Paramedics with Integrity

"It is much more important to know what sort of a patient has a disease than what sort of a disease a patient has."
~ William Osler

Video - Sacked paramedics
stand UNITED against vaccine mandates
July 17, 2023

Paramedics who offer a contrarian opinion to the way in which Covid policies are being enacted are being told to stand down and shut up.
This is a common occurrence in Canada where paramedics were not allowed to share the harms they were seeing. The following paramedics spoke out anyway ... most losing their job, their livelihood and their income. These brave paramedics maintained their integrity and are willing to tell their stories ...

Chet Chisholm 7:12:04 - 7:33:30
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Paramedic
Exhibit: TR-0004a-Chisholm-10 yr Cert
Job loss and Vaccine Injury. He describes what it was like doing his job during covid and the adverse effects he witnessed. His PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) worsened, but with counseling, Chet is slowly recovering.

Richard Lizotte 6:32:15 - 6:55:53
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Retired paramedic
Unable to be with dying brother in hospital due to vaccine status. Richard Lizotte talks about his brother Jerry, whose health deteriorated after his 2nd dose of the Pfizer vaccine. It began with loss of smell and taste, then memory loss. Richard recounts the heartbreaking story until his brother passes away.

Remus Nasui 8:22:06 - 8:37:03
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Paramedic since 2002
Discrimination over vaccine status, change in types of call-outs after vaccine rollout. Remus Nasui got covid and has natural immunity, but he was still treated like an outcast for refusing the vaccine. He states that during the last year, emergency calls were higher than normal, and patients showed similar symptoms. Mr. Nasui feels strongly that no one should be discriminated against, especially for their vaccine status, and that natural immunity should be acceptable.

Sean Mitchell 3:29:25 - 4:27:20
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Paramedic
Exhibit: TO-1-Mitchell-(A)-Pg 25 from Comprehensive Master Plan for Paramedic Services
Exhibit: TO-1a-Mitchell-(B)-2020-03-20-Email from Troy Cheseboro
Exhibit: TO-1b-Mitchell-(C)-2020-03-07-Email from Troy Cheseboro
Exhibit: TO-1c-Mitchell-(E)-Pg.18 from 2021 Durham Audited Financial Statements
Exhibit: TO-1d-Mitchell-Comprehensive Master Plan for Paramedic Services-2021-10-07
Exhibit: TO-1e-Mitchell-RDPS Covid-19 Update-2020-03-26
Exhibit: TO-1f-Mitchell-2021 Durham Audited-Financial-Statements-1
Lost job due to vaccine mandate, observations on pandemic from his experiences from the Durham region in Ontario. Emergency calls for Sean dropped by 66% during the pandemic (before vaccines were available). He describes his personal experience and the challenges he faced at work. He states that the types of emergency calls were different after the vaccine roll-out, many of the patients were middle-aged or younger with similar symptoms. He also presents documents that contradict what the media reported during covid.

Scarlett Martyn 6:09:25 - 6:37:04
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Paramedic for over 24 years
Exhibit: TO-21-Martyn-Citizens_Group_Notice_On_Covid_Vaccine_Safety_&_Informed_Consent_3-2
Lost job due to vaccine mandates. Scarlett testified that the death of a patient who jumped from a building was listed as COVID death. She also testified that during the pandemic the call volume was so low that she watched movies at work. Scarlett discussed the change in attitude in the work place once vaccines were rolled out. She found out she had natural immunity through tests done by a research group but was still asked to get the vaccine. She describes her personal experience during lockdowns and the detrimental changes that are affecting the quality standards of Canadian Healthcare.

Scott Crawford 5:51:15 - 6:19:15
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Expert Witness - Paramedic
Exhibit: RE-9a-Crawford-HSAA Investigation Report Jan 12 2022-Jamie Dunn Final-IC
With over 30 years experience, he lost his job due to the vaccine mandate. Spoke of online bullying, toxic work environment and resulting limits of EMS (Emergency Medical Services) service available.

Sierra Rotchford 8:59:20 - 9:22:55
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Paramedic
Sierra Rotchford offers an excellent detailed account of the types and volume of emergency calls in 2020 and 2021. She also discusses the strain on ambulance services after mandates were put in place, providing valuable insights into the challenges faced by frontline medical workers.

Mallory Flank 7:49:07 - 8:38:00
Click here to watch THIS testimony.
Lay Witness - Critical Care Paramedic
Exhibit: OT-12 -Flank-Website
Severe and persistent vaccine injury since first dose May 2021. Mast cell activation syndrome and POTS (Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome).



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"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
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~ Saint Augustine
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