"Only the mob and the elite
can be attracted by the
momentum of totalitarianism itself.
The masses have to be
won by propaganda."
~ Hannah Arendt
Whether or not we're aware of it, our reliance upon "the herd" plants the seeds which will influence the stores we shop at, the restaurants we try out, and even the universities we choose to attend.
Mass Formation (Herd Mentality) in brief
In the summer of 2021, Prof. Mattias Desmet rose to prominence as he discussed his theory of "mass formation", especially in regard to the government reaction (and overreaction) to the Covid pandemic. Most interesting to Desmet was how many government officials, bureaucrats, and much of the public got swept up in an authoritative narrative (very consciously by some, unconsciously by others), and the psychological juggernaut gathered its own momentum as it steamrolled over the world (and especially developed countries), regardless of what reasonably sound scientific data was revealing through the noise.
In his book, The Psychology of Totalitarianism, Prof. Desmet outlines the four preconditions that must be in place before a totalitarian leader or message can captivate the masses: (1) a lack of social bonds; (2) a lack of meaning in life; (3) free-floating anxiety; and (4) free-floating aggression. Atomized into alienated, lonely, and frustrated individuals, the masses are then ready to hear the unifying message of an ascendant totalitarian, who is practically summoned into existence by the miserable masses. The leader, through a voice amplified by mass media, transmits to the crowd the galvanizing message it had been yearning to hear: (a) an identification of the source of its discontent (i.e., the enemy, or scapegoat); and (b) a strategy for dealing with that enemy or problem.
At that point, when the roiling masses snap into some sort of coherent whole, "mass formation" occurs, and in its more extreme expressions, it can become a truly hypnotic state. Up to a third of the population might be mesmerized and unreachable by any logic or argument, another third spans the middle watching and waiting, and a final third is awake; some portion of this last group speaks up and continues to speak up, and this vocal fraction is the only hope for a society to not destroy itself in the atrocities invariably accompanying totalitarian madness when it grips a society completely. The voices of dissidents break the hypnotic spell and make possible a return to consciousness and sanity.
Historically, such mind-capture is typical of societies as they are alienated from themselves and at the cusp of totalitarian despotism, but unlike the worlds of Hitler and Stalin of the 1930s and 40s, or of Mao in the 1950s and 60s, there is no charismatic single leader at the head of today's authoritarian regimes; rather there's an alliance of elites, bureaucrats, scientists, and media employed by government, universities, and corporations, including Big Pharma - all insisting upon the same unprecedented coercive strategies.
As Desmet has done in his research, Truman Verdun also draws upon authors including Gustav Le Bon, George Orwell, Eric Hoffer, Joost Meerloo, Jacques Ellul, and Hannah Arendt to help frame and interpret Desmet's message.
Source: the Amazon description of Truman Verdun's book Mass Formation (Psychosis): In Brief: Gustave Le Bon to Mattias Desmet.
"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country."
~ Edward Bernays, Propaganda
The ABCs of Propaganda & Mind Control by Jason Christoff at the International Crisis Summit 6.
This is a dramatization of a true story. "The Wave" was the name given by history teacher Ron Jones to an experimental re-creation of Nazi Germany which he conducted with high school students. The experiment took place at Cubberley High School in Palo Alto, California, during one week in 1969. Jones, unable to explain to his students why the German citizens (particularly non-Nazis) allowed the Nazi Party to exterminate millions of Jews and other so-called 'undesirables', decided to show them instead. Jones writes that he started with simple things like classroom discipline, and managed to meld his history class into a group with a supreme sense of purpose and no small amount of cliquishness. Jones named the movement "The Wave" and claimed its members would revolutionize the world. The experiment allegedly took on a life of its own, with students from all over the school joining in.
NYU professor, Mark Crispin Miller, teaches students how to recognize propaganda, using Mask studies as an example.
Professor of psychology and author Mattias Desmet is the world expert on mass formation, a condition he observed during the pandemic years. He joins UnHerd's Florence Read to unpack the links between herd mentality and totalitarianism. "The only resistance against Mass Formation and totalitarianism, against this radical dehumanization of society, is to stay loyal to ethical principles and to humanity yourself."
Joe Biden and the US government can not use social media companies to quell free speech. Then the New York Times lies about the ruling.
"The point of modern propaganda
isn't only to misinform
or push an agenda.
It is to exhaust
your critical thinking,
to annihilate truth."
~ Garry Kasparov
"In the first book, Truman Verdun interpreted Desmet's compelling concept that had lit the internet ablaze with its provocative thesis anchored in both mass psychology and observations of the COVID pandemic. Since that time, the post-Omicron world has rolled on to other disasters, manias, and media-fueled distractions and inventions. This second "In Brief" by Truman Verdun covers a range of new material, including much original content and select syntheses of Desmet's later ideas that may have been only lightly treated in the first book. Like the nimble, clear, and common sense first volume, this one gets to the heart of the matter succinctly, and with a warmly humane and perceptive touch."
"Totalitarianism is not a coincidence and does not form in a vacuum. It arises from a collective psychosis that has followed a predictable script throughout history, its formation gaining strength and speed with each generation - from the Jacobins to the Nazis and Stalinists - as technology advances. Governments, mass media, and other mechanized forces use fear, loneliness, and isolation to demoralize populations and exert control, persuading large groups of people to act against their own interests, always with destructive results.
In The Psychology of Totalitarianism, world-renowned Professor of Clinical Psychology Mattias Desmet deconstructs the societal conditions that allow this collective psychosis to take hold. By looking at our current situation and identifying the phenomenon of "mass formation" - a type of collective hypnosis - he clearly illustrates how close we are to surrendering to totalitarian regimes.
With detailed analyses, examples, and results from years of research, Desmet lays out the steps that lead toward mass formation, including:
- An overall sense of loneliness and lack of social connections and bonds;
- A lack of meaning - unsatisfying "bullshit jobs" that don't offer purpose;
- Free-floating anxiety and discontent that arise from loneliness and lack of meaning;
- Manifestation of frustration and aggression from anxiety;
- Emergence of a consistent narrative from government officials, mass media, etc., that exploits and channels frustration and anxiety.
In addition to clear psychological analysis - and building on Hannah Arendt's essential work on totalitarianism,
The Origins of Totalitarianism - Desmet offers a sharp critique of the cultural groupthink that exists throughout society. He cautions against the dangers of our current cultural landscape, media consumption, and reliance on manipulative technologies and then offers simple solutions - both individual and collective - to prevent the willing sacrifice of our freedoms."
"We can honor the right to freedom of expression and the right to self-determination without feeling threatened by each other," Desmet writes. "But there is a point where we must stop losing ourselves in the crowd to experience meaning and connection. That is the point where the winter of totalitarianism gives way to a spring of life."
Edward Bernays (1891-1995), pioneered the scientific technique of shaping and manipulating public opinion, which he famously dubbed "engineering of consent." His 1928 bombshell Propaganda lays out his eerily prescient vision for using propaganda to regiment the collective mind in a variety of areas, including government, politics, art, science and education. To read this book today is to frightfully comprehend what our contemporary institutions of government and business have become in regards to organized manipulation of the masses.
Gaslighting means saying things that make you question your memory and your perception of reality.
If you can relate to this, continue reading! This mind game is more common and more dangerous than you think.
You see, our intuition never lies. If something about a person's words or actions feels "off", they may very well be a toxic personality who's manipulating you into guilt and obedience.
The smartest manipulators are good at choosing manipulation techniques that are very, very subtle so that you won't recognize them as abuse. For example, they might argue with you whether something actually happened until you start doubting your memory. Or they say something definitely offensive and pretend it was a joke when you try to defend yourself. These are examples of gaslighting.
By corrupting global institutions, promoting forged data, publishing fraudulent science, and deploying propaganda on an unprecedented scale, the CCP under Xi Jinping transformed the snake oil of lockdowns into "science", the greatest crime of the 21st century to date. This is the story of how he did it, and why.
"Since it was first published in 1951, The Origins of Totalitarianism has been recognized as the definitive philosophical account of the totalitarian mindset. A probing analysis of Nazism, Stalinism, and the "banality of evil", it remains one of the most referenced works in studies and discussions of totalitarian movements around the world.
In the first volume, Antisemitism, Dr. Hannah Arendt traces the rise of antisemitism to Central and Western European Jewish history during the 19th century. With the appearance of the first political activity by antisemitic parties in the 1870s and 1880s, Arendt states, the machinery that led to the horrors of the Holocaust was set in motion. The Dreyfus Affair, in Arendt's view, was "a kind of dress rehearsal" - the first modern use of antisemitism as an instrument of public policy and of hysteria as a political weapon.
In the second volume, Imperialism, Dr. Hannah Arendt examines the cruel epoch of declining European colonial imperialism from 1884 to the outbreak of the First World War. Through portraits of Disraili, Cecil Rhodes, Gobineau, Proust, and T.E. Lawrence, Arendt illustrates how this era ended with the decline of the nation-state and the disintegration of Europe's class society. These two events, Arendt argues, generated totalitarianism, which in turn produced the Holocaust.
In the final volume of her classic work The Origins of Totalitarianism, Hannah Arendt focuses on the two genuine forms of the totalitarian state in modern history: the dictatorships of Bolshevism after 1930 and of National Socialism after 1938. Identifying terror as the very essence of this form of government, she discusses the transformation of classes into masses and the use of propaganda in dealing with the nontotalitarian world - and in her brilliant concluding chapter, she analyzes the nature of isolation and loneliness as preconditions for total domination."
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"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
it will defend itself."
~ Saint Augustine
(philosopher, theologian, and bishop)
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