Dentists & Dental Hygienists with Integrity
Dr. Stephen Bate 5:39:02 - 6:01:15
Lay Witness - Retired Dentist
Statistical analysis of data and analysis of Pfizer and Canada covid policies.
Amie Johnson 1:47:05 - 2:10:31
Lay Witness - Dental Hygienist
Amie Johnson was fired after 22 years at the same job. She describes the harassment, humiliation, discrimination, and segregation her family went through in her small town of Chester, Nova Scotia.
Dr. Misha Susoeff 2:12:54 - 2:52:20
Lay Witness - Dentist
Brings to light a different aspect of informed consent, loss of personal income, changes in patients attitudes and health and a particular incident in Canada's history regarding "passports".
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"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
it will defend itself."
~ Saint Augustine
(philosopher, theologian, and bishop)
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