"Comfort is no test of truth.
Truth is often far
from being comfortable."
~ Vivekananda
"The mainstream media and pro-vaccine advocates in public health and government would have you believe we are at serious risk of a measles epidemic as a result of
vaccine hesitancy. The vaccine industry would have you believe that:
- all vaccines are safe and effective;
- vaccines are responsible for the significant decline in mortality in the last century;
- vaccines are necessary for our children's health;
- adverse reactions to vaccines are rare; and
- measles is a serious illness that puts our children's lives at risk."
Are these statements supported by evidence?
"[The measles vaccine is] an unhealthy reprogramming of the immune system that trades of the acute, vigorous responses to infection [in favor of] weaker, but ongoing, chronic responses that have rendered us a lot sicker than we would have been had we simply left well enough alone."
~ Dr. Richard Moskowitz
Here, on TheyLied.ca, we have put together some resources to help parents make informed decisions for their children in regards to vaccinations and education. There is also a page specifically for pregnant women and their developing baby. Our primary goal is to provide resources that allow all parents to make fully informed decisions regarding the health and safety of themselves and their children.