UN: United Nations

"It is not a matter of
what is true that counts,
but a matter of
what is perceived to be true."
~ Henry Kissinger
UN 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development

According to the UN: "The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development provides a global blueprint for dignity, peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and in the future. A few years into the Agenda, we see how civil society, private sector, and governments are translating this shared vision into national development plans and strategies."

But, the devil is in the details.

Booklet (PDF)
Once implemented, Agenda 21 (2030 Agenda)
will affect you in the following ways:

"Let's start with the
UN Security Council vote
calling for a
ceasefire in Gaza.
There have been
five of these votes."
March 28, 2024

The UN controls the world
along with their
"directed private sponsors"
Oct. 14, 2023

The United Nations System

Click here to view the United Nations' Structure, Organs, Funds & Programmes, Commissions, Departments, Offices, Related Organizations and Specialized Agencies.

United Nations THREATENING
national sovereignty
as world approaches breaking point
Sep. 2, 2023
"We can easily make a mistake in saying "these NGOs are the problem", really we have to look at our politicians." Neil Oliver asks Head of Policy at MCC Brussels, Jacob Reynolds, if the United Nations plan signals the end of national sovereignty.

Dirk Pohlmann and
Jimmy Dore brief the
United Nations about the
2022 Nord Stream pipeline sabotage
Sep. 26, 2023
"The Western governments are silent even as the US says through anonymous sources that Ukraine is responsible for the Nord Stream attack, but they won't blame them publicly. And so the United States continues to arm Ukraine to the teeth in hopes of extending the war and avoid peace. The Germans say it's Ukraine but will not release their official investigation and will not make an announcement. The final obscenity is the people in the West who claim to be environmentalists and claim to care about climate change and the environment say nothing about the worse release of methane gas in human history, but in fact whose actions reveal they don't actually care about climate change and continue to support this war and its eco-terrorism. In a bizarre twist, even Greta Thunberg travelled to Ukraine to meet with Zelenksyy after the Nord Stream Bombing."

The United Nations System

The list above was adapted from this document published by the United Nations.



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"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
it will defend itself
~ Saint Augustine
(philosopher, theologian, and bishop)



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