Pharmacists with Integrity
"The young physician
starts life with 20 drugs
for each disease, and
the old physician
ends life with one drug
for 20 diseases."
~ William Osler
Ann McCormack 6:59:08 - 7:28:17
Expert Witness - Pharmacist
Lack of informed consent and concern over long term safety at work, loss of job due to mask mandate. After letting her license lapse for family reasons, Anne returned to the pharmacy during covid mandates. Even though she had a mask exemption from her doctor, she lost her job when an old acquaintance called the snitch-line premier Jason Kenny had set up in Alberta. She states that billing to Alberta Health is usually $13 per dose, but with the covid vaccine, it nearly doubled to $25 per dose. She believes Alberta Health neglected to advise patients of risks, and it should only be voluntary. This wasn't. If you have to get the jab or lose your ability to feed your family, that is coercion. Ann has filed a Human Rights complaint in Alberta.
Maria Gutschi 3:33:11 - 5:04:00
Expert Witness - Pharmaceutical Specialist
Regulatory process of mRNA vaccine approval and manufacturing steps involved.
Camille Mitchell 10:02:27 - 10:14:08
Lay Witness - Pharmacist
Lost position in hospital due to vaccine mandate, found other employment but worried that new mandate for all health care workers will affect her.
Helene Banoun 1:28:00 - 2:21:30
Expert Witness - Pharmaceutical Researcher
Helene Banoun discusses how vaccines work and shares her significant concerns over the safety of the covid injections. Banoun provides an in-depth analysis of the potential risks and side effects associated with the covid vaccine and explains the importance of conducting further research to ensure the safety of the population. This video is a must-watch for anyone interested in understanding the potential risks associated with the covid vaccine and the need for transparency in the pharmaceutical industry.
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"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
it will defend itself."
~ Saint Augustine
(philosopher, theologian, and bishop)
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