness, vaccine adverse effects, data collection, and scientific medical research.
Paula Doiron 5:47:50 - 6:18:02
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Custodian at a retirement residence
Exhibit: TR-0006-Doiron-Flu Shot
Exhibit: TR-0006a-Doiron-Gene Analysis
Exhibit: TR-0006b-Doiron-MRI
Vaccine Injury. Paula Doiron describes the effects of the lockdowns, the segregation of residents and the suffering from her vaccine injuries.
Chief John Gregory Burke 6:18:32 - 6:56:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Financial practice
Exhibit: TR-0010a-Burke-InstructPatients_EMD
Exhibit: TR-0010b-Burke-Ltr Sgt Sanford
Exhibit: TR-0010-Burke-EMD Instructions
Exhibit: TR-0010d-Burke-911CallCdnTire(2)
Exhibit: TR-0010e-Burke-video
Discrimination and police arrest over masking. Chief John Burke is a cancer survivor from Nova Scotia. He shows video footage of being assaulted by a Canadian Tire store owner for not wearing a mask. The RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) also used excessive force when attempting to arrest him at an A&W restaurant for the same thing. Chief Burke was then given a $2,400 ticket.
Sabrina McGrath 7:14:55 - 7:28:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Former Employee of NSLC (Nova Scotia Liquor Corporation)
Exhibit: TR-22 -McGrath-Ltr to Tim Houston
Exhibit: TR-22a -McGrath-NSLC Performance Appraisal-2021-06-30
Exhibit: TR-22b -McGrath-NSGEU Ltr re Vac Policy-2021-10-28
Exhibit: TR-22c -McGrath-NSLC HRLtr-MandatoryVac-2022-01-13
Exhibit: TR-22d -McGrath- NSLC JointOccupHealth_SafetyCommMtg-2021-05-26
Exhibit: TR-22e -McGrath-NSLC ROE
Exhibit: TR-22f -McGrath-NSLC TerminationLtr-2022-06-13
Exhibit: TR-22g -McGrath-NSLC Vaccination Mandate Directive
Exhibit: TR-22h -McGrath-Service Canada Denial of EI Letter-2022-02-08
Exhibit: TR-22i -McGrath-NSGEU Ltr Not Proceeding with Grievance
Loss of job. Sabrina McGrath has made numerous attempts at correspondence with her union, the Nova Scotia Liquor Board, Employment Canada, and members of Parliament. She is still waiting for answers.
Pastor Jason MacVicar 7:29:55 - 8:03:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Pastor
Loss of ministry. He tells of his struggles to maintain his congregation in a lower-income section of New Brunswick. His reputation was tarnished, and his position was eventually terminated for his stance on the covid vaccine.
Bliss Behare 8:04:28 - 8:16:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Kitchen worker and musician
Social and mental impacts due to mandates. Bliss Behare, an 18-year-old student and musician living in New Brunswick. Bliss was treated like an outcast and suffered online harassment from other students who had contempt for the unvaccinated. He lost friends and his ability to attend art and music groups, which he loved so much. He was losing hope until the Freedom Convoy and the National Citizens Inquiry came to exist.
Joe Behare 8:16:25 - 8:32:49
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Federal employee
Loss of job. Joe Behare was a civil servant for 20 years with the government of New Brunswick. He had a firm understanding of the Canadian constitution and never thought mandates would happen. So when Joe lost his job, he was in disbelief. The government offered him no accommodations, and he was immediately locked out of his work computer. Joe resorted to using his life savings to support his family.
Click here to watch Day 2.

Truro Day 3 - March 18

Click here to watch the RECAP of Days 1, 2 & 3 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 3
Dr. Laura Braden 0:7:20 - 2:17:03
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Immunologist (PhD)
Exhibit: TR-0002-Baden-CV
Analysis of virus origin, masking, PCR, mRNA vaccine. Dr. Laura Braden is a scientist with a doctorate in biology. She also has degrees in neuroscience and cellular and molecular biology. Regardless of censorship and cancel culture, Dr. Braden felt morally and professionally obligated to ask questions. Soon after attending a rally for children, she was reported and fired from her position.
Dr. Matthew Tucker 2:17:53 - 2:49:13
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Physician
Effects on mental health in military from mandates. Dr. Matthew Tucker is a family and emergency physician with 21 years of service in the military. He speaks about the increase in mental health issues among the Canadian soldiers. During covid, spouses and children were not allowed to visit. This made the isolation and depression worse. Dr. Tucker is dedicated to helping these soldiers and telling their stories.
Dr. Aris Lavranos 2:51:40 - 3:41:03
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Emergency Room Physician
Exhibit: TR-16a-Lavranos-LtrToPremierHouston-2021-09-07
Exhibit: TR-16b-Lavranos-LtrToDrNicoleBoutilier-2021-10-29
Exhibit: TR-16c -Lavranos-RespnseFromDrNicoleBoutilier-2021-11-10.docx
Mental and physical health effects from mandates. Dr. Aris Lavranos a family and emergency physician with a small clinic in Nova Scotia. He describes his personal experience in the emergency room and talks about hospital policies. Dr. Lavranos believes health discrimination has existed throughout history and recurred during covid. He is currently attending his last year of law school.
Dr. Dion Davidson 3:53:40 - 4:45:57
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Vascular Surgeon, Physician
Exhibit: TR-15 -Davidson-LtrToJohnLohr-2022-12-31.docx
Questioning the lockdown and vaccine mandates. Dr. Dion Davidson is a neurovascular surgeon since 2005. He reflects on his early education teachings of evidence-based medicine, access to medical literature, basic ethics, and informed consent. He has also witnessed adverse effects of the vaccine in some of his patients. Since then, Dr. Davidson has resigned from his position and is moving out of Nova Scotia with his family.
Ellen Smith 5:10:20 (sound starts at 5:11:00) - 5:28:09
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Homemaker
Vaccine side effects and impact on lockdown on disabled daughter. Ellen Smith describes the effects of the lockdowns on her family, especially on her daughter with Down syndrome. Ellen's husband was denied an exemption for allergies even though he had one for many years. She is also suffering from the adverse effects of the vaccine.
Scott Spidle 5:28:33 - 5:48:42
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Exhibit: TR-14 -Spidle-Media C McKenna
Exhibit: TR-14a - Spidle - Dr Strang On Hydroxychloroquine 2020-04-19
Exhibit: TR-14c -Spidle - Video Screenshot - Masked Man
Exhibit: TR-14d - Spidle - Police Negotiate Watch Duty With Veterans 2022-02-12
Covid hospitalization treatment and Convoy experience. Scott Spidle talks about his treatment at the hospital, his early covid misdiagnosis, and his lung collapse. Mr. Spidle attended the Freedom Convoy in Ottawa and was honoured when asked to help with the night watch at the war memorial. He said he felt hope for Canada again and believes the media was dishonest about what happened there.
Janessa Blauvelt 5:49:58 - 6:24:07
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse)
Loss of job due to mandates. Miss Blauvelt describes being bullied and threatened by fellow workers during covid. Soon after this ordeal, she was diagnosed with severe depression. She is now thinking of moving from Nova Scotia.
Jordan Peterson 6:24:33 - 6:32:05
Click here to watch THIS testimony (in English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (traduit en français).
Psychologist and author
Speaks virtually with message for commissioners
Josephine Fillier 6:48:18 - 7:07:44
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Homemaker
Vaccine Injury. Josephine Fillier is a young single mother from Newfoundland. She didn't want to take the covid mRNA vaccine but needed to travel out of the province and ultimately received the injection to avoid any problems coming back home. After the first dose, she developed numbness in her leg and was referred to a neurologist by her family physician. She was told there was something wrong with her autoimmune response.
Linda Adshade 7:08:17 - 7:28:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Nova Scotia Health Authority employee
Exhibit: TR-17 -Adshade-ViralVectorOfVac-2021-11-30
Discrepancies between actual data and media narrative, loss of job due to vaccine mandate. She was the supervisor in charge of all incoming PCR test results throughout the province. She kept accurate counts and saw huge discrepancies in the numbers reported by the media. They inflated the actual numbers, and she wants to know why.
Katrina Burns 7:28:33 - 7:54:14
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Teacher
Effects of mandates on children, loss of job due to vaccine mandate, experiences at hospital. Katrina Burns is an early education school teacher from Nova Scotia. The school board denied the religious exemption and offered her no accommodations. The parents wrote letters to the board describing Ms. Burns' exemplary teaching skills and asked to reinstate her. But no one cared. She was eventually put on unpaid administrative leave.
Kirk Desrosiers 7:54:56 - 8:20:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Facility Specialist. Volunteer Firefighter.
Vaccine Injury. Kirk Desrosiers, a business owner and volunteer firefighter. After his 2nd dose of the covid vaccine, he experienced severe pressure on his chest. He was always out of breath but had no cough. When he did go to the emergency, the doctors discovered several blood clots in his lungs. A vaccine adverse effects report was filed with this case.
Tami Clark 8:21:26 - 8:36:08
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Public Works coordinator
Tami Clark is the partner of Kirk Desrosiers who has a vaccine injury. She was traumatized by what happened to her partner. Tami needed to keep her job during Kirk's illness and felt pressured to get the vaccine. The traumatic impact on her emotional and physical well-being is evident during the testimony.
Ches Crosbie 8:36:23 - 8:47:01
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Commission Administrator (lawyer)
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 3.
"You can fool all the people some of the time,
and some of the people all the time,
but you cannot fool all the people all the time."
~ Abraham Lincoln

Hearing 2 - Toronto, Ontario
March 30 to April 1, 2023

Toronto Day 1 - March 30

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 1 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 1
Shawn Buckley 0:39:55 - 0:52:30
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Commission Administrator/Lawyer
Opening Remarks
Rodney Palmer 56:19 - 1:50:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony in its entirety.
Expert Witness - Retired CBC Journalist
The CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) - news or propaganda? Their role in the pandemic narrative. Rodney Palmer is an award-winning journalist who has worked for 20 years as a foreign correspondent for CTV news and investigative reporter for CBC Radio & Television in Canada and abroad. He was the CTV News Foreign Correspondent and Bureau Chief in India, China, and the Middle East. Rodney's explosive testimony during the NCI Toronto hearing on Day 1 provided evidence as to how CBC in particular is not conducting newsgathering, they are focusing on propaganda.
NOTE: Mr. Palmer's testimony was cut short due to time constraints. The conclusion of this testimony can be found at time stamp 8:37:12
Dr. Robert Malone 1:56:30 - 3:09:03
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Inventor of mRNA technology, Medical Researcher
Exhibit: TO-23-Malone-CV-Oct-2022
Dr. Robert Malone helped pioneer the mRNA technology. He provides an understanding of the Fifth Generational Warfare and Sovereignty program. During covid, its use was more apparent than ever. The government propaganda was persistent, and this type of manipulation needs to stop.
Bruce Pardy 3:09:20 - 4:13:25
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Professor of Law, Queen's University
Exhibit: TO-6-Pardy-CV for NCI March-2023
Exhibit: TO-6a-Pardy-Free North Declaration
Exhibit: TO-6b-Pardy - The Charter Won’t Protect Us From The Pandemic Managerial State C2C Journal-1
The role the legal /court system had when mandates were challenged. Bruce Pardy is a professor of law at Queen's University (Kingston). He gives an excellent presentation on what happened to Canadians' rights during covid. He describes the roles of the three main departments in the Canadian justice system: the administrative; the legislative; and the courts. He also describes how the bureaucrats are now making decisions for society, not our elected representatives.
Marc Auger 4:54:06 - 5:09:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Firefighter
Vaccine taken under duress in order to care for father in long-term care facility.
Catherine Swift 5:09:17 - 5:38:12
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - President of The Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Business of Canada
The effects of mandates on businesses, their employees, business incomes. Catherine Swift is the president of the Coalition of Concerned Manufacturers and Businesses of Canada. She surveyed 23 businesses during covid and the problems they had with the extra cost for supplies and the long duration of government handout CERB. It discouraged people from seeking employment, and the vaccine mandates meant a guaranteed safe work environment.
Elizabeth Galvin 5:38:24 - 6:03:08
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Lockdowns/vaccine mandates by Province/University resulted in daughter committing suicide. Elizabeth Galvin's 20 year old daughter committed suicide during covid, and within weeks, two other young women took their own lives. She describes her family's ordeal during Premier Doug Fords second covid lockdown. Elizabeth knows first hand the effects on mental health of students and is working to change laws to protect them.
Oliver Kennedy 6:03:21 - 6:15:59
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Health Care Worker
Loss of job due to vaccine mandate and mental stress due to societal discrimination. Oliver Kennedy was a recreational occupational therapist who was fired for his vaccine stance. For over 20 years, he paid into his unemployment benefits but was denied several times by Employment Canada. Mr. Kennedy continues with his appeals.
Richard Lizotte 6:32:15 - 6:55:53
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Retired paramedic
Unable to be with dying brother in hospital due to vaccine status. Richard Lizotte talks about his brother Jerry, whose health deteriorated after his 2nd dose of the Pfizer vaccine. It began with loss of smell and taste, then memory loss. Richard recounts the heartbreaking story until his brother passes away.
Victoria McGuire 6:56:06 - 7:17:42
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Nurse (retired)
Loss of job, irregularities with what the media was reporting and what she was seeing. In early covid, her family erected a tent on the porch. She would disrobe from hospital garments before entering the house to protect her family. The media induced fear, but her hospital remained mostly empty. Then came the vaccine mandates, and she refused. Regardless of the penalties incurred on her pension, Elizabeth decided to retire early.
Deanna McLeod 7:18:25 - 8:21:11
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Medical Researcher, Founder of Kaleidoscope Strategic Inc., Founder of Covid Sense
Exhibit: TO-5 -McLeod-CV
Deanna McLeod: "Do children need the vaccine? No. Do the vaccines work? No. Have the vaccines been proven to be safe? No." She gave an excellent presentation regarding the use of the Covid-19 vaccine in children. Deanna is concerned for the future of our children and is committed to helping change things. Deanna McLeod is the principal and founder of Kaleidoscope Strategic - an Oncology publications firm dedicated to the advancement of patient care. She attended McMaster University (in Hamilton), and her field of study includes immunology, psychology, and biology/biological sciences.
Remus Nasui 8:22:06 - 8:37:03
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Paramedic since 2002
Discrimination over vaccine status, change in types of call-outs after vaccine rollout. Remus Nasui got covid and has natural immunity, but he was still treated like an outcast for refusing the vaccine. He states that during the last year, emergency calls were higher than normal, and patients showed similar symptoms. Mr. Nasui feels strongly that no one should be discriminated against, especially for their vaccine status, and that natural immunity should be acceptable.
Rodney Palmer (recalled) 8:37:12 - 8:54:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony in its entirety.
Expert Witness - Retired CBC Journalist
Conclusion of testimony from earlier in the day (56:19 - 1:50:55). The CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) - news or propaganda? Their role in the pandemic narrative. Rodney Palmer is an award-winning journalist who has worked for 20 years as a foreign correspondent for CTV news and investigative reporter for CBC Radio & Television in Canada and abroad. He was the CTV News Foreign Correspondent and Bureau Chief in India, China, and the Middle East. Rodney's explosive testimony during the NCI Toronto hearing on Day 1 provided evidence as to how CBC in particular is not conducting newsgathering, they are focusing on propaganda.
Leanne Duke 8:55:10 - 9:21:04
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Office manager, financial reporting, payroll, HR, Health and Safety
Exhibit: TO-8-Duke-MinistryOfLongTermCare
Leanne Duke describes the touching story of her father Wayne. When he was in long-term care she waited months to have any physical contact with him. She tells of the isolation her father experienced and his health deterioration. Leanne believes caregivers should never be barred from seeing or caring for loved ones.
James Paquin 9:21:17 - 9:30:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Business Owner (wine)
James Paquin, a Canadian wine business owner situated in Japan. He describes the problems caused by the disruption in the supply chain, his restrictions to travel freely to Canada, and the different covid policies in Japan. He states that in 2020, during the beginning of covid, Japan had the lowest recorded death rate in 11 years.
Click here to watch Day 1.

Toronto Day 2 - March 31

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 2 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 2
Shawn Buckley 0:33:43 - 0:54:22
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Commission Administrator/Lawyer
Opening Remarks
Rick Nicholls 55:12 - 1:24:35
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Independent Politician
Political pressure to get vaccinated resulted in his loss of seat within the Conservative Party of Canada. Rick Nicholls was a member of the PC party in the Ontario Legislative Assembly since 2011. Mr. Nicholls refused the vaccine and maintained his integrity throughout this ordeal. He questioned the Ontario Minister of Health on the safety and effectiveness of the mRNA vaccine. He argued that the pharmaceutical companies should not have exemption from liability, but it fell on deaf ears. He has become an independent politician since leaving the Ontario Legislative Assembly.
Lynn Kofler 1:24:37 - 1:43:27
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay witness - Registered Nurse
Lost job due to vaccine mandate, care and treatment of seniors in LTC (Long Term Care) facility.
Tom Marazzo 1:43:50 - 2:28:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - former teacher at Georgian College (Barrie)
Exhibit: TO-17-Marazzo-Email-2021-09-06
Exhibit: TO-17a-Marazzo-TerminationLtr-2021-09-13
Exhibit: TO-17b-Marazzo-Video.exe
Tom Marazzo was a Combat Engineer for the Canadian Military. While teaching at Georgian College, he was fired after he sent an email to the faculty members regarding the vaccine mandates. He also attended the Freedom Convoy and was asked on a few occasions to be a spokesperson. Attempts were made to speak to government officials, but no one responded. The government did, however, freeze his bank accounts and credit cards.
Laura Jeffrey 2:29:22 - 3:12:48
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Mortician for over 20 years
Exhibit: TO-27-Jeffrey-Clot Photo A
Exhibit: TO-27a-Jeffrey-Clot Photo B
Exhibit: TO-27b-Jeffrey-Clot Photo C
Observations on deaths after vaccine rollout and unusual findings in bodies. Laura Jeffrey describes the changes and challenges at her job during covid. She talks about clotting, healthy people dying, and the excess suicide rate. Her testimony is both shocking and compelling. Laura has left the profession and has started reaching out to other morticians in Canada.
Sean Mitchell 3:29:25 - 4:27:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Paramedic
Exhibit: TO-1-Mitchell-(A)-Pg 25 from Comprehexive Mst Plan for Paramedic Svcs
Exhibit: TO-1a-Mitchell-(B)-2020-03-20-Email from Troy Cheseboro
Exhibit: TO-1b-Mitchell-(C)-2020-03-07-Email from Troy Cheseboro
Exhibit: TO-1c-Mitchell-(E)-Pg.18 from 2021 Durham Audited Financial Statements
Exhibit: TO-1d-Mitchell-Comprehensive Mstr Plan for Paramedic Svcs-2021-10-07
Exhibit: TO-1e-Mitchell-RDPS Covid-19 Update-2020-03-26
Exhibit: TO-1f-Mitchell-2021 Durham Audited-Financial-Statements-1
Lost job due to vaccine mandate, observations on pandemic from his experiences from the Durham region in Ontario. Emergency calls for Sean dropped by 66% during the pandemic (before vaccines were available). He describes his personal experience and the challenges he faced at work. He states that the types of emergency calls were different after the vaccine roll-out, many of the patients were middle-aged or younger with similar symptoms. He also presents documents that contradict what the media reported during covid.
Natasha Petite 5:21:15 - 5:37:04
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Corrections Officer
Even with a mask exemption, faced discrimination and eventual police altercation. Natasha Petite, for years had a valid exemption for not wearing a mask. During Christmas shopping at Walmart, the police were called. Natasha describes being thrown violently on the ground, sworn at, and roughed up by police. All for not wearing a mask. She was released within hours with no charges.
Tamara Ugolini 5:37:41 - 5:59:05
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Journalist
Business endeavour destroyed by lockdowns, financial stress and uncertain future. Tamara Ugolini, a journalist with Rebel News, describes her personal experience during lockdowns and the loss of her family business. She recounts the day of her arrest at the beach when she was with her children and the effects it had on them. Tamara wants answers to why so much government overreach and tyranny were allowed in Canada.
Michael Alexander 5:59:50 - 6:46:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Lawyer
Exhibit: TO-24-Alexander-Case J.N. v. C.G.-Court of Appeal for Ontario
Exhibit: TO-24a-Alexander-Reasons Motion Evidence-Phillips-21-023-Trozzi-22-006-Luchkiw-22-023-2023.03.23-Public
Exhibit: TO-24b-Alexander-Case Saumur v Quebec (City)
Exhibit: TO-24c-Alexander-Glasnost Code Press Conf
Exhibit: TO-24d-Alexander-Case R v Oakes
Exhibit: TO-24e-Alexander-Glasnost Report
Exhibit: TO-24f-Alexander-Case JN v CG Pazaratz
Exhibit: TO-24g-Alexander-Case Thirwell 2022onsc2654
Exhibit: TO-24h-Alexander-Case Canada (Minister of Citizenship and Immigration) v Vavilov
Michael Alexander is an Ontario lawyer with a career spanning over 40 years. He is presently representing doctors who were fined, suspended, or lost their medical license for spreading misinformation. He describes some of his cases and how they have progressed. He also discusses some of the reasons why Canadians are losing the battle in court.
Cindy Campbell 6:47:22 - 7:45:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Nursing academic with over 28 years of experience
How the pandemic and hospital policies affected nursing staff. Cindy Campbell has a BA and a masters degree in medical science. She describes her experience of being denied a religious exemption and the challenges she faced at work. She talks about the nursing shortage, hospital ward closures, overworked staff, and the health risks it poses on Canadian health care. She states that risk/benefit analysis was not done here in Canada, and this is vital to a healthy society.
Heather Church 7:46:23 - 8:05:11
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Health Scientist Professor, PhD
Under duress, took vaccine to keep job and is now vaccine injured. Heather Church is an author and Health Science Professor. After vaccination for covid, she developed neurological symptoms. Her world has changed drastically from the injuries, and finding help in Canada was difficult. She is in the process of filing a vaccine adverse effects report.
Dr. Wesley Mack 8:05:39 - 8:41:42
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Different facets of church organization
How mandates affected churches and congregations. Dr. Wesley Mack has a master degrees in education and administration and also an honorary doctorate. He describes his personal experience not choosing to vaccinate and how it disrupted his everyday life. He reflects on the church closures, his work environment, and his religious practices that were halted for 2 years during covid lockdowns. Dr. Mack believes churches should have stayed open just like big corporate stores with hundreds of shoppers. Even with strict measures in place, they were still not allowed to open.
Randy Banks 8:42:14 - 8:48:32
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Pastoral Care Minister
Unable to provide services to in-home, hospitalized or long term care patients. Randy Banks describes the difficulties administering to those in their last days and the indignity they faced. The media hyped fear and made people afraid, even at outdoor low capacity funerals. The restricted access to worship should never happen again.
Meredith Klitzke 8:49:40 - 9:02:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Business Owner
Exhibit: TO-19-Klitzke-VacInfo-2021-08-13-#107
Exhibit: TO-19a-Klitzke-AEFIAcceptance-2022-08-29-#107
Exhibit: TO-19b-Klitzke-VacInfo-2021-06-18-#107
Exhibit: TO-19c-Klitzke-CAERSinfo-#107
Out of concern for other health issues, took vaccine and is now vaccine injured. Meredith Klitzke was hesitant because of her MS (Multiple Sclerosis) diagnosis but got the covid vaccine anyway. She is dealing with life altering changes and painful symptoms. She has reported her injury.
Kimberly Snow 9:02:53 - 9:10:43
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Manager for retail outlet
Job loss due to vaccine mandate - only management affected, not retail/distribution staff. Kimberly Snow describes how she admired her company for adapting policies on diversity, inclusion, and equality. However, with covid restrictions and mandates, those feelings soon changed. Her religious exemption was denied. In this professional corporate environment, she suffered humiliation and degradation. She believes no one should have to explain something deeply personal as their religion.
Greg Hill 9:11:02 - 9:33:29
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Military Pilot, ex-Captain with Air Canada
Loss of job due to vaccine mandates, health and safety of flight crew. He started Free to Fly Canada with over 40,000 members and is active with other groups. The industry has used tele health for the pilots physical exams since the beginning of covid. Greg is very concerned now that it is extended until 2025. That means no "in person" physical health checks for Canadian pilots. He says the sector has changed considerably, and guidelines were stricter before covid.
Ksenia Usenko 9:34:02 - 9:50:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Nurse for over 15 years
Exhibit: TO-25-Usenk Hospital Training Slide 100% Protective
Loss of job due to vaccine mandate, observations on patients. During covid, her hospital sent emails and provided so-called educational videos to the unvaxxed staff. In her department, several things were happening to patients after the covid vaccine roll-out. The vaccinated patients had low platelet counts and blood clots. It was enough to change her mind about getting the vaccine. Ksenia comes from a communist country and is devastated at what is happening to Canada.
Click here to watch Day 2.

Toronto Day 3 - April 1

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 3 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 3
Shawn Buckley 1:11:20 - 1:35:05
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Commission Administrator/Lawyer
Opening Remarks
Jay McCurdy 1:35:48 - 2:40:43
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Teacher
Exhibit: TO-9-McCurdy-E3.i
Exhibit: TO-9a-McCurdy-E3.ii
Exhibit: TO-9b-McCurdy-E4.i
Loss of business income, effects of lockdowns on children's education, mental health. The lockdowns put enormous pressure on kids and families, especially with online learning. He presents news articles of statistics in other countries who didn't lockdown schools. He has a deep concern for the well-being of Canadian children and wants to ensure this never happens again.
Julie Pinder 2:41:06 - 3:03:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Business Owner
Exhibit: TO-18-Pinder-Pic#1Tongue-#128
Exhibit: TO-18a-Pinder-Pic#2Tongue-#128
Exhibit: TO-18b-Pinder-Pic#3Hand-#128
Exhibit: TO-18c-Pinder-Pic#4Hand-#128
Exhibit: TO-18d-Pinder-Pic#5Knee-#128
Exhibit: TO-18e-Pinder-Pic#6Arm-#128
Exhibit: TO-18f-Pinder-Pic#7Rash-#128
Exhibit: TO-18g-Pinder-Pic#8Rash-#128
Julie Pinder is suffering from a Vaccine Injury. She was reluctant at first, but peer pressure from family and work helped change her mind. After the first dose, she developed symptoms but didn't associate them with the vaccine and continued working at her job. With the second dose, she started losing her muscle mass rapidly and developed neurological disorders. She says it has been impossible to get compensation and that something needs to be done for the vax injured in Canada.
Catarina Burguete 3:17:42 - 3:34:58
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - retired healthcare provider, business owner
Effects of lockdowns and social isolation on her children. To help out during the pandemic, Catarina went back to work in Healthcare, and her husband manufactured sanitizer. She describes the effects on her family who were treated poorly because they were unvaxxed. She joined an underground network of like-minded people who gave her a sense of belonging, and some have even become her best friends.
Dr. Eric Payne 3:36:17 - 4:32:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Pediatric Physician (neurologist)
Exhibit: TO-22-Payne-FINAL EXHIBIT B December 12 (1)
Expert witness Dr. Eric Payne, a pediatric neurologist, delivers an excellent presentation detailing the actual statistics about COVID-19 and highlighting the dangers of the vaccine to children. He discusses his letters and discussions around the ineffectiveness of the vaccine, which resulted in the loss of his medical teaching privileges and contract. His testimony offers valuable insights into the ongoing debate surrounding COVID-19 and the injections. He is currently charged by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta for spreading misinformation regarding safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccines and masking.
Colleen Brandse 4:32:48 - 4:46:50
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Nurse of 28 years
Vaccine Injury to herself, husband and son. Colleen Brandse is a cancer survivor with a weaker immune system, but her oncologist told her to get the covid vaccine. Soon after her second dose, she suffered neurological symptoms. Her husband and son also got vaxxed and have experienced severe vaccine adverse effects. Her 23 year old son developed pericarditis, and her husband has stage 4 cancer. Colleen must wait 2 years for neurological tests.
Jason Kurz 5:38:98 - 5:59:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Work Control Team Leader at OPG (Ontario Power Generation).
Exhibit: TO-20-Kurz-TerminationLtr-2021-12-29
Lost job at OPG (Ontario Power Generation) due to vaccine mandates. Feels that his involvement in the freedom movement also played a role. Jason Kurz decision to remain unvaxxed cost him his job and is now working as an electrician. He describes being denied accommodations and being targeted because he was deeply against the vaccine mandates.
Scarlett Martyn 6:09:25 - 6:37:04
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Paramedic for over 24 years
Exhibit: TO-21 Martyn Citizens Group Notice On Covid Vaccine Safety & Informed Consent 3-2
Lost job due to vaccine mandates. Scarlett testified that the death of a patient who jumped from a building was listed as COVID death. She also testified that during the pandemic the call volume was so low that she watched movies at work. Scarlett discussed the change in attitude in the work place once vaccines were rolled out. She found out she had natural immunity through tests done by a research group but was still asked to get the vaccine. She describes her personal experience during lockdowns and the detrimental changes that are affecting the quality standards of Canadian Healthcare.
Dan Hartman 6:37:38 - 6:46:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Truck Driver
In order for his 17 year old son to continue to play hockey, he needed to be vaccinated. Sean Hartman died suddenly within a few days of his vaccination. Dan also tells about the tissue sample report being done by a world-renowned pathologist. He will never stop searching for answers to his son's sudden death.
UPDATE July 7, 2023 - American pathologist, Dr. Ryan Cole, confirmed that Sean Hartman died from the COVID shot after finding evidence of spike proteins present in his adrenal glands. To date, Canada's Vaccine Injury Support Program (VISP) has paid out $6,695,716 to 103 people (out of 1,859 claims), "where it has been determined by the Medical Review Board that there is a probable link between the injury and the vaccine, and that the injury is serious and permanent." Dan's video update is available to watch here, where he asks for help finding legal representation so that he can appeal the VISP decision to deny his claim. Read the complete article here.
Irvin Studin 6:47:53 - 7:34:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Expert in Constitutional Law (PhD)
The short and long term consequences of school closures on children of all ages and their futures. Ervin Studin is a professor from Ontario and a dedicated children's education advocate. He gives a riveting testimony of the harms perpetuated on our Canadian children with school closures. He presents studies conducted in other countries and compares them with Ontario. He believes the government needs to take action immediately and find solutions where kids can get caught up. What happened is irreversible, but finding solutions and guaranteeing this never happens again are the best steps forward.
Special note:
Global Summit - Worldwide Commission to Educate All Kids (Post-Pandemic)
Sat. Jul 29, 2023 9:00 AM - Sun. Jul 30, 2023 2:00 PM EDT
Location: Faculty Club, University of Toronto, 41 Willcocks Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3
Click here for FREE tickets to this summit.
Dr. Mark Trozzi 7:44:48 - 8:43:08
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Physician
Overview of enforced pandemic directives, detailed analysis of mRNA injections. Dr. Mark Trozzi had warned us about the covid vaccine very early into the pandemic. He gave an excellent presentation that included news articles, medical journals, and scientific research. Dr. Trozzi believes many of those involved in making these covid rules should face jail time. He has maintained his integrity throughout and is committed to changing those policies that affected millions of Canadian lives.
Vincent Gircys 8:43:25 - 9:32:32
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Retired OPP officer of 32 years
Vincent Gircys speaks to the failure of police to adhere to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and police policies already in place. Speaks about collusion between government, media and police commanders. He describes what he witnessed at the Freedom Convoy and says that the excessive force used by police in Ottawa was absolutely unnecessary. He also reads aloud the oath taken by all the new recruits and how the main commitment is to serve. Officer Gircys has attempted to look at the pandemic as a crime scene and gives us an excellent overview of his findings.
Maureen Somers 9:42:10 - 9:48:08
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Appalled at the state of fascism that she feels she is witnessing now and concern for her grandchildren. Maureen Somers ancestry includes survivors of the holocaust and she states the stories they told are similar to what is happening in Canada. But her biggest fear isn't that. She is afraid she may outlive some of her grandchildren that got the covid mRNA vaccine.
Dianne Spaulding 9:48:36 - 10:01:36
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Exhibit: TO-10 -Spaulding-AEFIClientRecommendationLetter
Exhibit: TO-10a-Spaulding-LetterFromPublicHealth-2021-09-07
Exhibit: TO-10b-Spaulding-Photo #1
Exhibit: TO-10c-Spaulding-Photo #3
Exhibit: TO-10d-Spaulding-Photo #4
Exhibit: TO-10e-Spaulding-Photo #5
Exhibit: TO-10f-Spaulding-Photo #6
Exhibit: TO-10g-Spaulding-Photo #7
Exhibit: TO-10h -Spaulding-Photo #8
Vaccine injury. Dianne Spaulding describes the early symptoms she endured, her ordeal finding proper diagnosis, the apology letter from the hospital for misdiagnosis, and the outcome of her vaccine injury report. She provides pictures of the bruising, rashes, and open wounds on her body.
Jan Francey 10:02:08 - 10:11:05
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Vaccine injury. When Jan Francey was an infant, she developed encephalitis and nearly died from it. For this reason, she has avoided the flu shot all her life. She was hesitant, but Jan lives in a tiny apartment and needs the vaccine passport to travel. Since she took the vaccine, she has never been the same.
Click here to watch Day 3.
"It's Easier to Fool People
Than to Convince Them
That They Have Been Fooled."
~ attributed to Mark Twain

Hearing 3 - Winnipeg, Manitoba
April 13 to 15, 2023

Winnipeg Day 1 - April 13

Click here to watch Day 1
Shawn Buckley 1:44:30 - 2:05:45
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Commission Lawyer
Opening Remarks
Jessica Rose, PhD 2:06:18 - 3:39:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Expert on VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System)
Exhibit: WI-4-Rose-CV
Exhibit: WI-4a-Rose-Lazarus r18hs17045-Lazarus-Final-Report-2011
Exhibit: WI-4b-Rose-Rpt re US VAERS of the COVID mRNA Biologicals
Exhibit: WI-4c-Rose-RptOnMyocarditisAdverseEvents in the US, etc
Exhibit: WI-4d-Rose-Pharmacovigilance VAERS Paper FINAL_2021-10-01
Exhibit: WI-4e-Rose-BIO
Exhibit: WI-4f-Rose-Video – FDA Open Public Hearing Session
Exhibit: WI-4g-Rose-Presentation re: NCI Testimony
Detailed analysis of mRNA injections and VAERS database. Jessica Rose, a professor with doctorate and master degrees in microbiology and immunology. She gave an excellent presentation, which included news articles, medical journals, and scientific medical research. Explaining her findings in easily understood by the general public.
Jay Bhattacharya, MD 3:43:12 - 5:07:11
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Professor at Stanford University
Exhibit: WI-8-Bhattacharya-Missouri v. Biden ECF 212-3 Proposed Finding of Fact
Exhibit: WI-8a-Bhattacharya-Great Barrington Declaration
Exhibit: WI-8b-Bhattacharya-CV-Apr2022
Exhibit: WI-8c-Bhattacharya-Expert Report_Dr Bhattacharya_Alberta Clean-jb
Exhibit: WI-8d-Bhattacharya-Reply Document-Alberta v2-1
Exhibit: WI-8e-Bhattacharya-QUESTIONS FOR A COVID-19 COMMISSION by the Norfolk Group v2
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya is one of the authors of the Great Barrington Declaration, and his primary research focuses on the economics of health care. He gave an excellent presentation, which included studies of lockdown effects on children and excess deaths in Canada. Jay Bhattacharya is a Professor of Medicine at Stanford University (California). He is a research associate at the National Bureau of Economics Research, a senior fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, and at the Stanford Freeman Spogli Institute. He holds courtesy appointments as Professor in Economics and in Health Research and Policy. He directs the Stanford Center on the Demography of Health and Aging. Dr. Bhattacharya's research focuses on the economics of health care around the world with a particular emphasis on the health and well-being of vulnerable populations. Dr. Bhattacharya's peer-reviewed research has been published in economics, statistics, legal, medical, public health, and health policy journals. He holds an MD and PhD in economics from Stanford University.
Deanna McLeod 5:43:39 - 7:18:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Medical Researcher, Founder of Kaleidoscope Strategic Inc., Founder of Covid Sense
Exhibit: TO-5 -McLeod-CV
Deanna McLeod discusses the conflicts of interest in relation to the Covid vaccines. She also discusses Health Canada regulations that determine vaccine safety and the proposed amendments to those regulations. Deanna McLeod is the principal and founder of Kaleidoscope Strategic - an Oncology publications firm dedicated to the advancement of patient care. She attended McMaster University (in Hamilton), and her field of study includes immunology, psychology, and biology/biological sciences.
James Erskine 7:19:16 - 7:36:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Police officer
Lost job due to vaccine mandate. James Erskine describes the problems at work and home caused by his noncompliance with the vaccine mandates. Both Health Canada and Employment Canada have denied his pleas. He looks at the pandemic as a case that hosts a litany of crimes. Such as intimidation, coercion, serious threats ("no jab, no job"), and no control over our bodily autonomy.
Shae Ritchie 7:36:48 - 7:58:60
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Restaurant Owner
Constant rule changing and harassment from authorities forced closure of business. Shae Ritchie tells of the visits from the police, the liquor board inspector, and the health inspector. How the rules were always changing, and the fines reaching tens of thousands kept coming. He sent numerous emails to different government agencies, but most have gone unanswered. His business may have suffered, but Shae kept a good sense of humor throughout this ordeal.
Sharon Vickner 8:11:45 - 8:39:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Arborist, salesperson
Lost her job, arrested and detained for her freedom advocacy. Despite being an excellent employee and getting promoted, she was still fired. Her family disowned her, and she lost childhood friends. She was arrested for outdoor gatherings and fined over $19,000. In this deeply personal testimony, Sharon tells us how she gained strength in her newfound faith and made new friendships. People who accept her for who she is and feel the same way about the pandemic.
Pierre Attallah 8:40:10 - 8:57:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - IT (Information Technology) Specialist
Pierre Attallah describes the challenges his sons faced because of masking at school. When he voiced his concern with the school board, he was forbidden any association with teachers or students and barred from entering the school. Some of the teachers retaliated by singling out his children and embarrassing them in class. His son with a speech impediment may suffer long-term consequences, and Mr. Attallah has since taken the school board to court.
Tobias Tissen 8:57:25 - 9:16:16
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - preacher
Persecution by authorities for conducting church services. Tobias Tissen is a member of the Church of God in Winnipeg and tells of his fathers passing and how he was heartbroken by the limited number of people allowed at the funeral. He describes how the RCMP showed up with tow trucks, blocking the entrance, hours before the outdoor service was to begin. The Church was fined, and Mr. Tissen was later arrested. He believes the freedom to associate and preach should never be interfered with, especially during difficult times where the need is ever more present.
Michael Welch 9:16:33 - 9:45:35
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay witness - Radio Journalist
Exhibit: WI-6-Welch-Letter to CJSF Radio
Exhibit: WI-6a-Welch-Radio Show Linked to COVID-19 Conspiracy Website Temporarily Suspended Vancouver Sun
Michael Welch is a syndicated radio station show host. In its 11 years on air, the radio show had received awards and amassed a huge following. The guests ranged from doctors, scientists, politicians, and influencers. However, when the pandemic came along, questions about the covid vaccine were hands-off. He says that soon after trying to arrange a debate on covid with qualified doctors, his radio show was shut down and remains so to this day.
Mike Vogiatzakis 9:47:02 - 10:05:44
Michael MacIver 10:06:17 - 10:15:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witnesses - Funeral Home Manager / Chief Mortician
His experiences and what he witnessed in care homes during lockdowns. Michael Vogiatzakis is a manager of a funeral home, and Michael MacIver is the chief mortician. Mr. Vogiatzakis describes the fear he and his staff experienced early in the pandemic. Everyone was scared for their lives because the media told us that. It wasn't until a friend's dad who had cancer required their services. The nurse said the patient died of covid, and it was listed on the death certificate. Mr. Vogiatzakis told her to change it, or he was going to go online and expose the hospice facility. She immediately came back with another certificate. This time, cancer was the cause of death. It changed his mind about everything, and all that fear dissipated. He tells us some of the most heartbreaking stories of our elderly being treated like lepers, unkept, and unclean. Robbing them of their dignity in the last stages of their lives.
Mr. Michael MacIver, the chief mortician, describes the unusual blood clots found in the deceased. He had to create a new system of embalming because of the clots. In his 40 years of service, he has never seen anything like this, and it all started soon after the covid vaccine roll-out.
Ches Crosbie 10:16:15 - 10:19:52
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Commission Administrator (lawyer)
Closing Remarks
Shawn Buckley 10:19:52 - 10:21:37
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Commission lawyer
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 1.

Winnipeg Day 2 - April 14

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 2 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 2
Shawn Buckley 0:42:55 - 1:22:40
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Commission lawyer
Opening Remarks
Patrick Allard 1:30:25 - 1:55:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Home renovations business owner
His experiences with authority during his active participation in mandate protests. Patrick Allard started his protests early in the pandemic, supporting the unvaxxed, small businesses, and anybody negatively affected by the mandates. He posted online, organized protests, and held outdoor health gatherings. He was ticketed multiple times and arrested for posting on Facebook. His bail conditions prevented him from protesting, but he has never stopped fighting for justice.
Jeffrey Tucker 1:57:50 - 2:28:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Founder of the Brownstone Institute
An overview of how government/Public Health policies affected society and suggestions on how to ensure these mistakes and overreach are corrected. Jeffrey Tucker is an economist and author of several books. He established the Brownstone Institute for the study of health and economics. He believes the government response to covid was negative. He talks about censorship, rejected early covid treatment, and the cloud of secrecy with the USA National Security Council. He says that governments offering a one-way solution to the pandemic and using social media to propagate fear was harmful. Other treatments and medications that work should have been used. Instead, they were blacklisted, banned, or unavailable.
Shawn Buckley 2:43:53 - 3:00:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Commission lawyer
Showing clips of government officials closing down society for a virus that has a 99% recovery rate.
Diedrich "Rick" Wall 3:01:47 - 3:40:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Owner of trucking company
Rick Wall is the owner of a trucking company in Winnipeg. Very early into the pandemic, he started organizing protests, including a slow roll, which doesn't block roadways but would backup traffic for miles. When the Freedom Convoy was in the early planning stages, Rick organized a truck convoy in Manitoba, and it was successful. Four of his other trucks made it to Ottawa only to be impounded and plates removed. He also describes attending an outdoor church service where the police were video taping and documenting parishioners. He believes the government acted unlawful, and it was worth risking the business to stand by his convictions.
Natalie Kim Bjorklund Gordon 3:40:40 - 5:03:22
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Human Geneticist (PhD) and Epidemiologist
Exhibit: WI-1a-Bjorklund-Gordon-Alberta Data
Exhibit: WI-1b-Bjorklund-Gordon-NCI Presentation Final
Discussion about PCR, mRNA technology, statistics and personal experiences. Dr. Gordon is a scientist and author of several peer reviewed publications. Her expertise includes human genetics (PhD), microbiology/biochemistry (B.Sc.), immunology and epidemiology. She gave an excellent slide presentation and talks about the vaccine injuries suffered by her family. The governments handled the pandemic poorly and violated basic healthcare ethics. She discusses those violations and offers excellent recommendations for the handling of any future pandemics.
Brian Giesbrecht 5:40:30 - 6:25:47
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Retired Provincial Court judge
Discusses how the legal/court system should be independent of government policy. Brian Giesbrecht is active in free speech and indigenous issues, writing for various publications. It started with his articles being censored and the media turning hostile. Covid rules didn't make sense, like blocking outdoor trails and playgrounds or park benches. Judge Giesbrecht says he has never seen anything like this, and Canada feels like a different country now. He believes Canadians need to be more objective and pay attention to anything that takes away their civil rights. Once taken away, they may never be given back.
Martha Voth 6:26:30 - 6:58:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Martha Voth describes the story of her husband Alvin, who got extremely ill after they both received the covid vaccine. As his condition worsened, he was eventually hospitalized and put on a ventilator. He got a serious infection from the injection sites, and his organs began to shut down. He had recovered from covid only to die from a hospital infection. Restricted access to a loved one in their time of need is inhumane. Only to be called when they are dying, and then access is allowed. This is a heartbreaking story. It is unimaginable that something like this could happen in Canada.
Sara Martens 6:58:27 - 7:20:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Health Care Aid
Sara Martens describes what happened to her husband soon after his vehicle accident. How he was treated in the hospital, and the heartbreaking moment she found out he was put on a ventilator without her knowledge. She spoke to him just a day before and believes he might have survived with other treatments. He was put into an induced coma, and her family was not allowed to see him until the very end. The death has traumatized her entire family.
Sean Howe 7:29:53 - 7:41:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Locomotive Engineer
Sean Howe was put on unpaid administrative leave for 8 months because he didn't want to get the covid vaccine. He says the economic burden his family faced affected their physical and mental health. Being denied unemployment benefits his family acquired some debt. But Sean says it's okay. Compared to some Canadians who have lost a loved one, he considers himself lucky.
Michelle Kucher 7:41:58 - 8:13:42
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Healthcare Assistant
Michelle Kucher fondly describes her 95 year old mother, who was a social butterfly and very independent. She loved people and never missed church on Sunday. During the lockdowns, her mother became depressed and despondent. She was eventually hospitalized, and Michelle was no longer allowed to see her mom. She describes the heartache of finding out her mother died alone at the hospital under unusual circumstances. Michelle wanted to share her mother's story because she believed it was inhumane to let anyone die alone.
Charles Hooper 8:14:10 - 9:05:50
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Researcher on early Covid treatment
Exhibit: WI-9-Hooper-Bio 2023
Exhibit: WI-9a-Hooper-Henderson and Hooper on Ivermectin-Econlib
Exhibit: WI-9b-Hooper-Ivermectin and Statistical Significance Cato Institute
Exhibit: WI-9c-Hooper-Ivermectin and the TOGETHER Trail Cato Institute
Exhibit: WI-9d-Hooper-Setting the Record Straight on Ivermectin – Brownstone Institute
Discusses the war against ivermectin and the studies showing that it is beneficial. Charles Hooper is the president of a consulting firm that does research for the pharmaceutical industry prior to marketing new products. He has worked for Merck pharmaceuticals and was a scientific application programmer for NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration in the USA). He is somewhat of an expert on ivermectin and its safe use throughout the world. He presents studies and medical journals supporting these claims. Regardless of any negative repercussions he may face, Mr. Hooper wants to set the record straight about ivermectin. He believes a drug powerful enough to kill parasites and viruses should never be withheld from the public. EVER.
Don Woodstock 9:06:05 - 9:19:52
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Owner of security company
Don Woodstock describes how busy things got and the changes in customer calls. Their unusual requests and questions they asked during covid lockdowns. He believes the fear hyped by the media made people think twice about their security system. They were sincerely afraid of neighbours, dogs and strangers. He describes some of those incidents and other challenges he faced during the pandemic.
Dr. Gerald Bohemier 9:20:09 - 9:58:46
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Retired chiropractor
Spoke about the censorship and intimidation he experienced by attending and speaking at rallies. Early on in the pandemic, he began posting his opinions online but soon found himself being censored. To keep speaking out, he started attending rallies at the Human Rights building. The police were always there and began filming the protestors. Dr. Bohemier was bullied and harassed multiple times at his home by tattooed government representatives. When he was arrested, they treated him harshly. He is 73 years old and one of the Manitoba 5 members (Sharon Vickner, Todd McDougall, Patrick Allard, Dr. Gerry Bohemier, and Pastor Tobias Tissen). In his testimony, he describes the details of the most embarrassing and shameful times in Canadian history. He maintains his strong convictions to this day with loving support from his family.
Carley Walterson-Dupuis 9:59:20 - 10:08:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Vaccine injured. Carley Walterson-Dupuis is an active young mother and only got the covid vaccine to be able to attend her children's sports programs. After the second day, the symptoms started. At first, stomach pains and then heart palpations. She was experiencing vertigo, shortness of breath, and chest pain. She describes the challenges of finding a doctor who would listen and want to help her. Weeks passed, and then she saw a second cardiologist. This doctor diagnosed her with an autoimmune disorder.
Shelley Overwater 10:09:25 - 10:50:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Lawyer
Shelley Overwater is a lawyer who happens to be representing some of the Canadians who were fined while traveling across the border. Trusting that the vaccine was safe, her entire family received it. Within 3 weeks, her father passed away and was listed as a covid death. It wasn't. She describes the negative changes at her workplace that made her eventually resign and the decisions she made for the future. Shelley never did get another booster and remains active defending Canadians' civil rights.
Ches Crosbie 10:50:39 - 10:52:15
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Commission Administrator (lawyer)
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 2.

Winnipeg Day 3 - April 15

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 3 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 3
Shawn Buckley 1:04:20 - 1:34:15
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Opening Remarks
Cassandra Schroeder 1:41:00 - 2:01:07
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - BSc. degree
Vaccine mandates preventing her from pursuing her university education. During her early studies, she learned about the mRNA technology and decided against getting the covid vaccine. Despite her immunity and a letter from her doctor, she was still denied entry. She couldn't partake in society and school, making her feel isolated. The university never offered her any kind of accommodation so she could continue her studies. Cassandra describes these challenges in her compelling testimony.
Steven Setka 2:01:17 - 2:20:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - owns a freight broker business
Steven Setka describes the changes in his family members who had been extremely close before covid. And how he was the only person sitting in the "undeclared individuals only" section of his church on Christmas Eve. He stopped attending that congregation and joined another more accepting church. He thinks the government should never overrule our bodily autonomy. Steven believes we need to forgive one another and accept the mistakes that were made. We all need healing, but the first step is forgiveness.
Steven Kiedyk 2:20:20 - 2:33:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Land Surveyor
Vaccine Injury. Steven Kiedyk held off on getting the covid vaccine but hated feeling ostracized by society and decided to get one shot. Steven was fit and attended the gym regularly. He even ran a marathon in 2019. A few days after getting the vaccine, he passed out while playing with some friends. He continues to experience extreme fatigue and blackouts. The health care system in Canada has changed drastically, and he feels uneasy seeking further medical attention. He says in his age group there was never a serious risk of getting covid. But now he faces the future with unknown health challenges such as myocarditis. Studies now show myocarditis as an adverse effect of the mRNA covid vaccine in his age group.
Devon Sexstone 2:33:38 - 2:47:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Devon Sexstone lost his job and military reserve status due to vaccine mandates. He describes the ordeal he faced because of his decision to stay unvaxxed. Devon, the father of 4 children, got kicked out of the military, lost 2 jobs, and was ineligible to receive unemployment benefits. He got fired again, this time from Purolator, and is now working with a trucking company. The family struggled because of the substantial pay cut, but he was happy to be employed. Despite all that has happened to this young family, they remain loving and supportive of him.
Leigh Vossen 2:47:53 - 3:17:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Founder of SAM (Students Against Mandates)
Unable to complete university courses due to vaccine mandates. Created SAM (Students Against Mandates) to help other students across Canada in the same situation. Leigh Vossen describes the online harassment she faced. The death threats and the break-in at her home. When the online class was canceled and returning students were required to disclose their vaccine status, she refused. She became more involved listening to people tell about vaccine injuries and job losses. Most of the stories came from students, but some came from teachers and professors. She is absolutely against group think and cancel culture. Leigh remains a strong voice for those affected by the covid mandates.
Brandon Pringle 3:32:55 - 3:56:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Mr. Pringle describes the division in his family created by the mandates. Both his children and spouses were vaccinated. His son was hesitant at first but got tired of being ostracized and wanted back into society. He tells of losing 2 grandchildren through miscarriages and how restrictions at the hospital made it difficult to comfort them. His wife Karrina was the only person allowed to visit. It has been difficult to discuss things openly with his children, but he and his wife pray that one day they will understand their parents' decision.
Richard Abbott 3:56:50 - 5:06:44
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Staff Sgt. Edmonton Police Officer (retired)
Exhibit: WI-3-Abbott-BLM Photo
Exhibit: WI-3a-Abbott-BLM #2 Photo
Exhibit: WI-3b-Abbott-Letter to Honorable Madu -2021-10-26
Exhibit: WI-3c-Abbott-Photo-Milk River 1
Exhibit: WI-3d-Abbott-Photo-Milk River 2
Exhibit: WI-3e-Abbott-CV-2023
Exhibit: WI-3f-Abbott-BLM-Antifa w_Uniformed EPS
Exhibit: WI-3g-Abbott-BLM
Exhibit: WI-3h-Abbott-Milk River
Exhibit: WI-3i-Abbott-Business Owner Milk River
Exhibit: WI-3j-Abbott-3-Min Milk River (2)
The transition from concern about health to coercion and bullying to take vaccine among staff. Lost his job for speaking at rallies at Milk River/Coutts advocating for peaceful protest. Richard Abbott is a retired police officer with 26 years on the force. He talks about having to retire early due to mandates and the absurd rules from the police department. Officer Abbott wanted to do his own analysis and attended the Milk River protests. He found out the media was lying and being divisive because there was no threat from the crowd. He says the standard operational procedures were not used during covid, and Canada is losing police officers at an unheard of rate that will have far-reaching effects on the communities.
Robert Ivan Holloway 5:49:10 - 6:52:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Lawyer, economist
Through extensive research, he determined that the public was being mislead and misinformed. He became involved in Freedom Convoy in Winnipeg. Richard Holloway tells of his family's decision to get vaccinated and the deep regret he felt after further research. He believes the mandates were disconnected from healthcare and caused irreversible damage to Canadians, especially children. He says that 5 years of clinical trials is the normal standard for a new vaccine, but "emergency authorized use" bypassed all of that. Because of censorship, the debate on the use of the covid vaccine on children never happened. He discusses consensus and the possible criminal implications. Mr. Holloway and his wife decided not to give their children a second dose of the mRNA vaccine. Although double vaxed, he created a Freedom Association offline in Winnipeg offering free legal advice to those affected by the mandates.
Jessica Kraft 6:52:27 - 7:12:50
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay witness - Donor Care Associate with Canadian Blood Services
Lost her job due to vaccine mandate. Jessica Kraft describes the ordeal she faced because she refused to get the covid vaccine and disclose her personal medical information. The work environment became sterile, cold, and unfriendly, with donors sitting alone. The manager called to tell her she was no longer allowed on the premises and that she was terminated from her position. Her union did nothing, and she says the sector is losing donors rapidly because of the move from nonprofit to profit. At her employer, the mandates are still in place, and she has not been asked back or received any severance package.
David Leis 7:13:00 - 8:12:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Vice President for Frontier Centre for Public Policy
A passionate analysis of how covid policies have failed the people and our democracy. David Leis is the president of the Frontier Center for Public Policy which is a think tank that started in 1999. His extensive experience includes being the mayor of Woolwich, a Waterloo Region councilor, and council member of both federal and provincial governments. He describes the policy disasters and the failure of critical Canadian institutions. As this was the largest assault on Canadian citizens' rights and freedoms. He tells of the massive red flags he saw. First, he found it strange that all provinces were following the same plan and not the emergency standard plan already in place for pandemics. He also believes this has been years in the making with Canada funding over 2,000 news organizations. Mr. Leis is deeply concerned for the future of society. We have always been guided by a set of principles and values. It is always the assumption that we are born free, so what happened in Canada was a travesty, and one that should never happen again. He gave an excellent testimony that was personal, thought-provoking, and compelling.
Mike Vogiatzakis 8:25:20 - 8:30:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Funeral Home Manager
Mike Vogiatzakis returns to tell a quick touching story of opening up his funeral home to a family even though he risked a $50,000 fine while the police were monitoring him across the street. At a funeral for a young boy, instead of the maximum amount of 10 people, he decided to let all family members pay their last respects. Michael recalls the moment the police, who had been parked across the street, came over to speak to him.
Kyra Pituley 8:30:58 - 8:51:44
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Student
Kyra Pituley is a 15 year old student from Manitoba. She recalls the schools closing in mid-2020 and moving to online learning. She was restricted from attending many of her sports clubs because of her refusal to get the covid vaccine. When the Trucker Convoy was passing Manitoba on the way to Ottawa, Kyra and her step mom joined the lineup of trucks. Upon arrival, she says she felt hope for the first time since the lockdowns, and the atmosphere was positive until the police arrived. Kyra continues to stand firm in her convictions despite the interruptions in her education and the challenges she faced.
Michelle Malkoske 8:52:00 - 9:07:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay witness - Nurse
Michelle Malkoske describes the challenges her family faced for choosing not to get vaccinated. At her workplace, there was a staffing shortage, but they denied her any work. Within weeks, she was terminated from her job, only to be called back 6 months later. She recalls the painful moment her family member, who is also a nurse, told her she should lose her nursing license. Michelle and her husband took their children to rallies to teach them the gravity of what was being done to them. She has also started homeschooling her 2 youngest children.
Todd McDougall 9:08:02 - 9:33:23
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Childcare worker / Winnipeg Alternative Media
Todd McDougall describes trying to avoid the ludicrous mandates and especially how it affected the children. He enjoyed his job and was an integral part of the community. Todd says the children were suffering the most, and he couldn't, in good conscious, continue doing his job. He started attending rallies speaking out for children. He tells of his arrest and the career changes after leaving the daycare industry. He remains active and even ran for school board trustee in the latest election.
Mike Gagnon 9:34:00 - 9:44:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Air Force (retired)
Retired early rather than be dishonourably discharged due to vaccine mandate. Reported many vaccine injuries took place. Early in the pandemic, he already knew something was wrong with mask mandates. He was given 3 separate warnings, and before he was to receive a mark on his perfect record, he retired. He says the army is a healthy entity, but lately, pilots have been failing their health tests, leaving a shortage. Mike believes the decisions are all coming from the UN (United Nations) and the WEF (World Economic Forum). All the countries followed the same plan, disregarding previous emergency plans in place. Some of his intelligence sources told him what the real plan was, and he described that in his testimony.
Ches Crosbie 9:45:07 - 9:49:43
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Commission Administrator (lawyer)
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 3.
"He who does not know the truth
is only a fool.
But he who knows it and
calls it a lie is a criminal."
~ Galileo Galilei

Hearing 4 - Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
April 20 to 22, 2023

Saskatoon Day 1 - April 20

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 1 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 1
Shawn Buckley 1:44:02 - 2:08:37
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Click here to watch additional commentary.
Opening Remarks
Dr. Francis Christian 2:08:38 - 3:09:35
Click here to watch THIS testimony in its entirety.
Expert Witness - Surgeon, Physician, Professor of general surgery at the University of Saskatchewan
Exhibit: SA-3-Christian-CV
Exhibit: SA-3a-Christian-June 12, 2021 Statement from Dr. Christian
Exhibit: SA-3b-Christian-2021-06-17 Press Conference Statement-1
Exhibit: SA-3c-Christian-Testimony
Excellent presentation discussing the risks to children, statistics, ivermectin, adverse events and informed consent. Dr. Francis Christian co-founded the Surgical Humanities Program and continues to do surgery at hospitals. After posting a video questioning the vaccination of children, he was suspended from teaching at the university. On the same day, he was terminated from his position at the hospital. Dr. Christian is currently challenging his firing from the Saskatchewan Health Administration. He provided insight into historical evidence of censoring of doctors and scientists describing how dangerous this is to society. He says that a record of this pandemic and its failure will also exist in history. He continues to be an outspoken advocate for children.
Steven Kirsch 3:09:36 - 5:04:48
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Technical expert, entrepreneur
Exhibit: SA-4 Kirsch Open Letter To CPSO Head Nancy Whitmore To Stop COVID Misformation
Exhibit: SA-4a-Kirsch-Nancy Whitmore Summons – Signed
Exhibit: SA-4b-Kirsch-Why can’t we talk about it-Steve Kirsch’s newsletter
Exhibit: SA-4c-Kirsch-Presentation
The mis/dis/malinformation war, the refusal from any official or media outlet to debate their stance, discussed a number of studies proving the opposite of the official narrative. Steve Kirsch owns several companies and is co-inventor of the optical mouse. He started doing his own research after he noticed many of his vaccinated friends dying or injured from the vaccine. He was on Fox News offering a million dollars to debate anyone about masks. Steve's research covers all aspects of the covid pandemic, and he encourages everyone to do the same.
Dr. Francis Christian 5:48:50 - 6:26:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony in its entirety.
Expert Witness - Surgeon, Physician, Professor of general surgery at the University of Saskatchewan
Exhibit: SA-3-Christian-CV
Exhibit: SA-3a-Christian-June 12, 2021 Statement from Dr. Christian
Exhibit: SA-3b-Christian-2021-06-17 Press Conference Statement-1
Exhibit: SA-3c-Christian-Testimony
Recalled for questions. Excellent presentation discussing the risks to children, statistics, ivermectin, adverse events and informed consent. Dr. Francis Christian co-founded the Surgical Humanities Program and continues to do surgery at hospitals. After posting a video questioning the vaccination of children, he was suspended from teaching at the university. On the same day, he was terminated from his position at the hospital. Dr. Christian is currently challenging his firing from the Saskatchewan Health Administration. He provided insight into historical evidence of censoring of doctors and scientists describing how dangerous this is to society. He says that a record of this pandemic and its failure will also exist in history. He continues to be an outspoken advocate for children.
Angela Taylor 6:26:10 - 6:58:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) at senior's care home
The effects of vaccination and lockdowns on residents and vaccine injured herself. Due to prior conditions, she only got the Johnson & Johnson shot but was still required to get the boosters. She describes the heartbreaking conditions the patients endured because of lockdowns and the excess deaths. She sent many emails but nobody cared. Her family was also affected, and she describes that in her testimony. She tells stories of her patients and the despair they felt alone and isolated. This should never happen again in Canadian health care.
Ann McCormack 6:59:08 - 7:28:17
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Pharmacist
Exhibit: SA-6-McCormack-AB Informed Consent 2023-04-10
Lack of informed consent and concern over long term safety at work, loss of job due to mask mandate. After letting her license lapse for family reasons, Anne returned to the pharmacy during covid mandates. Even though she had a mask exemption from her doctor, she lost her job when an old acquaintance called the snitch-line premier Jason Kenny had set up in Alberta. She states that billing to Alberta Health is usually $13 per dose, but with the covid vaccine, it nearly doubled to $25 per dose. She believes Alberta Health neglected to advise patients of risks, and it should only be voluntary. This wasn't. If you have to get the jab or lose your ability to feed your family, that is coercion. Ann has filed a Human Rights complaint in Alberta.
Randy Schiller 7:29:20 - 7:56:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay witness - Canada Post employee
Lost job due to vaccine mandate, experiences submitting FOI (Freedom of Information) requests. Regardless of his mask exemption, he was put on short-term leave, which eventually turned into long-term leave. Early on, he was suspicious of the news coming from China and did some research. He followed up with several FOI requests to the Saskatchewan Health Association and the Saskatchewan Board of Education. His testimony describes the alarming frequency of the reply "no records exist" to his requests from the government agencies. And when he did receive anything, a good portion was redacted (blacked out). He has won three decisions so far and is continuing his immense efforts with the FOI requests.
Mark Friesen 7:56:17 - 8:38:28
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - truck driver
Early into the pandemic, Mark became active in protests and rallies speaking out against government mandates. During an event where the facility had no air circulation, he and his wife caught covid. They were both unvaccinated, and his wife recovered with early treatment therapeutics. But Mark got worse and landed in a coma with blood clots in his lungs. He describes the treatment at hospitals in Saskatchewan and after his airlift transfer to Toronto. After 5 weeks in a coma, he needed rehabilitation to learn to walk again. Covid nearly killed him, but Mark says he is grateful for a second chance at life.
Joseph Bourgault 9:02:46 - 10:09:56
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - President of Canadians for Truth and Bourgault Tillage Tools
Suppression of information on efficacy of off-label and natural treatments for covid, the dangers of masking, statistical analysis. Joseph Bourgault is a business owner and an inventor of several patents. His story is unique as he developed mercury poisoning in his early 20s and was left to die. He made a full recovery because of changes in his diet and healthcare. He started Canadians for Truth to provide a community for people who believe in the importance of Truth, Freedom, & Justice and to give Canadians a place to get information on their rights, especially on informed consent and early treatment therapeutics for covid. He presents evidence of criminal negligence endured for years by Canadians from the media and governments. He believes quality leadership was to blame, and the orchestrated effort to suppress the truth was negligence.
Bryan Baraniski 10:10:05 -10:34:03
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Hotel/Resort owner on Tilbin Lake
Early on in the pandemic, Bryan Baraniski was outspoken about the mandates and lockdowns. He tells of when he got covid and nearly died. Doctors told him it would take months in hospital for his lung function to return to normal. He got better after receiving herbal medicine smuggled in by his ex-wife. His resort received thousands of dollars in fines and was designated as a covid outbreak area. During a three day period, the resort property was left unattended because nobody was allowed in. He believes this was a dangerous and irrational request from the health officer. It left the property with boilers and equipment that may have caused a fire. The judge did not dismiss his fines but did, however, lower the amount.
Cindy Stevenson 10:34:53 - 10:56:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - CN Rail worker
Cindy Stevenson knew early on that the vaccine was experimental and refused to get the covid vaccine. She caught covid and had immunity, but that wasn't enough to keep her job. Her union didn't help her, so she hired a lawyer and filed complaints with several agencies, including the human rights board. Cindy was called back to work, but she soon resigned, fearing the company would do it again. She describes how her adult children have lost all trust in the Canadian government and its institutions. After being declined unemployment benefits, she continues to fight to remove the label of "misconduct" on her record of employment.
Marjaleena Repo 10:56:50 - 11:28:23
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Marjaleena Repo had a mask exemption from her doctor because wearing it was a serious risk to her health. Unfortunately, she was still harassed everywhere she went. Marjaleena used buses to travel regularly, and one day, a bus driver passed by because she wasn't wearing a mask. She recalls the painful moment she was diagnosed with, stage 4 breast cancer, and how wearing masks during treatment was so difficult for her. A coffee shop where she sought solace that day turned her away. She posted about the experience on Facebook only to wake up to the most hostile messages. She says humanity is lost, and the treatment towards each other during covid was horrible. A very sad reflection of what has become of Canada.
Shawn Buckley 11:28:40 - 11:29:26
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 1.

Saskatoon Day 2 - April 21

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 2 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 2
Shawn Buckley 1:04:26 - 1:37:38
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Opening Remarks
James Kitchen 1:37:40 - 2:55:43
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Lawyer
An analysis of why the courts and legal system have failed during the covid era.
Barry and Suzanne Thesen 2:56:20 - 3:32:50
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Barry suffered a vaccine injury.
Maria Gutschi 3:33:11 - 5:04:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Pharmaceutical Specialist
Exhibit: SA-2-Gutschi-Presentation to NCI April 2023
Exhibit: SA-2b -Gutschi-Document Library-20230704-0311
Regulatory process of mRNA vaccine approval and manufacturing steps involved.
Stephanie Foster 5:46:45 - 6:14:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Teacher Assistant
Exhibit: SA-8-Phoster-Mother Walking
Exhibit: SA-8a-Phoster-Mother Walking No2
Exhibit: SA-8b-Phoster-911
Exhibit: SA-8c-Phoster-Facebook Posts
Stephanie Foster testifies about her healthy mother who dropped dead in a Shoppers Drug Mart immediately after receiving her Covid-19 booster shot. Stephanie is vaccine injured herself.
Ryan Orydzuk 6:14:03 - 7:27:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Occupational Health and Safety professional
Exhibit: SA-9-Orydzuk-BIO
Exhibit: SA-9a-Orydzuk-2023.04.10 CV Training Records Learning History
Exhibit: SA-9b-Orydzuk-NCI Testimony (84 Slides)
Exhibit: SA-9c-Orydzuk-2023.04.19 Testimony Evidence-Screenshots and Links
Exhibit: SA-9d-Orydzuk-LF Ryan Orydzuk to Canada Post
Exhibit: SA-9e-Orydzuk-CV
Discusses the important role that employers played in forcing vaccine mandates in the workplace and how it violated Occupational Health and Safety Regulations.
Adam Konrad 7:28:48 - 7:45:35
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Vaccine injury and father died not long after vaccination.
Elodie Cossette 7:46:13 - 8:02:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Direct Care Support Worker
Lost job due to vaccine mandate. Had two family members die from liver failure after vaccination.
Steven Flippin 8:15:40 - 8:52:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Pastor
How mandates affected his church duties and congregation.
Charlotte Garrett 8:53:05 - 9:17:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Teacher
How mandates affected her, her ability to do her job and what was expected of her with her interactions with her students.
Krista Hamilton 9:17:55 - 9:36:02
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Vaccine injury herself and also her son.
Bridgette Hounjet 9:36:28 - 9:56:26
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Federal Public servant
Psychological and emotional effects of vaccine mandates and being put on unpaid leave for five months.
Kelcy Travis 9:57:07 - 10:07:35
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
The effects of lockdown and mandates psychologically and financially.
Chantel Barreda 10:08:30 - 10:22:17
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Teacher
The mental and financial strain resulting from loss of job due to vaccine mandate.
Lee Harding 10:22:55 - 10:46:53
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Journalist
His experiences as a journalist for alternative media.
Shawn Buckley 10:46:54 - 10:47:18
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 2.

Saskatoon Day 3 - April 22

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 3 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 3
Shawn Buckley
Click here to watch THIS extraordinary monologue.
Shawn Buckley gives an impassioned speech about the behaviour of the people running our legal, medical & political systems. This monologue is NOT found within the Day 3 testimony video. This is a stand alone video that MUST be heard.
Shawn Buckley 0:52:50 - 1:25:20
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Opening Remarks
Leighton Grey 1:25:20 - 3:00:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Lawyer
Exhibit: SA-7 - Grey-Tim Stephens Arrest.mp4
Exhibit: SA-7a -Grey-2001-14300-Filed-2022-06-10-Written-Argument-Written-Submission-FILED
Exhibit: SA-7b -Grey-2021-08-03-Written Interrogatories for Dr. Hinshaw-FILED
Exhibit: SA-7c -Grey-99292-001_BRF-2021-09-01-PRE-TRIAL FACTUM OF_APPLICANT R INGRAM - FILED
Exhibit: SA-7d -Grey-99292-001_BRF-Pre-Trial Reply Factum of The Applicant_Rebecca Marie Ingram-FILED
Exhibit: SA-7e -Grey-2001-14300-Filed 2022-06-15-Book of Authorities
Exhibit: SA-7f -Grey-2001-14300-Filed-2022-06-13-Written-Argument-Written-Submission
Exhibit: SA-7h -Grey-2021-09-22 RESPONDING BRIEF-FILED
Exhibit: SA-7i -Grey-2022-07-27 Applicants_ Written Final Reply-Filed
Exhibit: SA-7j-Grey-PRE-TRIAL FACUM OF THE APPLICANT, Heights Baptist,_Northside Baptist, Erin Blacklaws, Torry Tanner
Exhibit: SA-7k-Grey-111. AB Pre-Trial Factum-Sept 14, 2021-FILED
Exhibit: SA-7l-Grey-2022-07-13 Alberta Final Written Argument
Exhibit: SA-7m-Grey-2022-11-17 Respondents Brief-FILED
Exhibit: SA-7n-Grey-Applicant's Brief-November 9 2022, 2201-14300-Joint Submission
Exhibit: SA-7o-Grey-April 5, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7p-Grey-April 6, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7q-Grey-April 7, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7r-Grey-August 26, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7s-Grey-February 10, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7t-Grey-February 11, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7u-Grey-Feb 14, 2022 AM
Exhibit: SA-7v-Grey-Feb 14, 2022 PM
Exhibit: SA-7w-Grey-Feb 15, 2022 AM
Exhibit: SA-7x-Grey-Feb 15, 2022 PM
Exhibit: SA-7y-Grey-Feb 16, 2022 AM
Exhibit: SA-7z-Grey-Feb 16, 2022 PM
Exhibit: SA-7aa -Grey-Feb 17, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7bb -Grey-Feb 22, 2022 AM
Exhibit: SA-7cc -Grey-Feb 22, 2022 PM
Exhibit: SA-7dd -Grey-Feb 23, 2022 AM
Exhibit: SA-7ee -Grey-Feb 24, 2022 AM
Exhibit: SA-7ff -Grey-Feb 24, 2022 PM
Exhibit: SA-7gg -Grey-Jun 1, 2021 AM
Exhibit: SA-7hh -Grey-May 13, 2022 Transcript of Proceedings regarding Order revisions May 13, 2021 (ACJ Rooke) (02652541)
Exhibit: SA-7ii -Grey-TRANSCRIPTS - Aug 26, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7jj-Grey-Request for recommendations
A riveting 'behind the scenes' testimony of the workings of the justice system from a lawyer who represented numerous people fighting covid mandates.
Jody McPhee 3:16:07 - 3:34:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Her father died shortly after receiving second dose of vaccine and she lost her job due to the vaccine mandate.
Dr. Christopher Flowers 3:34:25 - 5:00:25
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness- Physician and Clinical Researcher
Exhibit: SA-5-Flowers-CV2023
Exhibit: SA-5a-Flowers-NCI Saskatoon
Presents excellent evidence gleaned from the Pfizer documents data release.
Dr. Magda Havas 5:48:25 - 7:00:05
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Professor Emeritus Environmental Toxins
Exhibit: SA-1-Havas-CV 2023 March
Exhibit: SA-1a-Havas-Canadian-Views-Re-Ottawa-Survey-of-93000-people-Feb-2022
Exhibit: SA-1b-Havas-RFR & Covid Reduced HO
Exhibit: SA-1c-Havas-Survey Mandate & Convoy Feb 2022-93,000 People HO
Exhibit: SA-1d-Havas-Tsiang & Havas COVID & 5G 2021
Exhibit: SA-1e-Havas-Rubik & Brown Covid & 5G
Exhibit: SA-1f-Havas-Blood Heart ANS 2013
Exhibit: SA-1g-Havas-HRV 2010
Exhibit: SA-1h-Havas-Nilsson 5G Microware Syndrome Annals of Case Reports 2023
Exhibit: SA-1i-Havas-HESA 2015 RFR
The dangers posed by 5G technology and the striking similarities with Covid 19 illness.
James Blyth 7:02:33 - 7:20:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Even with pre-existing conditions, could not get medical exemption and was coerced into taking vaccine which negatively affected these conditions.
Zoey Jebb 7:21:40 - 7:35:25
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Loss of business and ongoing financial hardship due to mandates.
Samantha Lamb 7:35:40 - 7:50:22
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Due to lockdowns and mandates, her spinal surgery was delayed over 2 years and physiotherapy severely restricted.
Carrie Sakamoto 7:50:40 - 8:08:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Vaccine injury - Bell's Palsy after vaccination
Mandy Geml 8:09:10 - 8:23:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Extreme hardship for her daughter in school and psychological trauma to whole family due to bullying/discrimination from society.
Dr. Chong Wong 8:37:55 - 9:00:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Physician
Recounts his experiences with many patients dealing with mental stress due to lockdowns and how difficult it was for him to see this happening.
Louise Wilson 9:05:37 - 9:19:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Owner of two Dollar Stores
Did not enforce masking mandate at her stores and issued a fine due to a complaint lodged against her. She fought to have the ticket dismissed and won her case.
Heather Burgess 9:19:07 - 9:40:03
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Retired nurse
When mother with Alzheimer's was going to die, family was not allowed to be with her in the hospital until after she passed away.
Nadine Ness 9:40:13 - 10:15:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Former RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police) officer
Due to a confrontation at a store regarding masking and fighting to protect her daughter's mental health from school mandates, she formed a group called Unified Grassroots. Due to this involvement, her husband, who is a physician, was targeted by the College of Physicians and Surgeons and the media.
Michele Tournier 10:15:50 - 10:37:52
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Family business is in chuckwagon racing and lockdowns impacted income. Also discussed experience of sister-in-law in hospital and how lockdowns affected children and her experiences at rallies.
Shawn Buckley 10:37:58 - 10:39:05
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 3.
"They know that we know they are lying.
We know that they know that we know they are lying.
And still they continue to lie."
~ Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Hearing 5 - Red Deer, Alberta
April 26 to 28, 2023

Red Deer Day 1 - April 26

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 1 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 1
Shawn Buckley 1:00:00 - 1:31:00
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Opening Remarks
Joelle Valliere 1:31:03 - 2:02:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Funeral Director/Embalmer
Exhibit: RE-3-Valliere-Feet Before Image
Exhibit: RE-3a-Valliere-Feet After No. 1
Exhibit: RE-3b-Valliere-Foot After No. 2
Exhibit: RE-3c-Valliere-Foot After No 3
Exhibit: RE-3d-Valliere-Dialysis
Exhibit: RE-3e-Valliere-Immunization Record
Exhibit: RE-3f-Valliere-ER Visit Records
Severe Vaccine Injury and some insight into changes she has seen in embalming.
Catherine Christensen 2:03:25 - 3:20:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Litigation lawyer representing military
The coercion, bullying tactics including discharge from service used by the military brass against those who did not want to be vaccinated.
Danny Bulford 3:36:42 - 4:46:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - former RCMP Emergency Services Support Team
Exhibit: RE-4-Bulford-Open Letter to RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki-Mounties 4 Freedom
He resigned from the RCMP due to vaccine mandates and why he has lost his trust in the upper levels of the RCMP (Royal Canadian Mounted Police).
Dr. Gregory Chan 5:32:03 - 6:39:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Family Physician
Exhibit: RE-1-Chan-AFF 2021-12-12 Supplemental Affidavit Of Dr. Gregory Chan FINAL SIGNED
Exhibit: RE-1a Chan AEFI 04 Letter From Alberta Health Svcs v2
Exhibit: RE-1b-Chan-AEFI_02-Reporting Form_redacted_v2
Exhibit: RE-1c-Chan-AEFI_03_Reporting Form
Exhibit: RE-1d-Chan-AEFI_04_Reporting Form
Exhibit: RE-1e-Chan-Adverse Event Following Immunization Reporting Alberta Health Services
Exhibit: RE-1f-Chan-Curriculum Vitae 2023
The process and roadblocks in submitting numerous adverse reaction reports and his experience with a patient who had a stillbirth.
Sunje Peterson 6:40:05 - 6:58:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - owner of resort business
How lockdowns and mandates affected her business and inability to visit family overseas.
Tracy Walker 6:58:36 - 7:13:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - hairstylist
Being self employed, when lockdowns were enforced she lost all income and husband lost his for several months. Their house was foreclosed on and she was forced to limit her insulin intake as they had no money.
Judy Soroka 7:13:26 - 7:21:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Retired nurse
Due to vaccine mandate, she was unable to access medical treatment that she needed for chronic pain from a previous back injury.
Dean Beaudry 7:35:40 (sound starts at 7:35:52) -8:47:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Risk Management Specialist
Exhibit: RE-5-Beaudry-Presentation re NCI Red Deer-Final
With his extensive background in risk management, he presented a risk analysis of covid in comparison to the policies and mandates issued.
Colin Murphy 8:47:41 - 9:13:18
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Produces large scale sporting events and music festivals
Lockdowns and mandates severely impacted his business both then and for the foreseeable future.
Kyrianna Reimer 9:13:50 - 9:36:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - was a nursing student, works in finance now
Exhibit: RE-8c -Reimer-Conversation with Sara and Sarah
She was unable to complete nursing school due to vaccine mandate. Her negative experiences throughout this has affected her trust in the medical field.
Leah Cottam 9:36:50 - 9:55:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Farmer/Administrator
Vaccine Injury.
Jacques Robert 9:55:43 - 10:21:58
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Property Management
Lost his job due to vaccine mandate.
Sherry Strong 10:22:10 - 10:47:05
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Alberta Health Director for Children's Health Defense Canada
She spoke on the treatment that her elderly patients received in hospital because they weren't vaccinated.
Shawn Buckley 10:47:07 - 10:48:46
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 1.

Red Deer Day 2 - April 27

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 2 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 2
Shawn Buckley 53:10 - 1:22:05
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Opening Remarks
David Redman 1:22:06 - 3:07:50 (continued at ) 10:38:40 - 11:05:25
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Expert in Emergency Management
Exhibit: RE-2b-Redman-Due Diligence-Canadian Charter vs Lockdowns – Final-June 4 2021
Exhibit: RE-2c-Redman-Surrebuttal of David Redman-99292-001-EXR-2021-08-05
Exhibit: RE-2d-Redman-2023-04-27 Canada’s Deadly Response to COVID-19
Exhibit: RE-2e-Redman-1. Canada’s Deadly Response to COVID-19-July 1, 2021 w_Links
Exhibit: RE-2f-Redman-Expert Report of David Redman 2021-02-21_173418
An excellent presentation of the Emergency Plans were already in place and comparing them to what the government actually did.
Dr. Justin Chin 3:21:26 - 4:40:50, 5:22:08 - 5:40:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Emergency Room Physician, Emergency Medical Response expert
Discusses what happened to him when he started questioning what he was seeing, why adverse reaction event reporting is skewed and the covid vaccine rollout.
Scott Crawford 5:51:15 - 6:19:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Paramedic
With over 30 years experience, he lost his job due to the vaccine mandate. Spoke of online bullying, toxic work environment and resulting limits of EMS (Emergency Medical Services) service available.
Michelle Ellert 6:19:36 - 6:41:35
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Vaccine injury to herself and her daughter.
Dianne Molstad 6:41:36 - 6:54:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Retired councilor/teacher
Her long standing doctor 'fired' her because she would not take the covid vaccine and her struggles to find another doctor willing to accept her as a new patient.
Dr. Curtis Wall 6:54:48 - 7:19:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Chiropractor
Exhibit: RE-7-Wall-CCOA Decision for Dr. Wall
He discusses the actions that the College and health officials took against him when a patient lodged a complaint about him not wearing a mask.
Angela Tabak 7:19:48 - 7:34:12
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - small business owner
Her son had suffered a severe brain injury from an accident which affected his mental capabilities. The constant media fear messaging greatly affected his mental well being and he committed suicide.
Drue Taylor 7:49:25 - 8:27:49
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Yoga instructor and massage therapist
33 year old describes her Severe Vaccine Injury.
Jeffrey Wrath 8:28:00 - 9:20:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Constitutional Lawyer
Discusses what "Administrative Law" is and why it is important to understand how it was implemented in the court system when ruling on covid measures.
Regina Goman 9:20:42 - 9:59:33
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Exhibit: RE-6-Goman-Non-Compliance re: Canadian Natural
Exhibit: RE-6a-Goman-Religious Exemption Rejection Letter
Very emotional (PTSD, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) - she was part of the solidarity movement in Poland and served prison time for her efforts and she is warning of seeing exactly the same scenario playing out in Canada using covid as the excuse.
Babita Rana 9:59:38 - 10:14:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Computer programmer
Even though she worked from home exclusively, she lost her job due to vaccine mandate.
Madison Lowe 10:14:14 - 10:24:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Software Developer
Even though her doctor submitted an adverse event report, she received a phone call from AHS (Alberta Health Services) saying they were rejecting it because it wasn't a known side effect.
Garry Bredeson 10:24:40 - 10:38:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - small business owner in freight logistics
He has three sons who were all in university when covid mandates were enforced and discusses the effects of the mandates on education and how it affected his business.
Shawn Buckley 11:05:26 - 11:06:27
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 2.

Red Deer Day 3 - April 28

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 3 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 3
Shawn Buckley 0:46:31 - 1:20:50
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Opening Remarks
Chris Scott 1:20:52 - 2:12:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Owner of Whistlestop Cafe
A passionate testimony regarding the measures that the government took against him, how people rallied around his cause and what will happen if people do not stand up and stand firm.
Dr. Misha Susoeff 2:12:54 - 2:52:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Dentist
Brings to light a different aspect of informed consent, loss of personal income, changes in patients attitudes and health and a particular incident in Canada's history regarding "passports".
Pastor James Coates 3:04:00 - 3:56:12
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Pastor Grace Life Church
His testimony provides insights into his experiences with government and the judicial system while trying to keep true to his faith and congregation.
Dr. Eric Payne 4:38:13 - 6:23:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Pediatric Physician (neurologist)
Exhibit: TO-22-Payne-FINAL EXHIBIT B December 12 (1)
Expert witness Dr. Eric Payne, a pediatric neurologist, delivers an excellent presentation detailing the actual statistics about COVID-19 and highlighting the dangers of the vaccine to children. He discusses his letters and discussions around the ineffectiveness of the vaccine, which resulted in the loss of his medical teaching privileges and contract. His testimony offers valuable insights into the ongoing debate surrounding COVID-19 and the injections. He is currently charged by the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta for spreading misinformation regarding safety and efficacy of mRNA vaccines and masking.
John Carpay 6:23:42 - 7:28:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - President of JCCF (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms)
Exhibit: RE-12 -Carpay-2023-04-28 Protecting Charter Freedoms During a Public Health Emergency AS3
Exhibit: RE-12a -Carpay-2023-04-28 Protecting Charter Freedoms During a Public Health Emergency AS3
Testimony on how the JCCF (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms) has been representing many persons in the legal system regarding the covid mandates and their recommendations for changes to legislation.
Dr. Jonathan J. Couey 7:40:02 - 8:58:50
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Academic Neurobiologist
Exhibit: RE-11a-Couey-GigaohmBiological280423
A detailed presentation on what coronavirus is, how PCR cannot detect this specific virus and how difficult it is for coronaviruses to replicate as a 'deadly pathogen'.
Sierra Rotchford 8:59:20 - 9:22:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Paramedic
Sierra Rotchford offers an excellent detailed account of the types and volume of emergency calls in 2020 and 2021. She also discusses the strain on ambulance services after mandates were put in place, providing valuable insights into the challenges faced by frontline medical workers.
Grace Neustaedter 9:23:17 - 9:41:08
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Clinical Nurse Specialist
Testified how the staff at the her clinic did not question a rushed vaccine and were very intolerant of anyone not getting vaccinated. She subsequently retired early knowing she would lose her job. Also discussed family and church situations.
Suzanne Brauti 9:41:38 - 9:59:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
After several years of financial and physical hardship, she got a much needed job with the federal government in July 2019. She tried to receive a religious exemption, was denied and subsequently lost her job causing her further financial stress and hardship.
Darcy Harsch 9:59:52 - 10:12:58
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Manager of Group Home for Disabled Adults
He had previously suffered a stroke that was misdiagnosed leaving him with physical disabilities. Due to this, he was reluctant to get the vaccine and consequently lost his job. He and his wife moved to Alberta and he was able to find work in another field.
Jennifer Curry 10:13:17 - 10:40:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Severe vaccine injury.
Shawn Buckley 10:41:07 - 10:44:27
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 3.
"The glory which is built upon a lie
soon becomes a most unpleasant incumbrance
... How easy it is to make people believe a lie,
and how hard it is to undo that work again!"
~ Mark Twain

Hearing 6 - Vancouver, British Columbia
May 2 to 4, 2023

Vancouver Day 1 - May 2

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 1 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 1
Shawn Buckley 0:49:33 - 1:24:04
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Opening Remarks
William Munroe 1:24:05 - 2:28:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Population Analyst
Exhibit: VA-2-Munro-COVID-19 Pre-Testimony
Using data directly from BC (British Columbia) government sites, he analyses the Covid death statistics from several different perspectives.
Vanessa Rocchio 2:29:05 - 2:45:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Real Estate Agent
Vaccine Injury - cardiac damage
Philip Davidson 3:00:05 - 3:27:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - BC (British Columbia) Public Service employee
He lost his employment as Director of Policy and Stakeholder Relations for Advanced Education due to vaccine mandate.
Dr. Matthew Cockle 3:27:46 - 4:50:25
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Former Professor and researcher
Discusses advances for the public good and conflicts of interest in universities and between government and global entities such as the WHO (World Health Organization).
Deanna McLeod 5:34:45 - 6:41:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Medical Researcher, Founder of Kaleidoscope Strategic Inc., Founder of Covid Sense
Exhibit: TO-5 -McLeod-CV
"I want to talk to you about how they manipulated the data, to emphasize benefits and minimize safety issues in order to profit handsomely off of a world that was looking for a solution to the Covid-19 crisis." Deanna McLeod provides an in-depth analysis of the outside interests involved in approving the Covid vaccine. Through her extensive research, McLeod sheds light on important insights into the approval and efficacy of the Covid vaccine. Deanna McLeod is the principal and founder of Kaleidoscope Strategic - an Oncology publications firm dedicated to the advancement of patient care. She attended McMaster University (in Hamilton), and her field of study includes immunology, psychology, and biology/biological sciences.
Serena Steven 6:42:04 - 7:16:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Nurse
Vaccine Injury - Cardiac and bowel issues
Dr. Chris Shaw 7:32:29 - 8:39:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Neuroscientist
Exhibit: VA-6-Shaw-CV (Complete package) 20220124
Exhibit: VA-6a-Shaw-Video of Dr. Patricia Daly
Exhibit: VA-6b-Shaw-PastedGraphic-32
Exhibit: VA-6c-Shaw-CCJ SARS-CoV-2 Peptide Map
Exhibit: VA-6d-Shaw-PCR Confirmed COVEID-19 Cases_CCJ_SPOT Array
Exhibit: VA-6e-Shaw-Outsourced COVID-19 Cases_CCJ_SPOT Array
Dismissed from his position with 'unpaid leave', he presents an insight into the effects on the medical profession and his opinions on what the future brings for the vaccinated.
Alan Cassels 8:46:40 - 10:00:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Note: Brief interruption at the beginning due to power outage
Expert Witness - Public Administrator
Exhibit: VA-3-Cassels-CV May 2023-1
Exhibit: VA-3a-Cassels-Presentation May 2nd NCI
Discussed UBC (University of British Columbia) Therapeutics Initiative - an organization that analyzes pharmaceutical drugs completely independently from BigPharma influence - and how the process of approving new pharmaceutical drugs works. Magazine that Alan Cassels contributed articles to:
Shawn Buckley
Click here to watch THIS brief commentary about the fire alarm that interrupted Alan Cassels testimony.
Sean Taylor 10:00:55 - 10:27:38
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Emergency nurse
Discusses what he saw as an emergency room nurse both in the hospital and the community. With his military background and PsyOps (Psychological Operations) knowledge, he also presents his thoughts on the messaging from official sources.
Shawn Buckley 10:27:50 - 10:30:19
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 1.

Vancouver Day 2 - May 3

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 2 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 2
Shawn Buckley 1:26:58 - 1:57:53
Click here to watch additional commentary.
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Opening Remarks
Dr. Greg Passey 1:57:54 - 4:00:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Physician, PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) expert
Exhibit: VA-1-Passey-Curriculum Vitae 2022
Dr. Passey provides excellent testimony on 'narrative' and how it is used to shape perception as well as psychological damage ensuing from lockdowns.
Kim Hunter 4:01:40 - 4:21:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Teacher
Exhibit: VA-14 -Hunter-#428 Possible Toxicity of Chronic Carbon Dioxide Exposure Assoc w_Face Mask Use
Discusses the implications and detrimental effects of masking on children.
Caroline Hennig 4:22:00 - 4:40:05
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Discusses how the mandates and lockdowns affected her father who was fighting cancer and which eventually led to him calling for MAID.
Edward Dowd 5:22:52 - 6:18:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Wall street financial analyst
Presents a disturbing analysis of the data behind unexpected increases in death and disabilities since 2021.
Aurora Bisson-Montpetit 6:18:37 - 6:50:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Nurse
Exhibit: VA-11-Bisson-Montpetit-Video1
Exhibit: VA-11a-Bisson-Montpetit-Investigation Summary-PHSA COVID Management
Exhibit: VA-11b-Bisson-Montpetit-Investigation Summary-PHSA Covid Response-References
She recounts her experiences as an 811 nurse and the actions that she took because of this.
Dr. Charles Hoffe 6:59:20 - 8:01:05
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Physician
Excellent presentation showing that natural immunity is long lasting and that the covid vaccine causes significant health issues resulting in a 'pandemic of the vaccinated'.
Jeff Sandes 8:19:25 - 9:05:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Free lance journalist for Epoch Times
Discusses the changes that have occurred in how journalism is undertaken and the factors that influences the news that is 'accepted'.
James Jones 9:06:20 - 9:18:35
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Discusses how the vaccine mandate and workplace coercion and bullying affected his wife and resulted in her suicide.
Lisa Bernard 9:19:25 - 9:40:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Nurse
Vaccine Injury plus relating how lockdowns affected her patient care and affected her mental health.
Dr. Steven Pelech 9:40:52 - 11:15:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Professor in Neurology at UBC (University of British Columbia)
Exhibit: VA-7-Pelech-23MY1_Case against C19 vaccine requirements
Exhibit: VA-7a-Pelech-23MYI_Pelech Expert Report-NCI
Exhibit: VA-7b-Pelech-23FE26_Pelech_FullUBC_CV
Exhibit: VA-7c-Pelech-Majdoubi (2021) JCI Insight_SARS-CoV2 antibodies
Discusses how viruses operate, the mRNA vaccine and the effects it has in the body.
Dr. Ben Sutherland 11:16:10 - 11:42:25
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Research Scientist
Exhibit: VA-13 Sutherland #334 policy on COVID-19 vaccination for the core public admin incl RCMP
A highly trained research scientist with Fisheries and Oceans, he lost his position due to the vaccine mandate.
Shawn Buckley 11:42:27 - 11:43:18
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 2.

Vancouver Day 3 - May 4

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 3 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 3
Shawn Buckley 0:45:32 - 1:11:30
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Opening Remarks
Patricia Leidl 1:11:35 - 1:39:35
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Communications strategist and writer
Exhibit: VA-10-Leidl-FINAL WORDS
Severe Vaccine Injury - physical and neurological.
James Kitchen 1:40:05 - 2:47:05
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Lawyer
Discusses the repercussions surrounding the judicial persecution of churches during covid lockdowns.
Liam Sturgess 3:00:13 - 3:21:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
He had been involved with the National Citizens Inquiry held previously. He wrote a book, related a couple of the stories and stated that he hoped these two inquiries were the beginning of many more to come.
Kristin Ditzel 3:21:42 - 3:32:50
Lay Witness
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Kristin Ditzel shares her personal experience with vaccine injury, specifically neurological issues. She provides a firsthand account of the challenges and struggles she has faced since receiving the vaccine. Tune in to hear her story and gain a better understanding of the potential risks associated with vaccination.
Lindsay Kenny 3:33:30 - 3:57:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Elected Official
Discussed her difficulties in obtaining FOI (Freedom of Information) requests from the Provincial Health Department of British Columbia.
Ted Kuntz 3:57:32 - 4:55:25
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - President of Vaccine Choice Canada
Exhibit: VA-5-Kuntz-How to Reduce Vaccine Hesitancy 04 18
A presentation detailing how the lack of safety, efficacy and informed consent for childhood vaccines reaches back for decades.
Gail Davidson 5:33:40 - 7:02:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Retired lawyer in Human Rights Law
Exhibit: VA-4-Davidson-International Human Rights Law-The Legality of Vaccine Mandates in Canada-28.Oct .21-1
Exhibit: VA-4a-Davidson-IHRL Rights to Informed Consent – Violations&Accountability-02.05.23
Exhibit: VA-4b-Davidson-PP Informed Consent-03-May2023
An excellent and detailed presentation on Canada's obligations under International Human Rights Law in comparison to what has happened in Canada since March 2020.
Douglas Allen 7:11:07 - 8:22:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Professor of Economics
Exhibit: VA-9-Allen-CovidFactsNC
A presentation revolving around a risk/benefit analysis of the lockdown measures implemented.
Zoran Boskovic 8:37:33 - 9:00:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Exhibit: VA-12 Boskovic 08 termination of employment of excluded employees policy
Exhibit: VA-12a-Boskovic-23_termination-with-just-cause-excl-incl
Exhibit: VA-12b -Boskovic-#163 Dismissal Letter Follow Up 6-29-2022
Exhibit: VA-12c -Boskovic-#163 Dismissal letter
Exhibit: VA-12d -Boskovic-#163 EI benefits denied 2023-05-05 at 9.42.03 PM
Exhibit: VA-12e-Boskovic-GE-2202840 Availability Decision_March28,2023
Exhibit: VA-12f-Boskovic-GE-22-2841 Misconduct Decision_March28,2023
Exhibit: VA-12g-Boskovic-Mandatory vaccination policy rescinded for provincial public servants_BC Gov News
Exhibit: VA-12h-Boskovic-OIC 627
Exhibit: VA-12i -Boskovic-#163 Recommendation for dismissal_June16,2022 Letter
Exhibit: VA-12j -Boskovic-#163 Request_ Covid-19 Mandate_Nov22,2021
Exhibit: VA-12k -Boskovic-#163-Re Zorica Boskovic EI benefits approved
He and his wife worked for the Ministry of Forests for over 20 years. Both lost their employment at the same time due to vaccine mandates.
Wayne Llewellyn 9:00:25 - 9:16:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
He details all the attempts he made to file complaints against the mandates being enforced and the responses he got from various levels of government and law enforcement.
Paul Hollyoak 9:20:22 - 9:37:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Coast Guard Rescue Specialist
Vaccine Injury - physical and neurological
Shaun Mulldoon 9:40:13 - 10:02:05
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Exhibit: VA-8a-Mulldoon-Letter for Vaccine Deferral
Severe vaccine injury - major damage due to blood clots
Camille Mitchell 10:02:27 - 10:14:08
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Pharmacist
Lost position in hospital due to vaccine mandate, found other employment but worried that new mandate for all health care workers will affect her.
Shawn Buckley 10:14:19 - 10:16:20
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 3.
"All tyranny needs to gain a foothold
is for people of good conscience
to remain silent."
~ Edmund Burke

Hearing 7 - Quebec City, Quebec
May 11 to 13, 2023

Quebec Day 1 - May 11

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 1 with Michelle Leduc Catlin and Julie Lévesque
(in English)

Click here to watch Day 1 (en français)

Click here to watch Day 1 (translated to English, timestamps off by about 1 hour)
Philippe Meloni 1:31:20 - 1:43:35
Click here to watch the opening remarks (translated to English).
Click here to watch the opening remarks (en français).
President of the National Citizens Inquiry
Opening Remarks
Didier Raoult 1:45:10 - 3:30:36
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Expert Witness - Physician
Expert witness Didier Raoult, doctor and professor, shares his knowledge on the evolution of the Covid virus, the treatments available and his thoughts on the Covid vaccine. He also addresses issues of scientific integrity, offering a unique perspective based on his extensive experience in the medical field. Pay attention to gaining an in-depth understanding of the complexities surrounding the Covid pandemic and its impact on global health.
Le témoin expert Didier Raoult, médecin et professeur, partage ses connaissances sur l'évolution du virus Covid, les traitements disponibles et ses réflexions sur le vaccin contre la Covid. Il aborde également les questions d'intégrité scientifique, offrant une perspective unique basée sur sa vaste expérience dans le domaine médical. Accordez votre attention pour obtenir une compréhension approfondie des complexités entourant la pandémie de Covid et son impact sur la santé mondiale.
Mélissa Sansfaçon 3:31:25 - 4:08:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
Mélissa Sansfaçon testifies as a civilian witness to the National Citizens Inquiry. Melissa, an office worker at an electric company, shares her personal experience of suffering due to extreme tenderness and pain on the right side of her body following the COVID-19 vaccine. She offers a compelling account of how this vaccine injury affected her daily life and the challenges she faces in the healthcare system. Her testimony highlights the real impact of vaccine-related injuries on individuals and their families.
Mélissa Sansfaçon témoigne en tant que témoin civil à la Commission d'enquête Nationale Citoyenne. Mélissa, employée de bureau dans une compagnie d'électricité, partage son expérience personnelle de souffrance due à une sensibilité et une douleur extrêmes du côté droit de son corps à la suite du vaccin contre la COVID-19. Elle offre un récit convaincant de la manière dont cette blessure causée par le vaccin a affecté sa vie quotidienne et les défis auxquels elle fait face dans le système de santé. Son témoignage met en lumière l'impact réel des blessures liées aux vaccins sur les individus et leurs familles. Accordez votre attention pour entendre son histoire.
Pierre Chaillot 4:08:54 - 5:11:05
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Expert Witness - Statistician
Pierre Chaillot, expert witness and statistician, sheds light on the manipulation of statistics related to COVID-19. He discusses how data can be manipulated to present a specific narrative, and how this has been done throughout the pandemic. Using specific examples and data, Chaillot demonstrates how these manipulations can distort public perception of the pandemic and its effects. If you want to understand the importance of statistical analysis and its impact on decision-making during a pandemic, this video is a must.
Pierre Chaillot, témoin expert et statisticien, éclaire la manipulation des statistiques liées à la COVID-19. Il discute de la manière dont les données peuvent être manipulées pour présenter un récit spécifique, et comment cela a été fait tout au long de la pandémie. En utilisant des exemples spécifiques et des données, Chaillot démontre comment ces manipulations peuvent fausser la perception du public de la pandémie et de ses effets. Si vous souhaitez comprendre l'importance de l'analyse statistique et son impact sur la prise de décision lors d'une pandémie, cette vidéo est incontournable.
Jean-Marc Sabatier 6:21:10 - 7:14:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Expert Witness - Scientist (Biochemistry and Microbiology)
Jean-Marc Sabatier, Director of Research at CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique), sheds light on how the Covid virus triggers disease and how the vaccine triggers disease and adverse reactions using the spike protein. With his extensive research experience, Sabatier provides valuable insights into the science behind the virus and the vaccine, helping us understand the potential risks and benefits associated with both.
Jean-Marc Sabatier, Directeur de Recherche au CNRS, met en lumière comment le virus Covid déclenche la maladie et comment le vaccin déclenche des maladies et des réactions indésirables en utilisant la protéine de pointe. Avec son expérience approfondie en recherche, Sabatier fournit des perspectives précieuses sur la science derrière le virus et le vaccin, nous aidant à comprendre les risques et les avantages potentiels associés à tous les deux. Accordez votre attention pour obtenir une compréhension plus approfondie des déclencheurs du virus Covid et du vaccin.
Christian Perronne 7:15:56 - 8:05:25
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Expert Witness - Professor of Infectious and Tropical Diseases
In this testimonial, Christian Perronne shares his perspective on the attacks he has faced professionally, as well as the infiltration of the World Health Organization (WHO) by GAVI (Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization), funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. He also talks about the potential dangers of injecting for Covid, offering valuable insights based on his vast knowledge and expertise.
Dans ce témoignage, Christian Perronne, professeur de maladies infectieuses et tropicales, partage sa perspective sur les attaques auxquelles il a été confronté sur le plan professionnel, ainsi que sur l'infiltration de l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) par GAVI, financée par la Fondation Gates. Il parle également des dangers potentiels de l'injection contre la Covid, offrant des perspectives précieuses basées sur ses vastes connaissances et son expertise. Accordez votre attention pour obtenir une compréhension plus approfondie des problèmes dont il parle.
Caroline Foucault 8:23:00 - 8:49:54
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
Caroline Foucault, who works in the hospitality industry, shares her experience with the COVID-19 vaccine. She explains how she suffered injuries related to her menstrual cycle after being vaccinated, and how her husband was diagnosed with myocarditis after receiving the vaccine. Caroline also addresses the emotional burden of vaccine obligations, revealing that her son even considered suicide due to the pressure to get vaccinated. She talks openly about how her trust in the government and the media has been shattered by the handling of the pandemic and the rollout of the vaccine.
Caroline Foucault, qui travaille dans l'industrie hôtelière, partage son expérience avec le vaccin contre la COVID-19. Elle explique comment elle a souffert de blessures liées à son cycle menstruel après avoir été vaccinée, et comment son mari a été diagnostiqué avec une myocardite après avoir reçu le vaccin. Caroline aborde également le fardeau émotionnel des obligations vaccinales, révélant que son fils a même envisagé le suicide en raison de la pression pour se faire vacciner. Elle parle ouvertement de la manière dont sa confiance envers le gouvernement et les médias a été brisée par la gestion de la pandémie et le déploiement du vaccin. Accordez votre attention pour entendre le témoignage puissant de Caroline.
Christian Linard 8:51:24 - 9:41:50
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Expert Witness - Professor
Christian Linard, biochemist and professor, offers a complete and detailed analysis of the mRNA vaccine. He raises concerns about the potential risks and adverse effects of the vaccine, including its long-term impact on human health. Linard is also concerned about increasing government control of information and the possible suppression of critical voices within the scientific community.
Christian Linard, biochimiste et professeur, propose une analyse complète et détaillée du vaccin à ARNm. Il fait part de ses préoccupations concernant les risques potentiels et les effets indésirables du vaccin, y compris son impact à long terme sur la santé humaine. Linard s'inquiète également de l'accroissement du contrôle gouvernemental de l'information et de la possible suppression des voix critiques au sein de la communauté scientifique. Accordez votre attention pour obtenir une compréhension approfondie du vaccin à ARNm et de son impact potentiel sur la santé publique.
Josée Belleville 9:42:30 - 10:12:05
Click here to watch THIS segment of her testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
Former Canadian military officer and grandmother testified that her granddaughter who she had custody of was taken away by children's services because of her TikTok videos critical of the government and the COVID-19 vaccines. During the National Citizen Inquiry, former Canadian military officer and grandmother Josee Belleville testified that she lost her job after 13 years of service over the COVID-19 vaccine mandate. According to Belleville's testimony, her granddaughter who she had custody of was taken into foster care by children's services after she posted TikTok videos critical of the government and COVID-19 vaccines. Furthermore, Belleville testified that she has not been allowed to see her granddaughter for several months.
Josée Belleville, une ancienne officière militaire, partage son expérience de perte de son poste en raison des obligations vaccinales et de la discrimination. Elle exprime sa frustration face au manque de choix et à la perte de sa carrière à laquelle elle avait consacré sa vie. Son histoire met en lumière l'impact des obligations vaccinales sur les individus qui peuvent avoir des préoccupations ou des raisons médicales de ne pas se faire vacciner.
Denis Rancourt 10:13:00 - 11:24:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Expert Witness - Physicist/Researcher
Exhibit: QU-1 -Rancourt-Book Of Exhibits
Exhibit: QU-1a -Rancourt-CV 2023-02-v8-health-cor
Scientist and researcher Denis Rancourt presents a detailed analysis of the causes behind excess deaths during the Covid-19 pandemic. He discusses the various factors that contribute to excess mortality, including the effects of lockdowns, the overdiagnosis of Covid-19 cases, and the misuse of respiratory equipment. Through his research, Rancourt sheds light on the complex nature of the pandemic and offers valuable insights into the most effective ways to manage it.
Le scientifique et chercheur Denis Rancourt présente une analyse détaillée des causes des décès excessifs pendant la pandémie de Covid-19. Il aborde les différents facteurs qui contribuent à la mortalité excessive, notamment les effets des confinements, la surdiagnostic des cas de Covid-19 et l'utilisation inappropriée de l'équipement respiratoire. Grâce à ses recherches, Rancourt met en lumière la nature complexe de la pandémie et offre des perspectives précieuses sur les moyens les plus efficaces pour la gérer.
Christian Leray 11:25:32 - 12:14:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness - Author and Media Specialist
Christian Leray, author and media specialist, expresses his concerns about the lack of transparency of Quebec authorities regarding information on illnesses and deaths related to COVID-19. Leray stresses the importance of truthful and accurate information to help people make informed decisions, and says governments and the media should not manipulate data to instill fear in the population. He encourages viewers to remain vigilant and demand transparency from their leaders to protect their health and rights.
Christian Leray, auteur et spécialiste des médias, exprime ses inquiétudes quant au manque de transparence des autorités québécoises concernant les informations sur les maladies et les décès liés à la COVID-19. Leray souligne l'importance d'une information véridique et précise pour aider les gens à prendre des décisions éclairées, et affirme que les gouvernements et les médias ne devraient pas manipuler les données pour instiller la peur dans la population. Il encourage les téléspectateurs à rester vigilants et à exiger la transparence de leurs dirigeants afin de protéger leur santé et leurs droits.
Philippe Meloni 12:14:15 - 12:15:00
Click here to watch the closing remarks (en français).
President of the National Citizens Inquiry
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 1 (en français).

Click here to watch Day 1 (translated to English, timestamps off by about 1 hour)

Quebec Day 2 - May 12

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 2 with Michelle Leduc Catlin and Julie Lévesque
(in English)

Click here to watch Day 2 (en français)

Click here to watch Day 2 (translated to English, timestamps off by about 27 minutes)
Philippe Meloni 0:57:22 - 1:02:05
Click here to watch the opening remarks (translated to English).
Click here to watch the opening remarks (en français).
President of the National Citizens Inquiry
Opening Remarks
Carole Avoine 1:02:48 - 1:18:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
Carole Avoine shares her personal experience with Bell's Palsy, a type of facial paralysis that was caused by the COVID "vaccine". Carole recounts her symptoms and how they affected her daily life. She also expresses her concerns about the potential risks and side effects of vaccines and the need for greater transparency and accountability in the medical industry.
Carole Avoine partage son expérience personnelle avec la paralysie de Bell, une forme de paralysie faciale causée par le "vaccin" contre la COVID. Carole relate ses symptômes et comment ils ont affecté sa vie quotidienne. Elle exprime également ses préoccupations quant aux risques potentiels et aux effets secondaires des vaccins, ainsi que sur la nécessité d'une plus grande transparence et responsabilité dans l'industrie médicale.
Hélène Banoun 1:28:00 - 2:21:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Expert Witness - Pharmaceutical Researcher
Exhibit: QU-11-Banoun-Article vaccins ou therapie genique français
Exhibit: QU-11a-Banoun-Article vaccins ou therapie genique anglais
Hélène Banoun discusses how vaccines work and shares her significant concerns over the safety of the covid injections. Banoun provides an in-depth analysis of the potential risks and side effects associated with the covid vaccine and explains the importance of conducting further research to ensure the safety of the population. This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in understanding the potential risks associated with the covid vaccine and the need for transparency in the pharmaceutical industry.
Hélène Banoun, chercheuse en pharmacologie, discute du fonctionnement des vaccins et exprime de sérieuses préoccupations concernant la sécurité des injections contre la Covid. Banoun propose une analyse approfondie des risques potentiels et des effets secondaires associés au vaccin contre la Covid et explique l'importance de mener des recherches supplémentaires pour garantir la sécurité de la population. Cette vidéo est incontournable pour toute personne souhaitant comprendre les risques potentiels liés au vaccin contre la Covid et la nécessité de transparence dans l'industrie pharmaceutique.
Christine Cotton 2:22:00 - 3:07:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Expert Witness - Biostatistician
Christine Cotton shares her detailed analysis of the Pfizer clinical trials for their COVID-19 vaccine. She raises concerns about the lack of proper protocol and reporting, and the potential impact on the accuracy of the results. She provides insights into how the statistical analysis was conducted and highlights the flaws that she identified. This video sheds light on the importance of rigorous and transparent clinical trials in the development of vaccines and treatments, and the need for greater transparency in reporting results.
Christine Cotton, témoin experte et biostatisticienne, partage son analyse détaillée des essais cliniques de Pfizer pour leur vaccin contre la COVID-19. Elle soulève des préoccupations concernant le manque de protocole approprié et de rapportage, ainsi que l'impact potentiel sur l'exactitude des résultats. Elle offre des perspectives sur la manière dont l'analyse statistique a été menée et met en évidence les failles qu'elle a identifiées. Cette vidéo met en lumière l'importance d'essais cliniques rigoureux et transparents dans le développement de vaccins et de traitements, ainsi que la nécessité d'une plus grande transparence dans le rapport des résultats.
Lynette Tremblay 3:08:39 - 3:29:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
In this emotional testimony, Lynette Tremblay talks about her experience with her father who was in a long term care facility during the lockdowns. She expresses her concerns about the lack of treatment and care her father received, and how it ultimately led to his passing. Her testimony sheds light on the impact of the lockdowns on the most vulnerable members of society and raises important questions about the ethics of such measures.
Dans ce témoignage émouvant, Lynette Tremblay parle de son expérience avec son père qui était dans un établissement de soins de longue durée pendant le confinement. Elle exprime ses inquiétudes concernant le manque de traitement et de soins que son père a reçu et comment cela a finalement conduit à son décès. Son témoignage met en lumière l'impact des confinements sur les membres les plus vulnérables de la société et soulève d'importantes questions sur l'éthique de ces mesures.
Marylaine Belair 3:31:35 - 3:49:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
Marylaine Belair recounts the devastating impact of the lockdown measures on her family. Her husband suffered a fatal injury due to the restrictions on healthcare access during the pandemic. Marylaine describes the trauma and hardships that her family faced as a result of her husband's death. She speaks out against the government's handling of the pandemic and calls for greater accountability for the harm caused by lockdown measures.
Marylaine Belair raconte l'impact dévastateur des mesures de confinement sur sa famille. Son mari a subi une blessure mortelle en raison des restrictions d'accès aux soins de santé pendant la pandémie. Marylaine décrit le traumatisme et les difficultés auxquelles sa famille a été confrontée suite au décès de son mari. Elle dénonce la gestion gouvernementale de la pandémie et demande une plus grande responsabilité pour les dommages causés par les mesures de confinement.
Amélie Paul 4:52:37 - 5:33:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness - une actrice et podcasteuse connue
Amélie Paul, a well-known actress and podcaster, shares her experience of censorship and media attacks due to her views on COVID-19 and measures taken to control it. She talks about the chilling effect this has had on the arts industry as a whole, with many artists feeling intimidated about speaking out. Amélie highlights the importance of freedom of expression and the need for honest and open discussion, even when there are differing opinions. Her story is a powerful reminder of the importance of protecting our fundamental rights and freedoms, including the right to express ourselves without fear of persecution.
Amélie Paul, une actrice et podcasteuse connue, partage son expérience de censure et d'attaques médiatiques en raison de ses opinions sur la COVID-19 et les mesures prises pour la contrôler. Elle parle de l'effet glaçant que cela a eu sur l'industrie des arts dans son ensemble, de nombreux artistes se sentant intimidés à l'idée de s'exprimer. Amélie met en évidence l'importance de la liberté d'expression et de la nécessité d'une discussion honnête et ouverte, même en présence d'opinions divergentes. Son histoire est un puissant rappel de l'importance de protéger nos droits et libertés fondamentaux, y compris le droit de nous exprimer sans crainte de persécution.
Stéphane Hamel 5:34:53 - 6:16:50
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
Stéphane Hamel, a computer engineer and former political candidate for the CAQ (Coalition Avenir Quebec), shares his perspective on the pandemic narrative and its impact on his life. He talks about how expressing his views on the pandemic caused him to lose his position with the CAQ, and how he saw firsthand the effects of the pandemic measures on the elderly while volunteering in long-term care facilities. This testimony sheds light on the personal and political consequences of questioning the mainstream narrative around COVID-19.
Stéphane Hamel, ingénieur informaticien et ancien candidat politique pour la CAQ, partage sa perspective sur le récit de la pandémie et son impact sur sa vie. Il parle de la manière dont l'expression de ses opinions sur la pandémie lui a fait perdre sa position au sein de la CAQ, et comment il a pu constater les effets des mesures liées à la pandémie sur les personnes âgées lors de son bénévolat dans des établissements de soins de longue durée. Ce témoignage met en lumière les conséquences personnelles et politiques de remettre en question le récit dominant autour de la COVID-19.
Barry Bregar 6:18:00 - 7:20:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony (in English).
Expert Witness - Physician
Orthomolecular doctor Barry Bregar provides insights on the methods used to promote unnecessary fear during the COVID-19 pandemic. He also discusses the safe treatments that were suppressed and the potential dangers of the vaccine. Drawing on his years of experience as a doctor, Bregar provides valuable insights into the pandemic and offers a critical perspective on the mainstream narrative surrounding COVID-19. Whether you're a concerned citizen, a healthcare professional, or simply interested in learning more about the pandemic, this video is a must-watch.
Dans cette vidéo, le docteur Barry Bregar, spécialiste en orthomoléculaire, offre des aperçus sur les méthodes utilisées pour promouvoir une peur inutile pendant la pandémie de COVID-19. Il discute également des traitements sécuritaires qui ont été réprimés et des dangers potentiels du vaccin. S'appuyant sur ses années d'expérience en tant que médecin, Bregar offre des perspectives précieuses sur la pandémie et propose une vision critique du récit dominant entourant la COVID-19. Que vous soyez un citoyen concerné, un professionnel de la santé ou simplement intéressé à en savoir plus sur la pandémie, cette vidéo est incontournable.
Evelyne Therrien 7:36:35 - 8:02:49
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
Evelyn Therrien shares her experience with the COVID-19 vaccine and the aftermath that followed. She explains how she reluctantly got the second dose due to societal pressures and suffered severe side effects. As someone who previously lived with her father, things became worse when he got angry at her for not taking the third shot and for supporting the Trucker's Convoy. Eventually, she had to move out, and their relationship became strained. Through her story, Evelyn sheds light on the challenges of vaccine mandates and the impact it can have on personal relationships.
Evelyne Therrien partage son expérience avec le vaccin contre la COVID-19 et les conséquences qui ont suivi. Elle explique comment elle a reçu à contrecœur la deuxième dose en raison des pressions de la société et a souffert d'effets secondaires graves. étant donné qu'elle vivait auparavant avec son père, les choses ont empiré lorsqu'il s'est mis en colère contre elle pour ne pas avoir pris la troisième dose et pour avoir soutenu le convoi des camionneurs. Finalement, elle a dû déménager et leur relation est devenue tendue. à travers son histoire, Evelyne met en lumière les défis des obligations vaccinales et leur impact sur les relations personnelles.
Dr. Sabine Hazan 8:03:45 - 8:46:02
Click here to watch THIS video (in English, this is NOT testimony).
Expert Witness - Gastroenterologist and CEO of Progenabiome
Dr. Sabine Hazan is an expert on gut bacteria. When she started studying the microbiomes of COVID-19 patients, she quickly noticed a pattern. "The people that had severe COVID lacked a certain bacteria called bifido bacteria," she says. In this episode, she breaks down how a healthy gut impacts people's outcomes from COVID-19, and what steps people can take to improve their gut health and overall immunity. With the knowledge Hazan gained from studying the microbiomes of COVID-19 patients, she developed and patented treatment protocols combining vitamins and drugs that increase bifido bacteria including vitamin C, vitamin D, hydroxychloroquine, and ivermectin. We also discuss how the COVID-19 vaccines impact the microbiome, including the microbiomes of babies breastfeeding from recently vaccinated mothers.
Stéphane Blais 8:47:07 - 9:13:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
Exhibit: QU-3-Blais-01_2021qccdcpa10
Exhibit: QU-3a-Blais-02_2021qccdcpa43
Exhibit: QU-3b-Blais-03_2022qccdcpa20
Exhibit: QU-3c-Blais-04_2022qctp60
Exhibit: QU-3d-Blais-05_2022qccdcpa3
Stéphane Blais, a former accountant, shares his story of standing up against mandates and injustices during the pandemic. After filing a petition to the courts on behalf of human rights, he faced disciplinary action from the Disciplinary Committee of Accountants and was ultimately banned from practicing his profession. In this video, he speaks out about the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity, and shares his experiences with fighting for human rights.
Stéphane Blais, un ancien comptable, partage son histoire de résistance contre les obligations et les injustices pendant la pandémie. Après avoir déposé une pétition devant les tribunaux au nom des droits humains, il a fait face à des mesures disciplinaires du Comité de discipline des comptables et a finalement été interdit d'exercer sa profession. Dans cette vidéo, il témoigne de l'importance de défendre ce qui est juste, même face à l'adversité, et partage ses expériences de lutte pour les droits humains.
René Lavigueur 9:14:50 - 10:05:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Expert Witness - Physician
René Lavigueur, family doctor, shares his experience of discrimination and hardship for following his oath rather than the government. It addresses the conflict doctors have faced during the pandemic and how many have been pushed to follow government guidelines rather than providing the best care to their patients. Dr. Lavigueur expresses concerns about the lack of transparency and censorship surrounding COVID-19 treatments and protocols. He explains why it is important that doctors have the freedom to provide individualized care and why it is crucial to have open and honest scientific debates and discussions. This video provides valuable perspectives on the challenges doctors have faced during the pandemic and highlights the importance of ethical medical practices.
René Lavigueur, médecin de famille, partage son expérience de discrimination et d'épreuves pour avoir suivi son serment plutôt que le gouvernement. Il aborde le conflit auquel les médecins ont été confrontés pendant la pandémie et comment beaucoup ont été poussés à suivre les directives gouvernementales plutôt que de fournir les meilleurs soins à leurs patients. Le Dr Lavigueur exprime ses préoccupations concernant le manque de transparence et de censure entourant les traitements et protocoles liés à la COVID-19. Il explique pourquoi il est important que les médecins aient la liberté de fournir des soins individualisés et pourquoi il est crucial d'avoir des débats et des discussions scientifiques ouverts et honnêtes. Cette vidéo offre des perspectives précieuses sur les défis auxquels les médecins ont été confrontés pendant la pandémie et met en évidence l'importance des pratiques médicales éthiques.
François Amalega 10:05:59 - 11:40:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness - Mathematics Professor
François Amalega became a strong activist against mandates after facing suspensions at his university due to his stance against mandates. He was part of a public protest because of his research into the covid pandemic narrative, which challenged the mainstream narrative. As a result of his public stance, he resigned from his university as a matter of conscience. His story illustrates the challenges that many individuals face when they stand up for their beliefs in the face of institutional pressure.
François Amalega, professeur de mathématiques, est devenu un fervent militant contre les obligations après avoir fait face à des suspensions à son université en raison de sa position contre les obligations. Il a participé à une protestation publique en raison de ses recherches sur le récit de la pandémie de Covid, qui remettait en question le récit dominant. En raison de sa position publique, il a démissionné de son université par conscience. Son histoire illustre les défis auxquels de nombreuses personnes sont confrontées lorsqu'elles défendent leurs convictions face à la pression institutionnelle.
Shawn Buckley 10:53:06 - 11:51:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony (in English).
Expert Witness - Lawyer
Exhibit: QU-2 -Buckley-NHPPA-Discussion-Paper-COVID-19-Vaccine-Test-March-17-2023
Exhibit: QU-2a -Buckley-French-NHPPA Discussion Paper COVID-19 Vaccine Test Changes March 17 2023
Exhibit: QU-2b-Buckley-PPT Presentation Plain v3
Shawn Buckley, a constitutional lawyer specializing in the Food and Drug Act, shares his insights on the approval process of the Covid vaccine. He discusses the normal procedures for drug approval and how they differ from the approval process that was used for the Covid vaccine. He argues that the approval of the vaccine was driven more by politics than by health considerations. He sheds light on the political forces at play during the approval process and how they affected the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. Buckley's perspective provides an important legal and constitutional analysis of the vaccine approval process that sheds light on the vaccine's safety and efficacy.
Shawn Buckley, avocat constitutionnel spécialisé dans la loi sur les aliments et drogues, partage son point de vue sur le processus d'approbation du vaccin Covid. Il discute des procédures normales d'approbation des médicaments et de la manière dont elles diffèrent du processus d'approbation utilisé pour le vaccin Covid. Il fait valoir que l'approbation du vaccin était davantage motivée par des considérations politiques que par des considérations de santé. Il met en lumière les forces politiques en jeu lors du processus d'approbation et la manière dont elles ont affecté la sécurité et l'efficacité du vaccin. Le point de vue de Buckley fournit une analyse juridique et constitutionnelle importante du processus d'approbation des vaccins qui met en lumière la sécurité et l'efficacité du vaccin.
Philippe Meloni / Ches Crosbie 11:52:30 - 11:56:45
Click here to watch the closing remarks (en français & English).
President of the National Citizens Inquiry / Commission Administrator (lawyer)
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 2 (en français).

Click here to watch Day 2 (translated to English, timestamps off by about 27 minutes)

Quebec Day 3 - May 13

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 3 with Michelle Leduc Catlin and Julie Lévesque
(in English)

Click here to watch Day 3 (en français)
Philippe Meloni / Shawn Buckley 0:00:00 - 0:18:10
Click here to watch the opening remarks (en français & English).
President of the National Citizens Inquiry / Lawyer
Opening Remarks
Jérémie Miller 0:19:10 - 0:50:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
After experiencing the side effects of the first covid shot and doing his own research, he decided not to get the second shot. He lost his job for six months, but his religious exemption was accepted by his company and he was rehired. He is very upset by the actions taken by the government to try to force people to comply.
Après avoir subi les effets secondaires de la première injection de covid et après avoir fait ses propres recherches, il a décidé de ne pas recevoir la deuxième injection. Il a perdu son emploi pendant six mois, mais son exemption religieuse a été acceptée par son entreprise et il a été réembauché. Il est très contrarié par les mesures prises par le gouvernement pour tenter de forcer les gens à se conformer.
Dr. Jérôme Sainton 0:50:00 - 2:06:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Expert Witness - General Practitionner (Physician), Bioethicist, Engineer
Exhibit: QU-4 Sainton CeNC presentation
Discusses the risks of the vaccine for pregnant women and those who have already had a vaccine. It also discusses the difference between relative risk and absolute risk and the importance of this difference.
Discute des risques du vaccin pour les femmes enceintes et celles qui ont déjà eu un vaccin. Il aborde également la différence entre le risque relatif et le risque absolu et l'importance de cette différence.
Michel Chossudovsky 2:27:03 - 3:33:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Expert Witness - Director of the Centre for Research on Globalization
Michel Chossudovsky is a professor, researcher and author of 13 books. An excellent presentation of the role of WHO, data manipulation, economic collapse due to lockdowns and the role of the media in creating the fear and narrative of the pandemic. It also discusses the results observed following vaccination.
Michel Chossudovsky est professeur, chercheur et auteur de 13 ouvrages. Une excellente présentation du rôle de WHO, de la manipulation des données, de l'effondrement économique dû aux confinements et du rôle des médias dans l'instauration de la peur et du récit de la pandémie. Il aborde également les résultats observés à la suite de la vaccination.
Gary LaLancette 3:33:30 - 4:00:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
Gary Lalancette shares in detail the procedure he followed to file a complaint against his dismissal due to the vaccination obligation. He explains the steps he took to defend his rights and resist the pressures imposed by vaccination requirements. Gary details the legal arguments and steps he took to challenge his employer's decision. It highlights the importance of freedom of choice in vaccination and defends the right of every individual to make informed decisions about their health. This video provides an in-depth look at Gary Lalancette's fight against vaccine mandates and is a source of inspiration for those seeking to defend their rights in similar situations.
Gary Lalancette partage en détail la procédure qu'il a suivie pour porter plainte contre son licenciement en raison de l'obligation de vaccination. Il explique les démarches qu'il a entreprises pour défendre ses droits et résister aux pressions imposées par les exigences vaccinales. Gary détaille les arguments juridiques et les étapes qu'il a suivies pour contester la décision de son employeur. Il met en évidence l'importance de la liberté de choix en matière de vaccination et défend le droit de chaque individu à prendre des décisions éclairées concernant leur santé. Cette vidéo offre un aperçu détaillé de la lutte de Gary Lalancette contre les obligations vaccinales et constitue une source d'inspiration pour ceux qui cherchent à défendre leurs droits dans des situations similaires.
Lily Monier 4:51:00 - 5:35:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
She talks about her growing distrust of the government and the violation of rights and freedoms. She also talks about the importance of civil disobedience and peaceful protests, and the personal courage needed to stand up to injustice.
Elle parle de sa méfiance croissante à l'égard du gouvernement et de la violation des droits et des libertés. Elle parle également de l'importance de la désobéissance civile et des manifestations pacifiques, ainsi que du courage personnel nécessaire pour s'opposer à l'injustice.
Vincent Cantin 5:35:00 - 6:00:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
Vaccine injury - serious heart damage. The testimony of Vincent Cantin, senior civil engineering technician, previously in good health and now disabled for life, is particularly poignant and it clearly exposes this human tragedy: "I am like an old oak and I lose my branches one by one, but instead of letting light through, it lets darkness through."
Blessure causée par un vaccin - atteinte cardiaque grave. Le témoignage de Vincent Cantin, technicien senior en génie civil, précédemment en santé et maintenant handicapé à vie, est particulièrement poignant et ça expose bien cette tragédie humaine: "Je suis comme un vieux chêne et je perds mes branches une par une, mais au lieu de laisser passer la lumière, ça laisse passer les ténèbres."
Myriam Bohémier 6:00:10 - 7:15:28
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
She discusses her involvement in legal cases regarding violations of human rights, labour laws, and constitutional rights under covid mandates and the repercussions she faced as such.
Elle évoque son implication dans des affaires juridiques concernant des violations des droits de l'homme, du droit du travail et des droits constitutionnels dans le cadre de mandats de covid et les répercussions qu'elle a subies à ce titre.
Éloïse Boies 7:15:28 - 7:53:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
She experiences heavy censorship on her social media platform due to the topics she discusses regarding pandemic mandates, government policies, and vaccines. She talks about "gaslighting" and the discrimination she suffered because of her public positions.
Elle subit une forte censure sur sa plateforme de médias sociaux en raison des sujets qu'elle aborde concernant les mandats de lutte contre la pandémie, les politiques gouvernementales et les vaccins. Elle parle du "gaslighting" et de la discrimination dont elle a fait l'objet en raison de ses prises de position publiques.
Luc Harvey 8:19:15 - 8:53:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness
Exhibit: QU-07-Harvey-CorrespondenceDoyon
Exhibit: QU-08-Harvey-RapportAutopsie
Exhibit: QU-9-Harvey-ReneeMariaTremblay
Exhibit: QU-10-Harvey-CorrespondencePortelance
His presentation focuses on his experiences in the court system as a representative of a parent fighting against mandatory vaccination of a child and other cases.
Sa présentation porte sur ses expériences dans le système judiciaire en tant que représentant d'un parent luttant contre la vaccination obligatoire d'un enfant et d'autres affaires.
Marc-André Paquette 8:53:00 - 9:32:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Lay Witness - Teacher
Exhibit: QU-6-Paquette-DocumentLibrary
Passionate about education and concerned about the impact of measures on children's development, Marc-André stopped teaching from August 2020 to August 2023 to ensure he maintains his freedom of speech and can encourage pediatricians and stakeholders in the childhood environment to take a public position in order to better defend children. With the arrival of RNA vaccination, he continued to call on numerous pediatricians and public health doctors to ensure that the precautionary principle be applied to children. To help the population better understand what motivated or did not motivate the medical community during the crisis, Marc-André made accessible all the emails he exchanged with pediatricians and public health doctors during the crisis. crisis. Most of the doctors arrested held key positions within their institutions. Marc-André Paquette's efforts and his email exchanges with pediatricians and public health doctors allow us to better understand certain elements of the crisis. His written testimony also contains all the links he references during his presentation. 1i5y...VIlg
Also, to support his response to the question asked to him during his hearing regarding the APQ's opinion for the 2021 school year, he made public the email he had sent to the 2 signatories of the opinions as well as many stakeholders. 1nGE...3x9p7
Passionné de l'éducation et préoccupé par l'impact des mesures sur le développement des enfants, Marc-André a cessé d'enseigner de août 2020 à août 2023 pour s'assurer de conserver sa liberté de parole et pouvoir encourager les pédiatres et les intervenants du milieu de l'enfance à prendre position sur la place publique afin de mieux défendre les enfants. à l'arrivée de vaccination-ARN, il a continué à interpeller de nombreux pédiatres et médecins de la Santé publique pour que le principe de précaution soit appliqué aux enfants. Pour aider la population à mieux comprendre ce qui a animé ou n'a pas animé la communauté médicale pendant la crise, Marc-André a rendu accessibles tous les courriels qu'il a échangés avec les pédiatres et les médecins de la Santé publique pendant la crise. La plupart des médecins interpellés occupaient des postes-clé au sein de leurs institutions. Les démarches de Marc-André Paquette et ses échanges courriels avec les pédiatres et les médecins de la Santé publique permettent de mieux comprendre certains éléments de la crise. Son témoignage écrit contient aussi tous les liens auxquels il fait référence pendant sa présentation. 1i5yB...AVIlg
Aussi, pour appuyer sa réponse à la question qui lui a été posée pendant son audience au sujet de l'avis de l'APQ pour la rentrée scolaire 2021, il a rendu public le courriel qu'il avait transmis aux 2 signataires de l'avis ainsi qu'à de nombreux intervenants. 1nGE...3x9p7
Dr. Jean Saint-Arnaud 9:32:00 - 10:04:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Expert Witness - Physician and Obstetrician
Although retired, he knows people in his community who have been seriously affected by the vaccine and he is saddened by the division between people. He would like the truth to come out so that people learn rather than blame each other and come together again.
Bien que retraité, il connaît des personnes de sa communauté qui ont été gravement affectées par le vaccin et il est attristé par la division entre les gens. Il aimerait que la vérité éclate au grand jour afin que les gens apprennent plutôt que de se blâmer et qu'ils se réunissent à nouveau.
Patrick Provost 10:04:15 - 11:23:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Expert Witness - Professor of Microbiology, Infectious Diseases and Immunology from the University of Laval, Faculty of Medicine
His public positions against childhood vaccination and Covid 19 policies led to his being suspended from his post and having his articles censored. He has been attacked by the media which he claims are influenced by the government. He believes that authentic debate and dialogue is being censored and it is his duty to speak out and fight against this.
Ses prises de position publiques contre la vaccination des enfants et les politiques de Covid 19 lui ont valu d'être suspendu de son poste et de voir ses articles censurés. Il a été attaqué par les médias qui, selon lui, sont influencés par le gouvernement. Il estime que le débat et le dialogue authentiques sont censurés et qu'il est de son devoir de s'élever et de lutter contre cela.
Robert Béliveau 11:23:00- 11:41:41
Click here to watch the closing remarks (translated to English).
Click here to watch the closing remarks (en français).
Retired Family Physician
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 3 (en français).
"Freedom is never easily won,
but once established,
freedom lasts,
spreads and chokes out tyranny."
~ Trent Lott

Hearing 8 - Ottawa, Ontario
May 17 to 19, 2023

Ottawa Day 1 - May 17

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 1 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 1
Shawn Buckley 0:13:41 - 0:40:20
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Opening Remarks
Dr. Denis Rancourt 0:40:25 - 2:17:35
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Physicist/Researcher
Exhibit: OT-1-Rancourt-Book of Exhibits
Exhibit: OT-1a -Rancourt-CV 2023-02-v8-health-cor
Exhibit: OT-1b-Rancourt-Presentation 2Ottcor-plus
Exhibit: OT-1c-Rancourt-Report Did the Covid Pan Harm May 2023.pdf
Exhibit: OT-1d-Rancourt-Report Did Lockdowns Work June 2023.pdf
Exhibit: OT-1e-Rancourt-Essay There Was No Pandemic 2023-06-22.pdf
Dr. Denis Rancourt, an esteemed physicist and researcher, presents a stunning analysis of worldwide "all-cause mortality." Delve into his thought-provoking examination of the pandemic declaration and the subsequent initiation of the global vaccination campaign. In this compelling conversation, Dr. Rancourt sheds light on the complex factors surrounding all-cause mortality, providing valuable insights into the larger context of the pandemic and vaccination efforts. Prepare to be challenged as he presents his meticulous research and findings. Don't miss this eye-opening discussion that explores the critical intersection of global health and vaccination strategies. Gain a deeper understanding of the factors influencing mortality rates and the implications for public health policies.
Natasha Gonek 2:17:55 - 2:59:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Investigator for Self Regulatory Agencies
Exhibit: OT-6 -Gonek-CV
Exhibit: OT-6a -Gonek-AHCIP Bulletin for Covid Vaccine Awareness Program-Billing July 16 2021
Exhibit: OT-6b -Gonek-AHCIP Bulletin for Influenza Immunization Sept 22 2019-example PreCovid
Exhibit: OT-6c -Gonek-Appendix 2-AHCIP Covid Awareness Bulletin July 2 2021
Exhibit: OT-6d -Gonek-Alberta Health Covid 19 Vax Update Nov 23 2021
Exhibit: OT-6e -Gonek-Blue Cross ACPIP April 2021
Exhibit: OT-6f -Gonek-Blue Cross ACPIP Feb 2021
Exhibit: OT-6g -Gonek-Appendix 5-Blue Cross ACPIP April 12, 2021 With Fee Information
Exhibit: OT-6h -Gonek-Blue Cross ACPIP Mar 15 2021
Exhibit: OT-6i -Gonek-Blue Cross ACPIP Mar 2021
Exhibit: OT-6j -Gonek-Appendix 4-Blue Cross ACPIP March 2021 Program Info
Exhibit: OT-6k -Gonek-Ministerial Order-Compensation for Pharmacy Svs Mar 21 2022
Exhibit: OT-6l -Gonek-Field Law Information on Discipline Costs Oct 2022
Exhibit: OT-6m -Gonek-Blue Cross Newsletter Retroactive Claims Dec 2020
Exhibit: OT-6n -Gonek-Blue Cross Cov Vax Mar 2023
Exhibit: OT-6o -Gonek-Blue Cross Billing for Covid Vax Updated March 30 2023
Exhibit: OT-6p -Gonek-Appendix 6-Blue Cross ACPIP May 2021 Fee Increase
Exhibit: OT-6q -Gonek-NCI Slides Final
Exhibit: OT-6r -Gonek-Appendix 1-CNA-Ethical Considerations Page
Exhibit: OT-6s -Gonek-Appendix 3-AHCIP medical bulletin covid vaccine awareness program Aug 17, 2021
Exhibit: OT-6t -Gonek-Appendix 7-Immunization Partnership
Discusses the changes in Regulatory Colleges procedures regarding complaints and disciplinary measures and largely focusing on increases in fee structures specific to covid vaccine promotion and administration.
Cathy Jones 3:10:20 - 3:33:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Actress/comedian
Describes her experiences in the work environment, retiring early from CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), her views on media censorship and lack of investigative journalism during the last three years and her thoughts on activism.
Catherine Austin Fitts 4:06:46 - 5:24:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Economist
Exhibit: OT-11 -Fitts-CAFREV of the Financial-Coup (1)
An in-depth analysis of how the covid global health crisis was used to instigate the beginnings of a global financial reset, escalation of centralization of power and her views on the covid vaccines. She also provides examples of how individuals can regain financial and social freedom.
Stephen Malthouse 5:25:41 - 6:08:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Physician
Exhibit: OT-13 -Malthouse-NCI testimony slides
Exhibit: OT-13a -Malthouse-NCI Script May 17, 2023
Discusses the repercussions he received after publicly questioning covid policies. He also speaks of his involvement in creating speaking tours with other like-minded doctors regarding the danger of vaccines particularly for children and advocating for the rights of the vaccine injured.
Sheila Lewis 6:08:43 - 6:54:50
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Potential Transplant Recipient
Exhibit: OT-5 -Lewis-2022-04-12 Restricted Court Access Order_Redacted
A powerful and emotional testimony. Although a court issued gag order has severely restricted her ability to testify, she spoke of the process involved in being a transplant recipient. She was considered an ideal candidate but has been refused treatment due to her covid vaccine status even though she has superior natural immunity.
Kristen Nagle 6:55:30 - 7:17:37
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Nurse
Due to her speaking out about the covid mandates, she was suspended indefinitely and later terminated, placed under investigation by the College and maligned by the media. She and several other nurses founded Canadian Frontline Nurses,, as a result. They spoke in Washington DC on Jan. 6 at a separate event and were deemed domestic terrorists by the Canadian government and suffered severe consequences from that.
Madison Peake 7:17:52 - 7:46:09
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
(Note: internet issues)
Lay Witness - University graduate
Describes the psychological effects of lockdowns and mandates on her and her family, the societal discrimination they faced and financial insecurity.
Mallory Flank 7:49:07 - 8:38:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Critical Care Paramedic
Exhibit: OT-12 -Flank-Website
Severe and persistent vaccine injury since first dose May 2021. Mast cell activation syndrome and POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome).
Adam Zimpel 8:39:00 - 9:03:50
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
A severely disabled man who lost his at home job as a travel agent, his personal support workers, his ability to participate in social activities like eating out due to covid mandates. His testimony provided insights into how devastating these measures were on people with disabilities.
Mohammed Tisir Otahbachi 9:04:13 - 9:25:27
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Severe vaccine injury - suffers from extreme life time skin condition. Mohammed Tisir Otahbachi, 29, received his first dose of the Moderna vaccine on July 15, 2021, at a Walmart pharmacy in Gatineau. Ten days later, small acne-like blisters appeared on his right hand. He returned to Walmart to receive his second Moderna shot and "two days after that, like 48 hours later, almost the whole of my body - my hands, arms, my legs, even my back - it was the same thing, and it started burning a little bit. There was some pain", Otahbachi recalled. "I recognized there is something happening on my body because of the vaccine". Click here to read CBC article.
Louise MacDonald 9:25:48 - 10:17:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
(Note: internet issues)
Lay Witness
Exhibit: OT-7 -MacDonald-Image0-Wkly Updates Jan 8, 2021 to Oct 15, 2021
Exhibit: OT-7a -MacDonald-Image1-Wkly Updates Sept 3, 2021 to Apr 8, 2022
Exhibit: OT-7b -MacDonald-Image2-Mthly Updates Apr 1, 2022 to Mar 3, 2023
Exhibit: OT-7c -MacDonald-Image3-Mthly Updates Jan 8, 2021 to Mar 3, 2023
Exhibit: OT-7e -MacDonald-Copy of CBVS CANADA ALL DATA SINCE NOV 26 2021 copy2
Exhibit: OT-7f -MacDonald-Copy of CBVS CANADA ALL DATA SINCE NOV 26 2021 copy
Exhibit: OT-7g -MacDonald-3 Copy of CBVS CANADA ALL DATA SINCE NOV 26 2021 copy
Exhibit: OT-7h -MacDonald-Copy of CBVS CANADA ALL DATA SINCE NOV 26 2021 copy-1
Exhibit: OT-7i -MacDonald-Zip File Document Library 1
Exhibit: OT-7j -MacDonald-Zip File Document Library 2
Exhibit: OT-7k -MacDonald-Zip File Document Library 3
Exhibit: OT-7l -MacDonald-Zip File Document Library 4
An extremely detailed and interesting analysis of government reporting of covid statistics and adverse events.
Ches Crosbie 10:17:23 - 10:21:12
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Commission Administrator (lawyer)
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 1.

Ottawa Day 2 - May 18

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 2 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch Day 2
Shawn Buckley 0:33:43 - 1:09:55
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Opening Remarks
James Corbett 1:09:56 - 2:25:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Investigative Reporter
An excellent and in depth look at the WHO (World Health Organization) and the planning and organization currently underway regarding a global pandemic treaty binding all signing countries under the control of the WHO whenever they deem a 'global health crisis' as well as amending the existing WHO regulations and One Health Initiative which also transfers power from individual countries to the WHO.
Rodney Palmer 2:25:35 - 3:14:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - former international journalist
Exhibit: OT-15 Palmer May 18, 2023
An excellent presentation on the funding of the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) by government and how they have manipulated their news coverage on covid matters by using their chosen 'experts' who, themselves, are funded by government grants. He calls for a sweeping change to the entire organization in order to bring it back to its roots of real journalism again.
Marianne Klowak 3:27:54 - 4:56:32
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - former CBC reporter
Exhibit: OT-4 -Klowak-Slides
As a journalist with over 30 years experience working for CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation), she provides an incredible insight into the degradation of journalistic standards fostered within CBC after the covid pandemic was announced.
Samantha Monaghan 4:57:12 - 5:07:58
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
She took her son to the hospital where it was determined he needed a blood transfusion. The hospital denied her the use of her blood for the transfusion and he received donor blood. Shortly afterwards, he died. She strongly suspects that tainted, vaccinated blood was the primary cause of his death.
Dr. David Speicher 6:00:17 - 6:44:31
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Virologist
Presents an analysis of the PCR testing procedure and how it was misused as a diagnostic tool for covid disease.
Jean-Philippe Chabot 6:44:50 - 7:28:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - former CBC employee
He lost his job as he wouldn't disclose his vaccine status. He was working remotely and felt that he was within his rights to keep his medical information private. He discusses what he experienced in trying to get help from his union and his interactions with CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation).
Dr. Edward Leyton 7:29:40 - 8:27:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Physician, Psychotherapist
He discusses the power that the College of Physicians and Surgeons have had over physicians for many decades. He speaks of prescribing ivermectin for covid prevention, treatment of illness and vaccine injury with much success and the persecution of doctors using this therapy.
Dr. Keren Epstein-Gilboa 8:38:27 - 9:28:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Developmental Psychology
This presentation focuses on the social and emotional stages, particularly in children, that are necessary for development and how the covid measures adversely affected them.
David Freiheit 9:29:17 - 10:18:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Lawyer/Producer of 'Viva Frei' podcast
Discusses the role of legacy media in portraying the Truckers Convoy and his experiences at that same event in Ottawa.
Anita Krishna 10:18:40 - 10:47:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Former Global TV Director
Discusses the events leading up to her termination as Control Room Director from Global News.
William Bigger 10:47:55 - 10:56:12
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
As a young man diagnosed with autism, he discusses the impacts of covid measures on him and his family.
Capt. Scott Routly 10:56:35 - 11:21:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Chief Pilot
Exhibit: OT-10-Routly-Resume
Exhibit: OT-10a-Routly-Aeronautical Information Manual AIM-2023-1_lra-e
Exhibit: OT-10b-Routly-Handbook for Civil Aviation Medical Examiners – TP 13312
Exhibit: OT-10c -Routly-Standard 424 – Medical Requirements – Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)
Exhibit: OT-10d -Routly-COVID-19 vaccines and Aviation Medical Certificate holders
Exhibit: OT-10e -Routly-Medical fitness for aviation
Exhibit: OT-10f -Routly-Standard 421 – Flight Crew Permits, Licences and Ratings – Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)
Exhibit: OT-10g -Routly-Canadian Aviation Regulations
Exhibit: OT-10h -Routly-Standard 724-Commuter Operations- Aeroplanes-Canadian Aviation Regulations (CARs)
Exhibit: OT-10i -Routly-Notice if Liability Covid19 Testing
Exhibit: OT-10j -Routly-Vaccine Notice of Liability Employer
Exhibit: OT-10k -Routly-Repealed-Interim Order Respecting Certain Requirements for Civil Aviation Due to COVID-19, No. 43
Exhibit: OT-10l -Routly-AMA100-01
With responsibilities to both the pilots under his command and Transport Canada, he discusses the concerns he had about the vaccine mandates. He brought his concerns and information to management and Transport Canada to no avail. He was ultimately terminated due to his refusal to get vaccinated.
Laurier Mantil 11:22:53 - 11:31:50
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
As a letter carrier and newly pregnant, she speaks of her choice to remain unvaccinated due to her concerns about safety for the unborn baby and what work conditions were like for her.
Maurice Gatien 11:33:08 - 12:39:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Lawyer
Exhibit: OT-9-Gatien-NCI PowerPoint-May 18, 2023
He discusses the repercussions he suffered due to defending people on covid mandates and the vaccine injured. He then goes on to speak on the manipulation of facts and media participation that he called 'The Big Lie'.
Ches Crosby 12:39:20 - 12:39:38
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Commission Administrator
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 2.

Ottawa Day 3 - May 19

Click here to watch the RECAP of Day 3 with Michelle Leduc Catlin and Julie Lévesque

Click here to watch Day 3
Shawn Buckley 0:40:38 - 1:09:00
Click here to watch the opening remarks.
Opening Remarks
Dr. Chris Shoemaker 1:09:08 - 1:56:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Physician
Exhibit: OT-2 -Shoemaker-Resume 2023.docx
Exhibit: OT-2a-Video 7-Shoemaker- Meet the frontline doctors-video
Exhibit: OT-2b-Video 2-Dr. Shoemaker revealed 40 Trillion Spike Protein Factories in every Booster-video
Exhibit: OT-2c-Video 3-Shoemaker- C19Vaxxx-The Tragic Damage in 4 minutes-October 21, 2022-video
Exhibit: OT-2d -Shoemaker-Slide #1
Exhibit: OT-2e-Shoemaker-Slide #2
Exhibit: OT-2f-Shoemaker-Slide #3
Exhibit: OT-2g-Shoemaker-Slide #4
Exhibit: OT-2h-Shoemaker-Video 1 Introduction
Exhibit: OT-2i-Shoemaker-Video 4 Link They Knew Ivermectin.html
Exhibit: OT-2j -Shoemaker-Video 5-Link High Mortality
Exhibit: OT-2k-Shoemaker-Video 6 Link Fauci.html
This powerful presentation revolves around the dangers the covid vaccine injection presents particularly to children and pregnant women, the toxicity of the main ingredients and the entities behind the creation of this injection.
Melanie Alexander 1:57:00 - 2:12:50
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Her husband was in remission from cancer when he became hospitalized for issues with the prednisone he was taking. Through a series of terrible events that took place in the hospital, he died. She was never allowed to visit him in hospital.
Dr. Kyle Grice 2:14:00 - 2:37:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Chiropractor
A discussion on community networking - the plans the UN has through Agenda 2030 to create 'community networks' in their own vision and the alternative community networks being created on a grassroots level.
Dr. Jeff Wilson 3:04:40 - 3:37:40
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Expert in Public Health
Exhibit: OT-8 -Wilson-The Pillars of Outbreak Response-May 17, 2023
As an expert in Outbreak Response, he discusses how to solve problems from outbreaks and how to make sure that recommendations for change are implemented.
Dr. Daniel Nagase 4:29:10 - 5:02:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Physician
Discusses the circumstances surrounding disciplinary actions taken against him by the College of Physicians and Surgeons in both Alberta and BC (British Columbia).
Pascal Najadi 5:02:59 - 5:35:42
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Author/Investment Banker
Exhibit: OT-3 -Najadi-AUTH_3591_12_21 – A complaint on behalf of UsForThem v Pfizer
Exhibit: OT-3a -Najadi-Dr. Bhakdi Letter March 18, 2023
Exhibit: OT-3b -Najadi-Filing-PN-Supreme Court NY-Manhattan-6.3.2023
Exhibit: OT-3c -Najadi-Unterschrift Stempel Befunde Pascal Najadi Blutanalyse Autoimmune Krankheit Prof. Dr. Brigitte Konig Stempel _ Unterschrift
Exhibit: OT-3d -Najadi-Image Men with Flag
Exhibit: OT-3f -Najadi-Flags Hammer Justice
Exhibit: OT-3g -Najadi-British Passport Cover
An intriguing presentation on his actions against Swiss authorities and the information he provides regarding how US companies have to abide by US law and regulations even outside the US and how this impacts the enforcement of covid vaccines worldwide.
Aidan Coulter 5:36:23 - 5:44:10
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Discusses the problems he encountered when he tried to enroll in university as an unvaccinated student. Due to the pressures, he suffered a mental breakdown and had to be treated.
Navid Sadikali 5:45:02 - 6:21:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Expert in Medical Imaging
Discusses how the rationale behind claiming a pandemic was based on faulty data, and why the covid injections could never provide immunity. He ends his presentation reminding us that our own immune system is more robust than anything that can be created by man.
Kimberly Warren 6:21:26 - 6:35:23
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Vaccine Injury - the covid injection caused severe kidney problems. Her doctor filed an adverse reaction and injury report and she is currently involved in a fight to get this accepted.
James Lunney 6:35:37 - 7:04:45
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
A very enlightening discussion on the critical importance of Vitamin D and how much is needed optimum health based on skin tone.
Lyne Vandenplas 7:25:18 - 7:33:35
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
Exhibit: OT-14 -Vandenplas-AB – Summons
Exhibit: OT-14a -Vandenplas, Lyne-QC – Summons QC
Exhibit: OT-14b -Vandenplas, Lyne-Exhibit A -NCI Summons List
Exhibit: OT-14c -Vandenplas, Lyne-Testimony to NCI Regarding Summons Issued
NCI volunteer explaining the process of issuing summons to all the various health officials across provinces and territories.
Jerry Managre 7:33:54 - 7:50:58
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness
NCI volunteer overseeing media and social communications providing insights into the challenges of 'getting the word out'.
Ches Crosbie 7:51:03 - 7:58:33
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Commission Administrator (lawyer)
Closing Remarks
Shawn Buckley 7:59:07 - 8:40:53
Click here to watch the closing remarks.
Closing Remarks
Click here to watch Day 3.

Additional Testimony - Virtual
June 18, 2023

James Scott MacKillop

Click here to watch THIS testimony
Lay Witness - Owner of Barely Bruised Books, Ottawa
Presents information regarding Policy Horizons Canada and how they are Exploring Biodigital Convergence. Biodigital convergence is the interactive combination, sometimes to the point of merging, of digital and biological technologies and systems. Policy Horizons is examining three ways in which this convergence is happening:
1) Full physical integration of biological and digital entities;
2) Coevolution of biological and digital technologies;
3) Conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems.
Biodigital convergence is opening up strikingly new ways to:
- change human beings - our bodies, minds, and behaviours;
- change or create other organisms;
- alter ecosystems;
- sense, store, process, and transmit information;
- manage biological innovation;
- structure and manage production and supply chains.

Additional Testimony - Virtual
June 28, 2023

Denis Rancourt

Click here to watch THIS testimony
Expert Witness - MSc, PhD Physics. Expert in scientific methodology.
Exhibit: VT-1a-NCI-Dr.DenisRancourt-June28-2023.pdf (slides)
Exhibit: VT-1b-NCI-Dr.DenisRancourt-June28-2023.pptx (slides)
Presenting the findings of a recent meta-analysis examining the cost-benefit ratio of lockdowns. Professor Denis Rancourt is a former professor of physics at the University of Ottawa and a researcher with the Ontario Civil Liberties Association. During the NCI hearings in Quebec City and Ottawa, Dr. Rancourt testified about all-cause mortality, regarding both the actual causes of death and the quantified lethal toxicity of the COVID-19 injections.
"We're seeing proof that it [the CoVid Virus] doesn't spread. You see mortality that does not cross borders, very strict borders. These are all completely contrary to the idea of a pandemic. If it [the CoVid Virus] is not killing people, then what is? There should not have been a vaccine because there is no empirical evidence that there was a particular virulent pathogen for which you need a vaccine. So, there should not have been a vaccine."
Denis Rancourt
Previous Testimony
Quebec Day 1
May 11
Click here to watch THIS testimony (en français).
Click here to watch THIS testimony (translated to English).
Expert Witness - Physicist/Researcher
Exhibit: QU-1 -Rancourt-Book Of Exhibits
Exhibit: QU-1a -Rancourt-CV 2023-02-v8-health-cor
Scientist and researcher Denis Rancourt presents a detailed analysis of the causes behind excess deaths during the Covid-19 pandemic. He discusses the various factors that contribute to excess mortality, including the effects of lockdowns, the overdiagnosis of Covid-19 cases, and the misuse of respiratory equipment. Through his research, Rancourt sheds light on the complex nature of the pandemic and offers valuable insights into the most effective ways to manage it.
Denis Rancourt
Previous Testimony
Ottawa Day 1
May 17
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Physicist/Researcher
Exhibit: OT-1-Rancourt-Book of Exhibits
Exhibit: OT-1a -Rancourt-CV 2023-02-v8-health-cor
Exhibit: OT-1b-Rancourt-Presentation 2Ottcor-plus
Exhibit: OT-1c-Rancourt-Report Did the Covid Pan Harm May 2023.pdf
Exhibit: OT-1d-Rancourt-Report Did Lockdowns Work June 2023.pdf
Exhibit: OT-1e-Rancourt-Essay There Was No Pandemic 2023-06-22.pdf
Dr. Denis Rancourt, an esteemed physicist and researcher, presents a stunning analysis of worldwide "all-cause mortality." Delve into his thought-provoking examination of the pandemic declaration and the subsequent initiation of the global vaccination campaign. In this compelling conversation, Dr. Rancourt sheds light on the complex factors surrounding all-cause mortality, providing valuable insights into the larger context of the pandemic and vaccination efforts. Prepare to be challenged as he presents his meticulous research and findings. Don't miss this eye-opening discussion that explores the critical intersection of global health and vaccination strategies. Gain a deeper understanding of the factors influencing mortality rates and the implications for public health policies.

Additional Testimony - Virtual
July 19, 2023

Dr. Peter McCullough

Click here to watch THIS testimony
Expert Witness - Renowned Cardiologist, Physician
Exhibit: VT-2 McCullough CV April 2023 (PDF)
Exhibit: VT-2a McCullough Preprint Hulscher COVID-19 Vaccine Death Autopsies LANCET 2023 (PDF)
Exhibit: VT-2b McCullough Thorp, Pregnancy Vaccine Outcomes JAAPS 2023 (PDF)
Dr. Peter McCullough discusses his groundbreaking submission in The Lancet, which thoroughly examines autopsies published in peer-reviewed literature to investigate the potential link between COVID-19 vaccination and death. "325 autopsy cases were reviewed to determine whether COVID-19 vaccination was the direct cause or contributed significantly to death. The most implicated organ system in COVID-19 vaccine-associated death was the cardiovascular system (53%), followed by the hematological system (17%), the respiratory system (8%), and multiple organ systems (7%). A total of 240 deaths (73.9%) were independently adjudicated as directly due to or significantly contributed to by COVID-19 vaccination. Our findings amplify concerns regarding COVID-19 vaccine adverse events and their mechanisms."

Additional Testimony - Virtual
September 18, 2023

Dr. William Makis

Click here to watch THIS testimony
Expert Witness - Physician, Immunology, Nuclear Medicine Radiology and Oncology
Dr. William Makis discusses government data regarding the injections and how they correlate to harm (adverse events, injuries) and death. He also discusses the increase in cancers we are seeing - described as Turbo Cancer due to their aggressive, fast growing nature. Dr. William Makis (MD, FRCPC) is a physician living in Edmonton, Alberta. He obtained an Immunology degree with specialty training in Nuclear Medicine Radiology and Oncology. Dr. Makis has internationally renowned expertise in cutting edge cancer treatments for end stage cancer patients. He ran one of the largest Targeted Radionuclide Therapy Cancer Clinics in North America and diagnosed over 10,000 cancer patients in his career with state of the art diagnostics such as PET/CT. Dr. Makis is also a cancer researcher with over 100 peer-reviewed publications in international medical journals. He has been fighting corruption in Canada's healthcare system for many years, and today he is working hard to help transform our healthcare system, by bringing back trust, honesty and medical ethics, and advocating for patients and their families who have been harmed by the system.
Exhibit: VT-3-Makis-CV 01a-NCI-2023-09-15-CV-Makis
Exhibit: VT-3a-Makis-NCI-Sep18-MAKIS-FINAL-PPT
Exhibit: VT-3b-Makis-Tweet 01b-NCI-2021-08-Booster-Failure-Twitter
Exhibit: VT-3c-Makis-AHS 02a-AHS-Mandate-2021-08-31-from-AHS
Exhibit: VT-3d-Makis-AHS Mandate 02b-AHS-Mandate-2021-08-31-Calgary-Herald
Exhibit: VT-3e-Makis-Canadian Press 02b-AHS-Mandate-2021-08-31-Canadian-Press
Exhibit: VT-3f-Makis-AHS CTV 02b-AHS-Mandate-2021-08-31-CTV
Exhibit: VT-3g-Makis-AHS Global 02b-AHS-Mandate-2021-08-31-Global-News
Exhibit: VT-3h-Makis-CPSA 02c-NCI-2021-10-12-CPSA -AHS-Mandate-Letter
Exhibit: VT-3i-Makis-CMA 1 03a-NCI-2022-09-03-CMA-Letter01
Exhibit: VT-3j-Makis-CMA 2 03b-NCI-2022-10-15-CMA-Letter02
Exhibit: VT-3k-Makis-CMA 3 03c-NCI-2023-02-18-CMA-Letter03
Exhibit: VT-3l-Makis-CMA 4 03d-NCI-2023-08-13-CMA-Letter04
Exhibit: VT-3m-Makis-Doctor Deaths Excel 03e-NCI-Canadian Doctor Deaths 2019-2023 (as of 2023.06.30)
Exhibit: VT-3n-Makis-CMA 03f-NCI-CMA-2022-10-20-CMA
Exhibit: VT-3o-Makis-Pfizer 03g-NCI-CMA-2023-04-Pfizer
Exhibit: VT-3p-Makis-Toronto Star 04a-2022-11-07-TorontoSTAR
Exhibit: VT-3q-Makis-AP 04b-2022-11-25-Australian-AP
Exhibit: VT-3r-Makis-Reuters 04c-2022-12-30-Reuters
Exhibit: VT-3s-Makis-AFP 04d-2023-01-06-AFP
Exhibit: VT-3t-Makis-Kraken 04e-2023-01-14-Kraken
Exhibit: VT-3u-Makis-Tampering 05a-NCI-Alberta-Data-Tampering-Part1
Exhibit: VT-3v-Makis-Tampering 2 05a-NCI-Alberta-Data-Tampering-Part2
Exhibit: VT-3w-Makis-Tampering 3 05a-NCI-Alberta-Data-Tampering-Part3
Exhibit: VT-3x-Makis-Tampering 4 05a-NCI-Alberta-Data-Tampering-Part4
Exhibit: VT-3y-Makis-Tampering 05b-NCI-Federal-Data-Tampering
Exhibit: VT-3z-Makis-Epoch Times 06a-Turbo-cancer-Epoch-Times
Exhibit: VT-3aa-Makis-Eens 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper01-Eens-Mice
Exhibit: VT-3bb-Makis-Cavanna 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper02-Cavanna
Exhibit: VT-3cc-Makis-Mitsui 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper03-Mitsui
Exhibit: VT-3dd-Makis-Lam 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper04-Lam
Exhibit: VT-3ee-Makis-Morais 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper05-Morais
Exhibit: VT-3ff-Makis-Javais 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper06-Javaid
Exhibit: VT-3gg-Makis-Seneff 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper07-Seneff
Exhibit: VT-3hh-Makis-Makis 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper08-Makis
Exhibit: VT-3ii-Makis-Singh 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper09-Singh-p53-BRCA
Exhibit: VT-3jj-Makis-Panico 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper10-Panico
Exhibit: VT-3kk-Makis-Alden 06b Turbo-Cancer-Paper11-Alden
Exhibit: VT-3ll-Makis-Strayer 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper12-Strayer
Exhibit: VT-3mm-Makis-McKernan ET 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper13a-McKernan-Epoch-Times
Exhibit: VT-3nn-Makis-McKernan Substack 1 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper13b-McKernan-Substack01
Exhibit: VT-3oo-Makis-McKernan Substack 2 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper13b-McKernan-Substack02
Exhibit: VT-3pp-Makis-McKernan Substack 3 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper13b-McKernan-Substack03
Exhibit: VT-3qq-Makis-Butel Turbo Cancer 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper13c-Butel-SV40
Exhibit: VT-3rr-Makis-Abdelmassih Turbo Cancer 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper14-Abdelmassih
Exhibit: VT-3ss-Makis-Otmani 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper15-Otmani
Exhibit: VT-3tt-Makis-Wiseman 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper16-Wiseman
Exhibit: VT-3uu-Makis-Goldman 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper-Other-Goldman
Exhibit: VT-3vv-Makis-Jiang 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper-Other-Jiang-p53-BRCA
Exhibit: VT-3ww-Makis-Kyriakopoulos 06b-Turbo-Cancer-Paper-Other-Kyriakopoulos
Exhibit: VT-3xx-Makis-07a-Children-deaths-flu-CBC
Exhibit: VT-3yy-Makis- 07b-NCI-Children-Injured01-VAERS
Exhibit: VT-3zz-Makis-07b-NCI-Children-Injured02-Children-wrong-vaccine-given
Exhibit: VT-3aaa-Makis-07b-NCI-Children-Injured03
Exhibit: VT-3bbb-Makis-07b-NCI-Children-Injured04
Exhibit: VT-3ccc-Makis-07b-NCI-Children-Injured05-Died-some-VAERS
Exhibit: VT-3ddd-Makis-07b-NCI-Children-Injured06-Deaths-hidden-VAERS
Exhibit: VT-3eee-Makis-08a-NCI-Pregnancy01-breastfeeding-VAERS
Exhibit: VT-3fff-Makis-08a-NCI-Pregnancy02-fetal-demise-VAERS
Exhibit: VT-3ggg-Makis-08a-NCI-Pregnancy03-Congenital-Malformations-VAERS
Exhibit: VT-3hhh-Makis-08a-NCI-Pregnancy04-Stillbirths-Mostly-VAERS
Exhibit: VT-3iii-Makis-09a-NCI-Makis-Paper-IgG4-Cancer-Autoimmunity
Exhibit: VT-3jjj-Makis-09b-NCI-Makis-Paper-Autopsy-Sudden-Death-Vaccine
Exhibit: VT-3kkk-Makis-09b-NCI-Makis-Paper-Autopsy-Sudden-Death-Vaccine-Supp-Table
Exhibit: VT-3lll-Makis-09c-NCI-Makis-Paper-Myocarditis-Vaccine
"Bad men need nothing more
to compass their ends,
than that good men
should look on and do nothing."
~ John Stuart Mill, 1867

Additional Discussion - Virtual
July 5, 2023

Laura Jeffery, Dr. J. Jay Couey, Zoran Boskovic, Dr. Matthew Cockle

Click here to watch THIS discussion
Expert Witnesses
We are thrilled to have esteemed guests Laura Jeffery, Dr. J. Jay Couey, Zoran Boskovic, and Dr. Matthew Cockle sharing their insights and expertise. Don't miss this incredible opportunity to join the discussion hosted by Shawn Buckley and Michelle Leduc Catlin.

Additional Discussion - Virtual
July 6, 2023

Leighton Grey, James Kitchen, Bruce Pardy, Shawn Buckley

Click here to watch THIS discussion
Expert Witnesses - Lawyers
NCI Roundtable Discussion - Why the Law Failed to Protect Civil Liberties During Covid.

Additional Discussion - Virtual
July 17, 2023

Dr. Stephen Malthouse, Dr. Charles Hoffe, Dr. Justin Chin, Dr. Chris Shoemaker

Click here to watch THIS discussion
Expert Witnesses - Physicians
NCI Roundtable Discussion - The Importance of Truth and Transparency in the Field of Science and Medicine

Additional Discussion - Virtual
Sep. 28, 2023

Leigh Vossen, Irvin Studin, Ches Crosbie and Shawn Buckley

Click here to watch THIS discussion
NCI Roundtable Discussion: how did mandates and lockdowns affect our children?

Interim Report

There is NO evidence
that the Covid Vaccine
is "safe & effective"

The National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) has released an Interim Report titled "In the Public Interest: An Interim Report on the Covid-19 Vaccine Authorization Process". Lawyer Ches Crosbie explains how Health Canada did NOT evaluate the Covid Vaccine for safety or efficacy.

Excerpt: "Dear Prime Minister:
The two most pressing recommendations from the Commissioners are to reinstate the traditional objective test for safety, and to withdraw the Covid-19 Vaccines until the normal rigorous evaluation can be completed:
1. Newly implemented revisions to the Food and Drug Regulations related to the authorization of Covid-19 vaccines must be rescinded as they permanently exempt Covid-19 vaccines from the requirements to objectively prove the Safety or Efficacy as required under the Food and Drug Regulations.
2. The current use of Covid-19 vaccines in Canada that were authorized under the revised provisions of the Interim Order and the newly revised Food and Drug Regulations, should be stopped immediately.
The pending session of Parliament provides an opportunity to be truthful with Canadians by confirming that Health Canada has not found the Covid-19 Vaccines to be proven safe and effective, and to do the right thing by withdrawing them pending full review in accordance with the traditional objective test."
Click here to watch the press conference.
Click here to view the Interim Report
and the letter to the Prime Minister
"Eternal vigilance is
the price of liberty."
~ Thomas Jefferson

Additional Commentary or Interviews


1 on 1 with Michelle Leduc Catlin

Click here to watch
Dr. Denis Rancourt
Expert Witness - Physicist/Researcher
An 11 minute interview with Dr. Denis Rancourt after his testimony in Ottawa on Day 1.

Tamara Lich delivers a speech for the ages

Click here to watch
Tamara Lich
Freedom Convoy Organizer
This is a 2 minute excerpt from the acceptance speech that Tamara Lich delivered for receiving the George Jonas Freedom Award from the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms (JCCF) on June 16, 2022 in Toronto, Canada.

Dr Trozzi's five minutes to inspire & help us connect

Click here to watch
Dr Trozzi
Dr Trozzi: "I hope this five minutes will inspire, provide direction, and help us connect and coordinate so that each of us can apply our skills to the massive group effort to establish justice and restore our health, the rule of law, and our human rights. We can turn this around, and establish a better world; but its not a given." His suggestions of organizations to get involved with include:
Click here to visit Canadian Covid Care Alliance
Click here to visit World Council for Health
Click here to visit Take Action Canada
Click here to visit Action4Canada
Click here to visit Dr. Trozzi's website
Click here to visit Druthers Newspaper

Trish Wood is Critical - Podcast

Click here to listen (discussion begins at 24:10)
Michelle Leduc Catlin / Shawn Buckley
Spokesperson / Lawyer
They've set the standard for the world. Canada's National Citizens Inquiry spent weeks traveling the country hearing stories of heartbreak, loss and ruination from people who have been harmed by public health officials and legacy media that together were part one of the largest policy failure in our lifetime. Hearing multiple testimonies day after day took its toll on the people involved. Michelle Leduc Catlin and Shawn Buckley, from the inquiry, share their stories of heartbreak and triumph. The podcast begins with Trish breaking down some of the disturbing new information about the OceanGate submersible that imploded, killing five. Experts are now saying it was always doomed to implode.

Global Summit - Worldwide Commission to Educate All Kids

Click here for itinerary and FREE tickets to this summit
Irvin Studin
Lawyer (PhD)
Global Summit - Worldwide Commission to Educate All Kids (Post-Pandemic)
Sat. Jul 29, 2023 9:00 AM - Sun. Jul 30, 2023 2:00 PM EDT
Location: Faculty Club, University of Toronto, 41 Willcocks Street, Toronto, ON M5S 3G3


Click here to watch
Catherine Christensen
"As a lawyer, I swear an oath to the King, not the government. I am there to hold the government to account." Did Prime Minister Trudeau order the military to impose a mandate in 2021? If so, that would imply that he is usurping the power that is only vested in the sovereign of Canada and that would be King Charles II. And if the Canadian Chief of Defence Staff took that order without telling him to "stuff it", that would mean that there is a full blown coup against the Crown and we're no longer a constitutional monarchy. This is just one piece of a massive scandal that is unfolding in front of our eyes in Canada. Dave Morrow spoke with Valour Law barrister, Catherine Christensen about her $500,000,000 mass tort lawsuit, representing 329 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members that were wrongfully dismissed for not taking the jab.
Click here to download this business card.

Many thanks to EVERYONE involved with the NCI that produced such a thorough account of the "COVID ERA" and how it has impacted Canadians.


Please visit the NCI website

for translations
more information
and resources.

Get Active
Share what you learn with others

Distribute EVERYWHERE!

Many thanks to "ironncopper" for posting testimony videos.
Many thanks to "DaMaXMaN" for posting testimony videos.
Many thanks to "truthsuncensored" for posting testimony videos.
La Commission d'enquete nationale citoyenne (CeNC) est une initiative entierement independante du gouvernement, dirigee et financee par des citoyens.



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"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
it will defend itself
~ Saint Augustine
(philosopher, theologian, and bishop)



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