Welcome to TheyLied.ca

"A lie is a lie
even if everyone believes it.
The truth is the truth
even if nobody believes it."
~ David Stevens
Have you begun to wonder about what is really happening in the world today?

The lies we've been subjected to have been deliberately used to keep us confused and divided about reality. This Divide and Conquer tactic has been successfully used to deceive and manipulate the masses throughout history.


It's not our fault
if we believed the lies.


We have been consistently exposed to well-planned, repetitive messaging from the mainstream media. Now is the time to first, ensure we fully understand what has happened, and then to share with others the truths that we have learned, all while demonstrating compassion and care for one another so that we may all heal and come together.


So ... Who Lied?
What did they lie about?


The answers can be found throughout this website. However, as a starting point, we invite you to watch some of the powerful testimonies that were shared at Canada's National Citizens Inquiry (NCI) in 2023.

Among the 300+ sworn testimonies, the inquiry heard from highly regarded media journalists describing how mainstream media news outlets were withholding the truth from Canadians during the pandemic.

In addition, the NCI contains eye witness accounts from paramedics, nurses, and funeral directors, and over 100 independent scientific, medical and legal experts, who provide surprising and often incriminating information that the legacy media have not reported to you.

You can learn more about the NCI and read their shocking conclusions in their final report here.


Is this website only about COVID?


No. This website contains information about many other important issues that impact all of us.


Why is USING CASH so important? Central Banks around the world are in the process of implementing CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) and have already said that it will give them control over every transaction you make. Digital Currency also means that everyone will have a government issued Digital ID and a Digital Wallet (if you want to purchase anything, or be paid). The implementation of Digital ID and Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) also enables the creation of a Social Credit System. The banks and government will have total control over our finances if we allow them to go 100% digital. Learn how CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency), Digital ID and Surveillance (cameras and SMARTphone location services) combine to create a Digital Prison known as a 15 Minute City (SMART City).


How was the Truth Hidden from Us?


From the testimonies at the NCI, we learned that brave doctors, nurses, journalists and others who were speaking out and trying to warn the public of potential harm were penalized.

There are additional alarming censorship measures being planned which will affect every Canadian, including you, regardless of what you currently believe in.

Most of the mainstream media outlets have been consolidated and are now owned by a small number of entities. Media is now accountable to stakeholders and advertisers (including the pharmaceutical industry) and no longer to the public viewer. This monopoly on information influences the content that we are exposed to.

Learn more about the disturbing influence of mainstream media and propaganda.


Were we Manipulated?


In Jason Christoff's powerful 11 minute presentation "The ABCs of Propaganda and Public Mind Control", he explains weaponized psychology & propaganda and provides real-world examples. The primary pillars of propaganda and mind control include:


How do I discover more?


To continue exploring, and for a deeper understanding of current events, see our recommended reading and viewing picks of books, documentaries, and news sources. Engage in local and online events and subscribe to our Substack newsletter.


If you are a parent, or are planning to become a parent, please visit the For Parents section for essential information to help make fully informed decisions regarding the health and safety of yourself and your children. We also offer a list of Health Sites of news and information that you may not find on "mainstream" medical sites.

You can see a list of all topics on our site map here.

The information presented throughout this website may challenge your current beliefs. As with any piece of information, we encourage everyone to approach this content with skepticism. We invite you to question everything and continue your own research efforts.


How can we move past division?


The lies that we have been told were purposely aimed at keeping us in disagreement and in conflict with one another to prevent us from holding the perpetrators accountable. As individuals and as a society, we can move beyond the division and the trauma that have been caused, and actively seek out truths wherever possible, and share them as much as possible with care and compassion.


We can help each other
if we work together


How can we spread the message that They Lied?


At TheyLied.ca, we believe in the power of knowledge, clarity, and collective action. We are a large and fast-growing community of people who are aware of the truth that is being hidden from us and are committed to exposing the lies. Our children's future will depend on what we do today. Together we are stronger. Join us in raising public awareness.

"During times of universal deceit,
telling the truth
becomes a revolutionary act."
~ George Orwell, 1984

Who is behind TheyLied.ca?

TheyLied.ca is comprised of a group of Canadian volunteers. Our mission is to empower Canadians, and others around the world, with knowledge and information that has been intentionally hidden from us.

We believe that this information is vital and needs to be shared with the utmost urgency. Click here to learn more about us.

"It's easier to fool people
than to convince them
that they have been fooled."
~ attributed to Mark Twain



Click here to STOP the Globalist Agenda


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Click here to email us at contact@theylied.ca


They Lied Site Map



"The truth is like a lion;
you don't have to defend it.
Let it loose;
it will defend itself
~ Saint Augustine
(philosopher, theologian, and bishop)



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