Have you heard about
the National Citizens Inquiry?

The NCI (National Citizens Inquiry) was a Canada-wide citizen-led and citizen-funded initiative to investigate the Canadian & provincial governments COVID-19 policies in a fair and impartial manner that was completely independent from all governments. Through questioning led by lawyers, individual Canadians and experts presented evidence to Independent Commissioners.
La Commission d'enquete nationale citoyenne (CeNC) est une initiative entierement independante du gouvernement, dirigee et financee par des citoyens.

"What the media did
wasn't news gathering,
it was propaganda."

~ Rodney Palmer's testimony under oath at the National Citizens Inquiry

Video - Complete testimony of Rodney Palmer
Toronto Day 1 at the National Citizens Inquiry.
Rodney Palmer discusses the CBC & media in general.
Mar. 30, 2023
Rodney Palmer is an award-winning journalist who has worked for 20 years as a foreign correspondent for CTV News and investigative reporter for CBC Radio & Television in Canada and abroad. He was the CTV News Foreign Correspondent and Bureau Chief in India, China, and the Middle East. He also worked for the Globe and Mail newspaper and the Vancouver Sun newspaper. Rodney's explosive testimony provided evidence as to how CBC in particular is not conducting newsgathering, they are focusing on propaganda.



8 Hearings in 8 Canadian Cities

24 Days of Testimony

Testimony is given under oath to
"provide the truth,
the whole truth and
nothing but the truth".

94 Experts Testified

Here you will find compelling evidence from experts that runs contrary to government messaging and media hype. Personal stories of loss and suffering, and heart-breaking accounts of how COVID policies negatively impacted the lives of Canadians.

325 Canadians Testified

We challenge you to
watch 3 witnesses!

All links open in a new window or tab

Get started with this brief summary
of Day 2 in Toronto
Michelle Leduc Catlin is the spokesperson
of the NCI. She has worked professionaly
as a TV host, broadcaster, actor, writer,
filmmaker, director, producer and podcast host.
Testimony includes: Hospital staff having fewer patients than normal during the pandemic; A paramedic describing a 66% decrease in calls during the pandemic; Parents witnessing their young children die suddenly after vaccination; Family not allowed to visit elderly patients who died alone in Long Term Care Facilities; People "doing their part" by getting "vaccinated", only to become vaccine injured, then subsequently dismissed by family, friends and employers; University students committing suicide due to isolation and peer pressure; People losing their jobs due to vaccine mandates; Paramedics describing the increase in calls of vaccinated young people dying of strokes and heart attacks; Dedicated health professionals no longer having trust or faith in our medical systems. Simply reading this entire page will expand your understanding of how society has changed due to the policies that our governments imposed on us.

Government officials were invited
to testify at the NCI, but
no government officials
came forward to provide testimony.

Below you will find the details and links to all of the testimony from every hearing of the National Citizens Inquiry. Please use the timestamp details below to find the testimony you're looking for. Alternatively, all witnesses have direct links to their testimony, simply click on the appropriate link that states "Click here to watch THIS testimony".
You may also use the "Find in Page" function (mobile phone) or "Find" function (Ctrl F on Windows : Command F on Apple computers) to search for a particular phrase or person.

Click here to watch THIS extraordinary monologue
Please take 5 minutes to
listen to Shawn Buckley

(a constitutional lawyer) as he gives an
impassioned speech about the behaviour of
regular Canadians and the people running
our legal, medical & political systems.
"You can't go back and change the beginning,
but you can start where you are
and change the ending."
~ C.S. Lewis

The NCI has released their
"Inquiry into the
Appropriateness and Efficacy
of the COVID-19 Response
in Canada"
Nov. 28, 2023

Lawyer Ches Crosbie: "At least three facts about the covid-19 vaccines are beyond dispute, because authorities like Health Canada admit these facts.
• The first fact beyond dispute is that Health Canada did not determine that the vaccines were safe and effective when they approved the vaccines.
• The second fact beyond dispute is that the process by which the vaccines were made for approval was a different process from the process by which they were made for Mass Marketing. There has been a bait and switch perpetrated on the public by which the public received a different product ... a product which was neither safe nor effective from the product which was approved.
• The third fact beyond dispute is that vaccines are adulterated ... by the presence of foreign DNA fragments and a sequence from a monkey virus called SV40, suspected of causing cancer. Adulterated products are neither safe nor effective.
Health Canada does not deny these shocking facts."
All links open in a new window or tab

"Inquiry into the Appropriateness and Efficacy
of the COVID-19 Response in Canada"
Nov. 28, 2023
On Tuesday, November 28, 2023, the National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) released the final report of its months-long investigation into Canada's response to COVID-19.
Excerpts (pages 183-184):
"Canada is not a country that is founded on the principle of the collective over the individual. To the contrary, Canada's constitution provides that Canada is founded on the rule of law, and it guarantees the rights of individuals."
"7.1.4. The Constitution is the supreme law of Canada. The main parts were enacted in 1867 and 1982. The Constitution Act, 1867, created Canada as a country, and the Constitution Act, 1982, created the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms (the Charter). Since the Charter is part of Canada's Constitution, it forms part of the supreme law of Canada, and governments are therefore not permitted to pass laws that violate the rights that it guarantees.
There is a reason that Canada (and many other countries) have enacted constitutional protection for individual rights and freedoms. Governments are not infallible, and institutions cannot be trusted on their own to protect individuals. History has demonstrated that even the most advanced societies can enact oppressive measures and trample on the rights and freedoms of some of their members. Canada is not necessarily immune from this, and its government actions should not be immune from scrutiny.
There is no doubt that many of the government measures in response to COVID violated Canadians' rights and freedoms under the Charter, including:
[Special note: Click here to learn why the Canadian Bill of Rights protects our God given rights and freedoms and how the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is used to ultimately eliminate our rights - including property rights.]
Click here to download the Final Report as a PDF.
Complete video presentation of the release of the Final Report.
Jump to:
Video commentary of Shawn Buckley.
{ Lawyer specializing in criminal, regulatory and constitutional law }
Video commentary of Ken Drysdale.
{ Retired Professional Engineer }
Video commentary of Dr. Bernard Massie.
{ Ph.D. in microbiology and immunology }
Video commentary of Heather DiGregorio.
{ Senior law partner and a top tax expert in Canada }
Video commentary of Janice Kaikkonen.
{ Ph.D. in Theology and Discipleship, works primarily with vulnerable populations and youth }
Video commentary of Ches Crosbie.
{ Retired Lawyer specializing in class action suits }
Question and Answer period.

"The media is the most
powerful entity on earth.
They have the power to
make the innocent guilty and
to make the guilty innocent,
and that's power.
Because they control
the minds of the masses."
~ Malcolm X

Click here to download the PDF of this business card.
Then send the file to a professional printer and order a box of cards.
Place them around town
(store shelves, malls, elevators, bus shelters, etc.)
or on driver's door.
La Commission d'enquete nationale citoyenne (CeNC) est une initiative entierement independante du gouvernement, dirigee et financee par des citoyens.

"I Counted Patients Everyday and Realized they were on TV Lying to People"

Video - 2 minute clip
Linda Adshade,
Nova Scotia Health Authority employee,
describes discrepancies between
actual data and the media narrative
at the National Citizens Inquiry.
Mar. 18, 2023

Video - Complete testimony of Linda Adshade
Truro Day 3 at the National Citizens Inquiry.
Mar. 18, 2023

Is Canadian media giving us
the truth,
the whole truth,
and nothing but the truth?

"Men occasionally stumble
over the truth,
but most of them
pick themselves up
and hurry off as if
nothing had happened."
~ Winston Churchill
Please consider the following testimonies
of former CBC, CTV and Global Television
journalists and directors
and decide for yourself.

"Not only had we shut down one side by silencing and discrediting anyone opposing the narrative, we had elevated and designated ourselves as gatekeepers of the truth. We no longer believed our audience was capable of thinking for themselves."

~ Marianne Klowak

Complete testimony of Marianne Klowak
Ottawa Day 2 at the National Citizens Inquiry.
"Unveiling the decline of journalism:
Insights from a former CBC Reporter"
May 18, 2023
Marianne Klowak began her career anchoring and reporting at CKX Brandon. From there she worked in both TV news and current affairs at CBC Saskatoon. For the past 25 years Marianne had worked at CBC Winnipeg, in radio and television.
Exhibit: OT-4 Klowak Slides

"I just thought, how can we neglect to tell people that? How can we lead people to believe something which is not 100% accurate."

~ Anita Krishna

Complete testimony of Anita Krishna
Ottawa Day 2 at the National Citizens Inquiry.
"This is my account under oath
regarding my termination from Global BC."
May 18, 2023
Anita Krishna worked for Canadian mainstream media for 20 years, at Global, CTV and CityTV. When questioning and speaking out against the Covid 19 narrative, she was ousted from her position as a newscast director at Global News in Vancouver.

"The Loss of Trust in Mainstream Media During COVID-19. It's all become industrially centralized and can, therefore, be easily controlled by the government."

~ Jeffrey Tucker

Complete testimony of Jeffrey Tucker
Winnipeg Day 2 at the National Citizens Inquiry.
Apr. 14, 2023
Jeffrey A. Tucker is Founder and President of the Brownstone Institute. He is also Senior Economics Columnist for Epoch Times and author of 10 books & thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press. The Brownstone Institute looks to influence a post-lockdown world by generating new ideas in public health, philosophy, scientific discourse, economics, and social theory. It hopes to enlighten and mobilize public life to defend and promote the liberty that is critical for an enlightened society from which everyone benefits.

"The CBC stated 'We don't have any evidence that the vaccines cause anything but immunity against covid 19' while at the exact same time, the Canadian government website of 'Reported side effects' listed numerous problems."

~ Rodney Palmer

Additional testimony of Rodney Palmer
Ottawa Day 2 at the National Citizens Inquiry.
May 18, 2023
Rodney Palmer presents new information and explains the funding of the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) by government and how they have manipulated their news coverage on covid matters by using their chosen 'experts' who, themselves, are funded by government grants. He calls for a sweeping change to the entire organization in order to bring it back to its roots of real journalism again. He also reveals where the Canadian government website shows death, miscarriages and many health conditions caused by the vaccine, while at the same time, CBC is saying the vaccines are "Safe and Effective."
Rodney Palmer is an award-winning journalist who has worked for 20 years as a foreign correspondent for CTV News and investigative reporter for CBC Radio & Television in Canada and abroad. He was the CTV News Foreign Correspondent and Bureau Chief in India, China, and the Middle East. He also worked for the Globe and Mail newspaper and the Vancouver Sun newspaper.
Exhibit: OT-15 Palmer May 18, 2023


Links to ALL 325 Testimonies

See ALL 325 Testimonies here
... or by categories below ...



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"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
it will defend itself
~ Saint Augustine
(philosopher, theologian, and bishop)



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