Law, Lawyers, Legal, Legislation, Judges, Courts, Justice
Bruce Pardy 3:09:20 - 4:13:25
Expert Witness - Professor of Law, Queen's University
The role the legal /court system had when mandates were challenged. Bruce Pardy is a professor of law at Queen's University (Kingston). He gives an excellent presentation on what happened to Canadians' rights during covid. He describes the roles of the three main departments in the Canadian justice system: the administrative; the legislative; and the courts. He also describes how the bureaucrats are now making decisions for society, not our elected representatives.
Shelley Overwater 10:09:25 - 10:50:30
Lay Witness - Lawyer
Shelley Overwater is a lawyer who happens to be representing some of the Canadians who were fined while traveling across the border. Trusting that the vaccine was safe, her entire family received it. Within 3 weeks, her father passed away and was listed as a covid death. It wasn't. She describes the negative changes at her workplace that made her eventually resign and the decisions she made for the future. Shelley never did get another booster and remains active defending Canadians' civil rights.
Maurice Gatien 11:33:08 - 12:39:00
Expert Witness - Lawyer
He discusses the repercussions he suffered due to defending people on covid mandates and the vaccine injured. He then goes on to speak on the manipulation of facts and media participation that he called 'The Big Lie'.
Robert Ivan Holloway 5:49:10 - 6:52:00
Lay Witness - Lawyer, economist
Through extensive research, he determined that the public was being mislead and misinformed. He became involved in Freedom Convoy in Winnipeg. Richard Holloway tells of his family's decision to get vaccinated and the deep regret he felt after further research. He believes the mandates were disconnected from healthcare and caused irreversible damage to Canadians, especially children. He says that 5 years of clinical trials is the normal standard for a new vaccine, but "emergency authorized use" bypassed all of that. Because of censorship, the debate on the use of the covid vaccine on children never happened. He discusses consensus and the possible criminal implications. Mr. Holloway and his wife decided not to give their children a second dose of the mRNA vaccine. Although double vaxed, he created a Freedom Association offline in Winnipeg offering free legal advice to those affected by the mandates.
Cindy Stevenson 10:34:53 - 10:56:40
Lay Witness - CN Rail worker
Cindy Stevenson knew early on that the vaccine was experimental and refused to get the covid vaccine. She caught covid and had immunity, but that wasn't enough to keep her job. Her union didn't help her, so she hired a lawyer and filed complaints with several agencies, including the human rights board. Cindy was called back to work, but she soon resigned, fearing the company would do it again. She describes how her adult children have lost all trust in the Canadian government and its institutions. After being declined unemployment benefits, she continues to fight to remove the label of "misconduct" on her record of employment.
James Kitchen 1:37:40 - 2:55:43
Expert Witness - Lawyer
An analysis of why the courts and legal system have failed during the covid era.
Shawn Buckley
Shawn Buckley gives an impassioned speech about the behaviour of the people running our legal, medical & political systems.
Video that MUST be heard.
Catherine Christensen 2:03:25 - 3:20:30
Expert Witness - Litigation lawyer representing military
The coercion, bullying tactics including discharge from service used by the military brass against those who did not want to be vaccinated.
Brian Giesbrecht 5:40:30 - 6:25:47
Expert Witness - Retired Provincial Court judge
Discusses how the legal/court system should be independent of government policy. Brian Giesbrecht is active in free speech and indigenous issues, writing for various publications. It started with his articles being censored and the media turning hostile. Covid rules didn't make sense, like blocking outdoor trails and playgrounds or park benches. Judge Giesbrecht says he has never seen anything like this, and Canada feels like a different country now. He believes Canadians need to be more objective and pay attention to anything that takes away their civil rights. Once taken away, they may never be given back.
John Carpay 6:23:42 - 7:28:00
Expert Witness - President of JCCF (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms)
Testimony on how the JCCF (Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms) has been representing many persons in the legal system regarding the covid mandates and their recommendations for changes to legislation.
Gail Davidson 5:33:40 - 7:02:30
Expert Witness - Retired lawyer in Human Rights Law
An excellent and detailed presentation on Canada's obligations under International Human Rights Law in comparison to what has happened in Canada since March 2020.
Shawn Buckley 10:53:06 - 11:51:45
Expert Witness - Lawyer
Shawn Buckley, a constitutional lawyer specializing in the Food and Drug Act, shares his insights on the approval process of the Covid vaccine. He discusses the normal procedures for drug approval and how they differ from the approval process that was used for the Covid vaccine. He argues that the approval of the vaccine was driven more by politics than by health considerations. He sheds light on the political forces at play during the approval process and how they affected the safety and efficacy of the vaccine. Buckley's perspective provides an important legal and constitutional analysis of the vaccine approval process that sheds light on the vaccine's safety and efficacy.
Lily Monier 4:51:00 - 5:35:00
Lay Witness
Lily Monier shares her story on civil disobedience and legal recourse.
Rick Nicholls 55:12 - 1:24:35
Lay Witness - Independent Politician
Political pressure to get vaccinated resulted in his loss of seat within the Conservative Party of Canada. Rick Nicholls was a member of the PC party in the Ontario Legislative Assembly since 2011. Mr. Nicholls refused the vaccine and maintained his integrity throughout this ordeal. He questioned the Ontario Minister of Health on the safety and effectiveness of the mRNA vaccine. He argued that the pharmaceutical companies should not have exemption from liability, but it fell on deaf ears. He has become an independent politician since leaving the Ontario Legislative Assembly.
Jeffrey Wrath 8:28:00 - 9:20:20
Expert Witness - Constitutional Lawyer
Discusses what "Administrative Law" is and why it is important to understand how it was implemented in the court system when ruling on covid measures.
Stephane Blais 8:47:07 - 9:13:40
Lay Witness
Stephane Blais, a former accountant, shares his story of standing up against mandates and injustices during the pandemic. After filing a petition to the courts on behalf of human rights, he faced disciplinary action from the Disciplinary Committee of Accountants and was ultimately banned from practicing his profession. In this video, he speaks out about the importance of standing up for what is right, even in the face of adversity, and shares his experiences with fighting for human rights.
Leighton Grey 1:25:20 - 3:00:40
Expert Witness - Lawyer
Exhibit: SA-7 - Grey-Tim Stephens Arrest.mp4
Exhibit: SA-7a -Grey-2001-14300-Filed-2022-06-10-Written-Argument-Written-Submission-FILED
Exhibit: SA-7b -Grey-2021-08-03-Written Interrogatories for Dr. Hinshaw-FILED
Exhibit: SA-7c -Grey-99292-001_BRF-2021-09-01-PRE-TRIAL FACTUM OF_APPLICANT R INGRAM - FILED
Exhibit: SA-7d -Grey-99292-001_BRF-Pre-Trial Reply Factum of The Applicant_Rebecca Marie Ingram-FILED
Exhibit: SA-7e -Grey-2001-14300-Filed 2022-06-15-Book of Authorities
Exhibit: SA-7f -Grey-2001-14300-Filed-2022-06-13-Written-Argument-Written-Submission
Exhibit: SA-7h -Grey-2021-09-22 RESPONDING BRIEF-FILED
Exhibit: SA-7i -Grey-2022-07-27 Applicants_ Written Final Reply-Filed
Exhibit: SA-7j-Grey-PRE-TRIAL FACUM OF THE APPLICANT, Heights Baptist,_Northside Baptist, Erin Blacklaws, Torry Tanner
Exhibit: SA-7k-Grey-111. AB Pre-Trial Factum-Sept 14, 2021-FILED
Exhibit: SA-7l-Grey-2022-07-13 Alberta Final Written Argument
Exhibit: SA-7m-Grey-2022-11-17 Respondents Brief-FILED
Exhibit: SA-7n-Grey-Applicant's Brief-November 9 2022, 2201-14300-Joint Submission
Exhibit: SA-7o-Grey-April 5, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7p-Grey-April 6, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7q-Grey-April 7, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7r-Grey-August 26, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7s-Grey-February 10, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7t-Grey-February 11, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7u-Grey-Feb 14, 2022 AM
Exhibit: SA-7v-Grey-Feb 14, 2022 PM
Exhibit: SA-7w-Grey-Feb 15, 2022 AM
Exhibit: SA-7x-Grey-Feb 15, 2022 PM
Exhibit: SA-7y-Grey-Feb 16, 2022 AM
Exhibit: SA-7z-Grey-Feb 16, 2022 PM
Exhibit: SA-7aa -Grey-Feb 17, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7bb -Grey-Feb 22, 2022 AM
Exhibit: SA-7cc -Grey-Feb 22, 2022 PM
Exhibit: SA-7dd -Grey-Feb 23, 2022 AM
Exhibit: SA-7ee -Grey-Feb 24, 2022 AM
Exhibit: SA-7ff -Grey-Feb 24, 2022 PM
Exhibit: SA-7gg -Grey-Jun 1, 2021 AM
Exhibit: SA-7hh -Grey-May 13, 2022 Transcript of Proceedings regarding Order revisions May 13, 2021 (ACJ Rooke) (02652541)
Exhibit: SA-7ii -Grey-TRANSCRIPTS - Aug 26, 2022
Exhibit: SA-7jj-Grey-Request for recommendations
A riveting 'behind the scenes' testimony of the workings of the justice system from a lawyer who represented numerous people fighting covid mandates.
Michael Alexander 5:59:50 - 6:46:40
Expert Witness - Lawyer
Michael Alexander is an Ontario lawyer with a career spanning over 40 years. He is presently representing doctors who were fined, suspended, or lost their medical license for spreading misinformation. He describes some of his cases and how they have progressed. He also discusses some of the reasons why Canadians are losing the battle in court.
Catherine Christensen
"As a lawyer, I swear an oath to the King, not the government. I am there to hold the government to account." Did Prime Minister Trudeau order the military to impose a mandate in 2021? If so, that would imply that he is usurping the power that is only vested in the sovereign of Canada and that would be King Charles II. And if the Canadian Chief of Defence Staff took that order without telling him to "stuff it", that would mean that there is a full blown coup against the Crown and we're no longer a constitutional monarchy. This is just one piece of a massive scandal that is unfolding in front of our eyes in Canada. Dave Morrow spoke with
Valour Law barrister, Catherine Christensen about her $500,000,000 mass tort lawsuit, representing 329 Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) members that were wrongfully dismissed for not taking the jab.
Additional Discussion - Virtual
July 6, 2023
Leighton Grey, James Kitchen, Bruce Pardy, Shawn Buckley
Expert Witnesses - Lawyers
NCI Roundtable Discussion - Why the Law Failed to Protect Civil Liberties During Covid.
The Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms filed its legal argument and over 14,000 pages of evidence as part of an ongoing legal challenge on behalf of the Honourable Brian Peckford, the Honourable Maxime Bernier, and four other Canadians, to strike down the federal government's mandatory Covid vaccine requirements for air travellers (the "Travel Ban").
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~ Saint Augustine
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