Nurses with Integrity
"The trained nurse has become one of the great blessings of humanity, taking a place beside the physician and the priest."
~ William Osler
Nurses who offer a contrarian opinion to the way in which the Wuhan virus protocols are being enacted are being told to stand down and shut up - or face dismissal. And perhaps even the removal of their nursing credentials.
This is a common occurrence in Canada where nurses were not allowed to share the harms they were seeing. The following nurses spoke out anyway ... most losing their job, their livelihood and their income. These brave nurses maintained their integrity and are willing to tell their stories ...
As you will learn from the eye-witness accounts and technical information presented in this book, calling the failed COVID protocols "errors" is not accurate.
What The Nurses Saw
It was Murder
These protocols were explicitly ordered by those who took dictatorial control of the medical system early in the Panic (spring of 2020). Further, when they were shown to be demonstrably failing and harming many thousands of people, experienced healthcare professionals who raised informed concerns were silenced through demotion, firing, and organized campaigns of harassment promoted by the news media and enabled by companies like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok, in some cases in collaboration with the White House and the Department of Justice's FBI.
If this sounds very bad, it's because it is.
What the Nurses Saw is documentation of what happens in the real world when bureaucrats take literal dictatorial control over the practice of medicine.
On a pure dollar and cents level, one of every five dollars spent in the U.S. is spent on the products of the medical services industry, as is one of every three tax dollars. The U.S., more than any country in the world, and by a large measure, has been colonized by this industry. As part of this process, the industry and its operatives have corrupted and perverted science, academia, and the news media. Now it's hard at work to weaken and degrade the last pillar that keeps the system even remotely functioning - the integrity of the nursing profession.
If we fail to support our good nurses, help them hold the line, and start aggressively turning things around, there is no practical limit to how far this totalitarian medical dictatorship which we in fact live under will go in its future abuse and exploitation of human beings.
in-depth interviews with: Erin Marie Olszewski; Mark Bishofsky; Sarah Choujounian; Kevin Corbett Ph.D.; AJ DePriest; Ashley Grogg;
Kristen Nagle; Kimberly Overton; Nicole Sirotek; and Katie Spence.
Alison Petten 2:57:14 - 3:23:02
Lay Witness - Nurse Educator
Alison Petten is a nursing instructor with over 40 years of experience. She discusses the subjects of informed consent, data collection, and intramuscular vaccine injection, along with nursing standards and codes of ethics in Nova Scotia.
Janessa Blauvelt 5:49:58 - 6:24:07
Lay Witness - LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse)
Loss of job due to mandates. Miss Blauvelt describes being bullied and threatened by fellow workers during covid. Soon after this ordeal, she was diagnosed with severe depression. She is now thinking of moving from Nova Scotia.
Victoria McGuire 6:56:06 - 7:17:42
Lay Witness - Nurse (retired)
Loss of job, irregularities with what the media was reporting and what she was seeing. In early covid, her family erected a tent on the porch. She would disrobe from hospital garments before entering the house to protect her family. The media induced fear, but her hospital remained mostly empty. Then came the vaccine mandates, and she refused. Regardless of the penalties incurred on her pension, Elizabeth decided to retire early.
Lynn Kofler 1:24:37 - 1:43:27
Lay witness - Registered Nurse
Lost job due to vaccine mandate, care and treatment of seniors in LTC (Long Term Care) facility.
Ksenia Usenko 9:34:02 - 9:50:40
Lay Witness - Nurse for over 15 years
Loss of job due to vaccine mandate, observations on patients. During covid, her hospital sent emails and provided so-called educational videos to the unvaccinated staff. In her department, several things were happening to patients after the covid vaccine roll-out. The vaccinated patients had low platelet counts and blood clots. It was enough to change her mind about getting the vaccine. Ksenia comes from a communist country and is devastated at what is happening to Canada.
Colleen Brandse 4:32:48 - 4:46:50
Lay Witness - Nurse of 28 years
Vaccine Injury to herself, husband and son. Colleen Brandse is a cancer survivor with a weaker immune system, but her oncologist told her to get the covid vaccine. Soon after her second dose, she suffered neurological symptoms. Her husband and son also got vaccinated and have experienced severe vaccine adverse effects. Her 23-year-old son developed pericarditis, and her husband has stage 4 cancer. Colleen must wait 2 years for neurological tests.
Michelle Malkoske 8:52:00 - 9:07:55
Lay witness - Nurse
Michelle Malkoske describes the challenges her family faced for choosing not to get vaccinated. At her workplace, there was a staffing shortage, but they denied her any work. Within weeks, she was terminated from her job, only to be called back 6 months later. She recalls the painful moment her family member, who is also a nurse, told her she should lose her nursing license. Michelle and her husband took their children to rallies to teach them the gravity of what was being done to them. She has also started homeschooling her 2 youngest children.
Angela Taylor 6:26:10 - 6:58:55
Lay Witness - LPN (Licensed Practical Nurse) at senior's care home
The effects of vaccination and lockdowns on residents and vaccine injured herself. Due to prior conditions, she only got the Johnson & Johnson shot but was still required to get the boosters. She describes the heartbreaking conditions the patients endured because of lockdowns and the excess deaths. She sent many emails, but nobody cared. Her family was also affected, and she describes that in her testimony. She tells stories of her patients and the despair they felt alone and isolated. This should never happen again in Canadian health care.
Heather Burgess 9:19:07 - 9:40:03
Lay Witness - Retired nurse
When mother with Alzheimer's was going to die, family was not allowed to be with her in the hospital until after she passed away.
Judy Soroka 7:13:26 - 7:21:55
Lay Witness - Retired nurse
Due to vaccine mandate, she was unable to access medical treatment that she needed for chronic pain from a previous back injury.
Grace Neustaedter 9:23:17 - 9:41:08
Lay Witness - Clinical Nurse Specialist
Testified how the staff at her clinic did not question a rushed vaccine and were very intolerant of anyone not getting vaccinated. She subsequently retired early knowing she would lose her job. Also discussed family and church situations.
Serena Steven 6:42:04 - 7:16:15
Lay Witness - Nurse
Vaccine Injury - Cardiac and bowel issues
Sean Taylor 10:00:55 - 10:27:38
Lay Witness - Emergency nurse
Discusses what he saw as an emergency room nurse both in the hospital and the community. With his military background and PsyOps (Psychological Operations) knowledge, he also presents his thoughts on the messaging from official sources.
Aurora Bisson-Montpetit 6:18:37 - 6:50:10
Lay Witness - Nurse
She recounts her experiences as an 811 nurse and the actions that she took because of this.
Lisa Bernard 9:19:25 - 9:40:00
Lay Witness - Nurse
Vaccine Injury plus relating how lockdowns affected her patient care and affected her mental health.
Kristen Nagle 6:55:30 - 7:17:37
Lay Witness - Nurse
Due to her speaking out about the covid mandates, she was suspended indefinitely and later terminated, placed under investigation by the College and maligned by the media. As a result, Kristen and several other nurses founded
Canadian Frontline Nurses. They spoke in Washington DC on Jan. 6 at a separate event and were deemed domestic terrorists by the Canadian government and suffered severe consequences from that.
Vonnie Allen 6:01:55 - 6:32:05
Lay Witness - Head of Maternity Nursing
Discrimination and job loss due to vaccine mandates.
Cindy Campbell 6:47:22 - 7:45:55
Expert Witness - Nursing academic with over 28 years of experience
How the pandemic and hospital policies affected nursing staff. Cindy Campbell has a BA and a Master's degree in medical science. She describes her experience of being denied a religious exemption and the challenges she faced at work. She talks about the nursing shortage, hospital ward closures, overworked staff, and the health risks it poses on Canadian health care. She states that risk/benefit analysis was not done here in Canada, and this is vital to a healthy society.
Kyrianna Reimer 9:13:50 - 9:36:30
Lay Witness - was a nursing student, works in finance now
She was unable to complete nursing school due to vaccine mandate. Her negative experiences throughout this has affected her trust in the medical field.
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"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
it will defend itself."
~ Saint Augustine
(philosopher, theologian, and bishop)
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