Raise Public Awareness

"If it can be destroyed
by the truth,
it deserves to be destroyed
by the truth."
~ Carl Sagan

Join our campaign to raise public awareness
of this simple, powerful fact:
THEY LIED to us!

The objective, through mass exposure,
is to plant seeds in people's minds:

Who lied?
What did they lie about?
Why did they lie?

The Great Awakening is accelerating as more and more people visit this website and share our message.

"Those who have
the privilege to know
have the duty to act."
~ Albert Einstein
Now, more than ever, it's time to take our message to the street. Get out there - help raise awareness and wake up our fellow Canadians! Imagine if everywhere people go, they see one simple message ... TheyLied.ca
They see it on cars, bridges, fences along the street or highway, lamp posts, T-shirts, hats, shopping bags ... everywhere.
We know They Lied!
Let's publicly call out the liars.
People are ready to talk.
Get the conversation going.
Below are some ways we can all help. Find a way that works for you. Let's get outside of our comfort zone. Now is the time for Action.
Be bold, be brave,
speak up, just say it.
Here are ways you can help share this message:

Here is a 9 minute video that explains the idea:



Be creative and #ChalkItUp

Create your own stickers & signs & display them appropriately.

Wear your message proud - T-shirt, Cap or Toque


Get involved!


Get in on the action!


Stop the Globalist Agenda!

"I ain't blind and I don't like
What I think I see
Takin' it to the streets
Takin' it to the streets"
~ The Doobie Brothers
Please do not:
  • damage private property;
  • vandalize any property;
  • do anything illegal;
  • put your life, or other peoples lives at risk;
  • engage with verbally abusive or aggressive people, walk away.
Below are some examples of how people have promoted TheyLied.ca ...
Direct Links to:

T-shirts, Caps, Toques

We're interested in raising public awareness in every way possible. Feel free to make your own merch at home or with your favourite manufacturer or printer. You can also purchase merchandise from the links below.



Baseball Cap


Beanies / Toques



Shopping Bag

Affix stickers to your shopping bags and raise public awareness while you're shopping.



Patriot Letter

Have you noticed Canadian flags on houses in your neighbourhood or while driving to work? Can you deliver a printed copy of our Patriot Letter (click here to open a PDF) to these fellow patriots? If so, you could include a card, sticker or invitation to a local rally if you like. Let's help the other lions help us raise public awareness!



Licence Plate Replicas

(this is not a legal vehicle plate)
Tape to the inside of car windows,
or tape a laminated version on the outside.
Examples of locations:
There's one for every province and territory!
Click an image below to view a large JPG.
Save it to your device.
Print on 8.5" x 11" paper (or larger).
Print Landscape - Fill the page.


Car Magnets

Car Magnets
(click here to purchase)
2" x 12" ~= 5 cm x 30.5 cm
(removable for when you need to be discreet)




(click here to purchase)
2" x 12" ~= 5 cm x 30.5 cm


Print your own labels using the Avery Labels 5066 template.
Great for the back of public bathroom stall doors.
Click here to download the Avery Labels 5066 template file (colour).
Click here to download the Avery Labels 5066 template file (black & white).
... or just write on tape, cut and stick ...














Deliver to your neighbours, friends, family.
Post to bulletin boards or light poles.
Click here to download this poster
with yellow background
Click here to download this poster
with white background

Business Cards

Click here to download the PDF of this business card.
Then send the file to a professional printer and order a box of cards.
Place them around town
(store shelves, malls, elevators, bus shelters, etc.)
or on driver's door.






















Do you own a video channel? How about doing some strategic product placement? It can be obvious or subtle. See examples below from Lynne and Jody.

click here to view the video
Lynne Brooks
LIVE in Oshawa! AXE the TAX
Apr. 15, 2024


click here to view the video
Jody Ledgerwood
How to Make New York Style Cheesecake
Apr. 5, 2024





Click here to STOP the Globalist Agenda


Click here to support our work.

Click here to email us at contact@theylied.ca


They Lied Site Map



"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
it will defend itself
~ Saint Augustine
(philosopher, theologian, and bishop)



Stay up to date with our Newsletter

Click here to read it,
or subscribe below ...




Who is "THEY"?



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