Digital ID, Biodigital Convergence, Surveillance


State Surveillance EXPOSED
The Facial Recognition
Oct. 2, 2023
The battles for free speech and the pursuit of profit in medicine and military. We look at the State vs Rumble and the challenges faced by independent media with the rising legislation like the Online Safety Bill and the repression from Google. PLUS, Lee Fang, an investigative journalist and author of The Machine: A Field Guide To The Resurgent Right talks about his latest articles exposing the undisclosed financial ties between physicians, celebrities and the drugmaker of Ozempic. He also reveals the financial interests of Lockheed Martin and how the military-industrial complex capitalizes on global conflicts.

How is biodigital convergence
changing security?
People could avoid tracking
by using CRISPR technologies
to alter their DNA.
Sep. 29, 2023
"The COVID-19 pandemic is acting as a driver of change, accelerating the transition to a biodigital world. It has raised awareness of biology and its array of uses among people, governments, and industry. It reveals the risks of misinformation and the need for bioliteracy. It pushes biodefence capabilities and national self-sufficiency to the forefront of government agendas. And it has forced societies to re-evaluate the balance between biosecurity and personal freedoms.
Conclusion: We are at the cusp of the biodigital convergence era. We use technology in biology today, but biology in itself is also a form of technology - it is programmable, codable, and alterable. The future of biology as technology could include programmable digital components. Digital technologies and biological systems are combining and merging in ways that could be profoundly disruptive to our assumptions about society, the economy, and our bodies."

Click here to watch THIS testimony
James Scott MacKillop
Lay Witness - Owner of Barely Bruised Books, Ottawa
Presents information regarding Policy Horizons Canada and how they are Exploring Biodigital Convergence. Biodigital convergence is the interactive combination, sometimes to the point of merging, of digital and biological technologies and systems. Policy Horizons is examining three ways in which this convergence is happening:
1) Full physical integration of biological and digital entities;
2) Coevolution of biological and digital technologies;
3) Conceptual convergence of biological and digital systems.
Biodigital convergence is opening up strikingly new ways to:
- change human beings - our bodies, minds, and behaviours;
- change or create other organisms;
- alter ecosystems;
- sense, store, process, and transmit information;
- manage biological innovation;
- structure and manage production and supply chains.
Follow James on X @BarelyBook

Kristel Van der Elst
Director General
Sep. 29, 2023
Kristel is the Director General at Policy Horizons Canada, Government of Canada. She is former Head of Strategic Foresight at the World Economic Forum (WEF). Kristel holds 3 Masters including an MBA from the Yale School of Management. She is a Fulbright Scholar and a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar.
Video: Horizons Talks: COVID-19 foresight - Exploring policy-relevant uncertainties by Kristel Van der Elst.

WEF Bio Page of
Kristel Van der Elst
CEO of The Global Foresight Group
Sep. 29, 2023
Kristel Van der Elst is CEO of The Global Foresight Group, Special Advisor to European Commission Vice-President Maros Sefcovic, and a fellow at the Center for Strategic Foresight of the U.S. Government Accountability Office. She is a visiting professor at the College of Europe, and the former Head of Strategic Foresight at the World Economic Forum. Kristel has about 20 years of experience in forward-looking strategy and policy advisory roles. She works with senior executives and policy makers, providing the insights, resources and processes to help them turn long-term strategic thinking into actions and impacts. Kristel holds an MBA from the Yale School of Management, a Masters in Development Cooperation from the University of Ghent, and a Masters in Commercial Engineering from the Free University of Brussels. She is a Fulbright Scholar and a Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar. WEF articles authored by Kristel Van der Elst.

Internet Governance
by the World Economic Forum
Sep. 29, 2023
"Users are ripe for exploitation by the internet's dominant business model of targeted advertising ... the internet remains an active platform for potential abuse."

This is about
their desire
to control you.
Jan. 29, 2023
"This Digital stuff is absolutely key. Because, without it, they can't enforce anything! If they have a digital process whereby they can restrict your movement, your behaviour, and your decisions, with a click of a button, you are done. You're done!" You have become their slave.

WorldCoin (WLD)
Scan your eyeball
& get free money.
What could go wrong?
July 26, 2023
WorldCoin, a new company with ties to the Bilderberg Group and the World Economic Forum (WEF), just launched a global Digital ID where they want to scan your eyeball and use Biometrics to turn your life into a scene from The Minority Report. WorldCoin scans people's eyeballs to generate a specific ID number. This is how you will receive global Universal Basic Income (UBI) for Just Being Human. Who started this company? Sam Altman, he also founded, or is the CEO of, OpenAI (artificial intelligence). He is also a part of the World Economic Forum, more specifically their Young Global Leaders program which according to Klaus Schwab, are people being groomed to not only save the world, but to run it one day. Mr. Altman has also attended the Bilderberg Group meetings that are incredibly secretive. Other attendees include: Henry Kissinger; Secretary General of NATO; and the CEO of Pfizer. The problem here is when you start to consolidate power, when you centralize things like data, that can be used against society and can be used to control society. Eventually you're going to get someone that is controlling that data or controlling WorldCoin like: a sociopath; a megalomaniac; a person that has an insatiable lust for power. So even if there are very good intentions here, the problem is, once it grows, once it expands, it's going to be taken over by someone who we don't want to have that data. We have seen this happen time and time again throughout history. Unfortunately, what Sam Altman and his crew are doing right now, is paving the path for this to potentially happen in the future but not at a country level at a global level.

Dr. Michael Yeadon discusses the
interoperability of Digital ID
July 19, 2023
Dr. Michael Yeadon discusses the interoperability of Digital ID and the problem it presents for society. He also explains how cash will disappear and be replaced with a CBDC in a "zero trust" world.

Why the time has come to embrace
the Zero-Trust model of cybersecurity
Oct. 27, 2021

How do you get your drinking water?
China uses Facial Recognition.
Nigeria uses Digital ID.
May 10, 2023

Digital IDs Are Dangerous
Sep. 28, 2018
Digital IDs Are More Dangerous Than You Think - they're ripe for exploitation and abuse, to the detriment of our freedoms and democracies. The use of a digital ID should not be mandated. We should have the option to say NO to any demand that we have a digital ID, without prejudice or negative repercussions.

Melissa Cuimmei
Carbon Credits Is The New Currency,
Digitial ID is The Last Gate
Dec. 2, 2022

WEF: Individual Carbon Footprint Tracker
Nov. 13, 2022

"We're developing through technology, an ability for
consumers to measure their own carbon footprint.
What does that mean? That's ...
Where are they traveling?
How are they traveling?
What are they eating?
What are they consuming?
... on the platform. So ...
'Individual Carbon Footprint Tracker'.
Stay tuned, we don't have it operational yet,
but this is something that we're working on."

Canada's Digital Charter references
Canada's Smart Cities Challenge
and the World Economic Forum's
Centre for the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Mar. 13, 2023

Canada's Digital Ambition 2022

"With digital identity done right,
a vaccine proof (passport) would
allow Canadians to securely
prove who they are,
verify that they were vaccinated"
Digital ID & Authentication Council of Canada

A re-elected Liberal government will:
Require that travellers on interprovincial trains, commercial flights, cruise ships, and other federally regulated vessels be vaccinated. Ensure vaccination across the federal public service. As the country's largest employer, this will protect the health and safety of the federal public servants and their communities, across Canada. We will also keep working with employers in Crown corporations and federally regulated workplaces to ensure vaccination is prioritized for workers in these sectors.

Access "My Service Canada Account" (MSCA)
by signing in with your
provincial digital ID (Alberta and BC)

Why Canada Needs a
Digital Identity System
Canadian Bankers Association

Public consultation on digital ID
for federal public services
Canada to launch public consultation on digital ID framework for federal public services. Canada is one of the eight countries that formed a working group for digital ID in 2020. The group - chaired by Australia's Digital Transformation Agency – also includes Australia, Finland, Israel, New Zealand, Singapore, the Netherlands, and the UK. The Canadian government has yet to provide details on when the its public consultation on digital ID might run. Countries that have either implemented digital ID systems or are working on doing so include Estonia, Germany, the UK, and Australia, as well as the EU.

Global Government Forum
INNOVATION conference

According to Policy Horizons Canada, "Biodigital convergence could rapidly advance targeted treatments, and precision medicine based on genomic profiles - leading to improved and targeted preventive care. The pharmaceutical industry may explore the manipulation of living organisms' DNA as treatment. DNA databases could become a strategic asset and input for the development of new drugs and therapies."


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