PCR - Polymerase Chain Reaction
"Confidence turns into pride
only when you are in
denial of your mistakes."
~ Criss Jami
"PCR is a process that's used to make a whole lot of something out of something. It doesn't tell you that you're sick and it doesn't tell you that the thing you ended up with was going to hurt you."
Kary Banks Mullis (Dec. 28, 1944 - Aug. 7, 2019) was an American biochemist. In recognition of his invention of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique, he shared the 1993 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with Michael Smith and was awarded the Japan Prize in the same year.
By the CDC's own admission, in its instructions for use of PCR tests: "Detection of viral RNA may not indicate the presence of infectious virus or that 2019-nCoV is the causative agent for clinical symptoms."
It was Christian Drosten who in mid-January 2020 - just a couple of weeks after the initial outbreak of Covid-19 just a stone's throw from Tongji Hospital - devised the notoriously oversensitive PCR test that would become the "gold standard" for detecting the virus. Since Drosten's PCR would also and especially be used to test people with no symptoms of the illness, it thus paved the way for the outbreak to obtain pandemic status.
"The old saying 'follow the money' has a lot of validity. The testing was a racket. It involved fraudulent activity made workable by intimidation. We were intimidated, we were told test, test, test. People were able to enhance their corporate revenues by telling americans 'test all three ways: the rapid test (the protein-based test); the pcr test; the antibody test'. I have no idea how many tens of millions probably, probably hundreds of millions of dollars, were wasted on our testing program."
Dr. David Speicher 6:00:17 - 6:44:31
Expert Witness - Virologist
Presents an analysis of the PCR testing procedure and how it was misused as a diagnostic tool for covid disease.
Dr. Laura Braden 0:7:20 - 2:17:03
Expert Witness - Immunologist (PhD)
Analysis of virus origin, masking, PCR, mRNA vaccine. Dr. Laura Braden is a scientist with a doctorate in biology. She also has degrees in neuroscience and cellular and molecular biology. Regardless of censorship and cancel culture, Dr. Braden felt morally and professionally obligated to ask questions. Soon after attending a rally for children, she was reported and fired from her position.
Linda Adshade 7:08:17 - 7:28:00
Lay Witness - Nova Scotia Health Authority employee
Discrepancies between actual data and media narrative, loss of job due to vaccine mandate. She was the supervisor in charge of all incoming PCR test results throughout the province. She kept accurate counts and saw huge discrepancies in the numbers reported by the media. They inflated the actual numbers, and she wants to know why.
Navid Sadikali 5:45:02 - 6:21:00
Lay Witness - Expert in Medical Imaging
Discusses how the rationale behind claiming a pandemic was based on faulty data, and why the covid injections could never provide immunity. He ends his presentation reminding us that our own immune system is more robust than anything that can be created by man.
Natalie Kim Bjorklund Gordon 3:40:40 - 5:03:22
Expert Witness - Human Geneticist (PhD) and Epidemiologist
Discussion about PCR, mRNA technology, statistics and personal experiences. Dr. Gordon is a scientist and author of several peer reviewed publications. Her expertise includes human genetics (PhD), microbiology/biochemistry (B.Sc.), immunology and epidemiology. She gave an excellent slide presentation and talks about the vaccine injuries suffered by her family. The governments handled the pandemic poorly and violated basic healthcare ethics. She discusses those violations and offers excellent recommendations for the handling of any future pandemics.
Dr. Jonathan J. Couey 7:40:02 - 8:58:50
Lay Witness - Academic Neurobiologist
A detailed presentation on what coronavirus is, how PCR cannot detect this specific virus and how difficult it is for coronaviruses to replicate as a 'deadly pathogen'.
Dr. Chris Shaw 7:32:29 - 8:39:45
Expert Witness - Neuroscientist
Dismissed from his position with 'unpaid leave', he presents an insight into the effects on the medical profession and his opinions on what the future brings for the vaccinated.
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"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
it will defend itself."
~ Saint Augustine
(philosopher, theologian, and bishop)
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