COVID Vaccines & Boosters
"Never before in medical history
has any medical treatment
killed and maimed so many people"
~ Dr. Charles Hoffe
- "Why were randomized clinical trials not conducted for 'Covid boosters'?
- Why were many subclinical myocarditis reports ignored?
- Why were vaccine side effects intentionally ignored in V-Safe?
- Why was Pfizer allowed to hide the results of its clinical trial of Covid vaccines in pregnant women, that ended in 2022?
- Why was negative effectiveness of the Covid vaccines hidden from the public?"
- ~ Florida's Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo
"What should we make of the recent flood of prior Covid officials and "journalists" suddenly grasping the nuances of vaccines and using the best available treatments for treating vaccine injuries? Well, that Common Knowledge is on the way, for one." Watch on here.
Dr. Francis Christian, Professor of Surgery, University of Saskatchewan - Apr. 20, 2023: "Note that being 'unvaccinated' does not mean 'uninjected' and this is how the 'unvaccinated' were dying - because they died within 14 days of being injected."
The promise was that these vaccines would put an end to all infections and stop the pandemic:
CDC Director: "Vaccinated people do not carry the virus, don't get sick."
Rachel Maddow: "That the virus stops with every vaccinated person. The virus does not infect them."
President Biden: "If you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask." (
In May 2021, Fauci said vaccinated individuals were "dead ends" for the virus, a sentiment echoed by other members of the Biden administration, including the president himself. Fauci and his co-authors go on to note that different vaccines have different objectives. Unlike others that may be aimed at preventing infection entirely or at preventing transmission, the COVID-19 vaccines were meant for "only preventing severe disease," they wrote.
USA Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, Chairman Dr. Brad Wenstrup: "On June 21, 2021 President Biden stated 'If you are vaccinated, you're not going to be hospitalized, you are not going to be in the Intensive Care Unit, you are not going to die'. Again, simply yes or no, by that date were there vaccinated Americans that were hospitalized?"
CDC Director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky: "We, still to this day, do not have data on people who are coming into the hospitals who are vaccinated."
Dr. Brad Wenstrup: "That's the problem I have with this statement from the leader of the Free World. Is to say something so definitive, 'you're not going to be hospitalized'. Even in the trials, people were hospitalized. 'You're not going to the ICU' as a definitive statement. That was misinformation, that was divisive, that was dangerous."
"the Finnish Institute for Health knew by the summer of 2021 that the COVID-19 vaccines did not stop virus transmission"
"The World Health Organization's Dr. Hanna Nohynek testified in court that she advised her government that vaccine passports were not needed but was ignored, despite explaining that the COVID vaccines did not stop virus transmission and the passports gave a false sense of security."
"vaccines were proven to be far from safe or effective and far from preventing transmission of COVID-19"
"From my medical experience and the review of sound data and scientific basis, I can confirm that in December 2021 the medical and scientific communities should have known that COVID-19 vaccines were proven to be far from safe or effective and far from preventing transmission of COVID-19 or severe form of COVID-19. Most of them did not know. Although the results were available and showed early on in 2021 a higher risk of deleterious reactions such as cardiovascular events. The COVID-19 vaccine study should have ethically been halted and reconsidered."
Vaccine "Negative Efficacy" and the danger of Antibody Dependent Enhancement (pathogenic priming) which can increase the severity of multiple viral infections, including other respiratory viruses such as respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and measles.
Dr. Byram Bridle: "there needs to be an immediate moratorium on mRNA vaccine technology until the very many legitimate scientific questions that have come up about this technology over the last two years can be definitively answered."
"This is man made. This has nothing to do with the coronavirus. This has something to do with the 'handling' of what happened."
Have you received your SEVENTH injection yet? That's what the US Government wants you to do. The White House is now recommending a fifth covid-19 booster shot. Dr. Scott Atlas: "I don't know if we've elected the dumbest people in the country to be in charge or what's happening here, but, we have a country that now recommends a booster for everyone over six months of age with an experimental drug. This just makes zero sense. The two companies with these new so-called vaccines: one of them was never tested in humans, just mice; the other one was tested without any clinical response data that a normal vaccine would be tested with. Our peer nations in Western Europe, most of them don't even recommend these vaccines for people under 20 and that's been the situation for almost two years now. We're one of the only countries. I mean this is really a disgrace and a frightening one at that. Alex Berenson was quoting the CDCs own data, he said one million mRNA Covid shots for teens will prevent ZERO to ONE covid deaths and cause between 100,000 and 200,000 severe side effects. When you're a parent, you have a child, your job is to protect your child. What these people, our bureaucrats say, is nonsense."
Denis Rancourt: "This is not a coincidence. In combining data from Israel and Australia, we were able to conclude that the risk of dying from being vaccinated, went up exponentially with age. The doubling time was about 5 years. And for all ages, about 1 in 100 vaccinated people would die. Therefore, you can NOT prioritize the elderly to receive the injection and MUST stop vaccinating immediately. There are approximately 17.5 million deaths due to the vaccines globally."
From the study
COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere: "The policy of prioritizing elderly residents for COVID-19 vaccination must be ended:
• 1 % (
1 death per 100 injections) (nominally all ages) in India
• 0.55 % (
1 death per 180 injections) for 80+ year-olds in Israel
• 0.93 % (
1 death per 110 injections) for 85+ year-olds in Australia"
Click here to download his latest paper (PDF).
Denis Rancourt holds B.Sc.(1980), M.Sc (1981). and Ph.D. (1984, University of Toronto) university degrees in physics. He became a national NSERC University Research Fellow, in Canada. He was a professor of physics at the University of Ottawa for 23 years, attaining the highest academic rank of tenured Full Professor. He developed new courses and taught over 2,000 university students, at all levels, and in three different faculties (Science, Engineering, and Arts). He headed an internationally recognized interdisciplinary research laboratory, and attracted significant research funding for two decades. Dr. Rancourt has published over 100 research papers in leading peer-reviewed scientific journals, in the areas of physics, chemistry, geology, materials science, soil science, and environmental science.
Click here for additional information about Denis Rancourt and his publications.
Dr. Peter McCullough testified in the European Parliament and calls for the Complete Stop to ALL COVID injections - They are NOT Safe for Human Use. "The vaccines have ravaged the population in the world. Every regulatory agency agrees: the vaccines cause myocarditis. I'm telling you as an expert cardiologist, these cardiac arrests are due to the Covid-19 vaccine until proven otherwise. Other cardiovascular diseases caused by the vaccine (proven): acceleration of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; heart attacks (cardiovascular arrest); Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS, or people passing out due to low blood pressure). You have seen montages of people in the media one after another passing out like you've never seen before. It is the vaccine until proven otherwise."
Dr. Peter A. McCullough is a Medical Doctor (MD) and also holds a Masters degree in Public Health (MPH). Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist holding degrees from Baylor University, University of Texas Southwestern Medical School, University of Michigan, and Southern Methodist University. He manages common infectious diseases as well as the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developing after the COVID-19 vaccine in Dallas TX, USA.
He has broadly published on a range of topics in medicine with more than 1,000 publications and over 685 citations in the National Library of Medicine. He developed the first widely utilized treatment regimen for ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine (subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine). He later published the first detoxification approach in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons. He has dozens of peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis.
Dr. McCullough testified multiple times in the US Senate, Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Arizona Senate and House of Representatives, Colorado General Assembly, New Hampshire Senate, Pennsylvania Senate, and South Carolina Senate concerning many aspects of the pandemic response. He has had years of dedicated academic and clinical efforts in combating the SARS-CoV-2 virus and in doing so, has reviewed thousands of reports, participated in scientific congresses, group discussions, press releases, and has been considered among the world's experts on COVID-19.
"Phillip Buckhaults, a cancer genomics expert, and professor at the University of South Carolina has testified before a South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee saying that Pfizer's mRNA vaccine is contaminated with billions of tiny DNA fragments.
The DNA in Pfizer's vaccine is wrapped up in lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) - essentially fat globules - that help transport the genetic material (mRNA and plasmid DNA) inside the cells where the DNA can migrate to the nucleus and insert itself into the genome."
The contract between Canada and Pfizer has been out for a while but for some reason it hasn't gained a lot of attention. Probably because the contract has a lot of redactions. So we used the Israeli and South African contracts to help fill in the blanks. We are joined by lawyers Colin Browne and Daniel Freiheit to go over the redactions. Guaranteed, we will cover things you haven't heard before.
"The newly-disclosed contract between Pfizer and the Republic of South Africa is dated March 30th, 2021 - four months after the jab rollout started in America. ... what you get is Pfizer saying they don't know what's in the jabs, what it's going to do to people, and it might even kill them, for all Pfizer knew. It gets worse. Section 8 of the contract is titled "Indemnification." It says that if Pfizer is ever sued by anyone - for any reason - because of the shots, then South Africa must pay for Pfizer's complete defense, and then pay any judgment if Pfizer loses."
Click here to view the contract (PDF).
"One study demonstrated that the vaccine will travel throughout the body after injection, and is found not only at the injection site, but in all organs tested, with high concentration in the ovaries, liver, adrenal glands, and spleen. Authorities who assured vaccinated people in early 2021 that the vaccine stays in the arm were lying."
"These data indicate that there is NO basis for saying the vaccine is safe in pregnancy. Concentration of LNPs (lipid nanoparticles) in ovaries, a doubled pregnancy loss rate, and raised fetal abnormality rate across all measured categories indicates that designating a safe-in-pregnancy label (B1 category in Australia) was contrary to available evidence. The data implies that not only was the Government's "safe and effective" sloganeering not accurate, it was totally misleading with respect to the safety data available."
Is it hard to believe that the people who were willing to take away your job or deny you a life-saving operation for being unvaccinated might also try to covertly vaccinate you against your will?
"The vaccines have never been shown to reduce hospitalization and death in any prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial or in any valid, non-randomized study. Even the consent form FAQ doesn't make that claim. So we can't have our White House Press Secretary making false claims regarding the vaccines."
Also available in Italian, Spanish & Chinese.
The mRNA vaccines that have been used against COVID-19 have caused injury and death on an unprecedented scale in the history of medicine. This book documents some of these harms. However, its main purpose is more general: it argues that these harms had to be expected from first principles of immunology, and furthermore that they result from the inherent properties of the mRNA technology as such, rather than from the specific properties of the COVID vaccines. We must therefore expect that future mRNA vaccines against other infectious agents will be similarly toxic.
Article by Dr. Meryl Nass that describes the book in some detail, which includes videos.
Purchase the physical book at
"Power concedes nothing without a demand.
It never did and it never will.
Find out just what any people will
quietly submit to and you have
found out the exact measure of
injustice and wrong which will
be imposed upon them,
and these will continue till
they are resisted with either words
or blows, or with both.
The limits of tyrants are
prescribed by the endurance
of those whom they oppress."
~ Frederick Douglass, Aug. 3, 1857
The decision to include spike protein in the experimental shots may wind up being the most deadly, recklessly negligent, reprehensible, and ultimately horrifying decision ever to emerge from fevered imaginations of mediocre government scientists. Spike's mechanism of attacking CD4 cells - directly attacking the immune system itself - should have been an absolute disqualifier for inclusion of spike protein in the jabs. A hundred percent. Why? Because even if the jabs do protect people from severe cases of covid - a highly debatable claim - they possibly, or even likely, increase the risk of further opportunistic non-covid infections later on, down the road. That's an incalculable risk. In other words, there's no way they can realistically say the unquantifiable benefits of the jabs outweigh the incalculable risks. There's some good news. The good news is that awareness is growing, and growing fast, as this 77-author study proves, and that means treatments can be developed for affected folks. There are plenty of reasons to be optimistic about that. But perhaps more importantly, it means that accountability is right around the corner, albeit in legal/scientific time frames.
Dr. Peter McCullough: "58% of children with myocarditis still have a damaged heart one year after initial diagnosis. Myocarditis is NOT mild."
The reports written in 2022 by the War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Documents Analysis Project volunteers using primary source Pfizer documents released under court order by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
Shawn Buckley
Expert Witness - Lawyer
Shawn Buckley, a constitutional lawyer specializing in the Food and Drug Act, shares his insights on the approval process of the Covid vaccine. He discusses the normal procedures for drug approval and how they differ from the approval process that was used for the Covid vaccine. He argues that the approval of the vaccine was driven more by politics than by health considerations. He sheds light on the political forces at play during the approval process and how they affected the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. Buckley's perspective provides an important legal and constitutional analysis of the vaccine approval process that sheds light on the vaccine's safety and efficacy.
Deanna McLeod 5:34:45 - 6:41:30
Expert Witness - Medical Researcher, Founder of Kaleidoscope Strategic Inc., Founder of Covid Sense
"I want to talk to you about how they manipulated the data, to emphasize benefits and minimize safety issues in order to profit handsomely off of a world that was looking for a solution to the Covid-19 crisis." Deanna McLeod provides an in-depth analysis of the outside interests involved in approving the Covid vaccine. Through her extensive research, McLeod sheds light on important insights into the approval and efficacy of the Covid vaccine. Deanna McLeod is the principal and founder of Kaleidoscope Strategic - an Oncology publications firm dedicated to the advancement of patient care. She attended McMaster University (in Hamilton), and her field of study includes immunology, psychology, and biology/biological sciences.
"all of those who are responsible for manufacturing the vaccines, distributing them, administering them, and then promoting them, each and every person that ever encouraged, pressured, coerced, or threatened reprisal for one of these Covid-19 vaccines is complicit in a crime against humanity and that crime is mass negligent homicide."
ARR = Absolute Risk Reduction (real)
RRR = Relative Risk Reduction (fake)
ARR = Absolute Risk Reduction (real)
RRR = Relative Risk Reduction (fake)
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"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
it will defend itself."
~ Saint Augustine
(philosopher, theologian, and bishop)
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